例句-1:We need the Committee's approval for this scheme. Do you think they'llplay ballwith us.
例句-2:She wanted me to go to Scotland by car with her so that her holiday would cost less, but I wouldnot play ballwith her.
从我们刚才听到的这2个句子中,都可以听到同一个词语:play ball。这是一条动词性习惯用语。习语中的play是“玩”的意思,ball是指“球”,play ball的意思当然就是“打球”了。除了“打球”这个意思外,它还有作为习惯用语的意思,意思是to agree to do something the way someone else wants you to(按照某人的意愿行事)。要强调“按照某人的意愿行事”中的“某人”二字的意思,在短语的后面加上介词with即可,即:play ball with sb。
1.He is very helpful and it is easy toplay ball withhim.他非常肯帮忙,与他合作很容易。
2.The Congress is refusing toplay ball withthe President on this bill.关于这项法案,国会拒绝与总统合作。
3.Look, youplay ball withme and tell me who your boss is, and maybe we can get the judge to take it easy on you.你听着,你要是现在和我合作,告诉我你的老板是谁,这样也许我们可以让法官对你宽大处理。
附注:take it easy on sb:对某人款待处理,对某人要求不苛刻,对某人要求不严厉
Eg. Take it easy on your son and don't scold him too much.对你儿子不要操之过急,不要过分责骂他。
4.To get his programs passed through the congress, a president sometimes has toplay ball withmembers of the opposing party and do them favors in return for their votes.
译文:作为一个总统, 为了让国会通过他的计划,有的时候也不得不和反对党的成员合作,给他们一些好处,以换取他们的选票。
附注1:pass through:通过
Eg.He has passed through a college for years but now he is still between the jobs.他已经大学毕业多年了,但是如今还是没有找到工作。
附注2:opposing party:反对党,(法律)对方当事人
附注3:do sb a favor:给予某人恩惠,给某人好处,帮助某人
Eg.It's sound policy to do a favor before seeking one.先助人后求助是良策。
Eg.Would you do me a favor to translate it into Chinese?你能不能帮忙翻译成汉语?
附注4:in return:作为回报,作为报答
Eg. Ibought him a drink in return for his help.我请他喝酒以酬谢他的帮助.
Eg.What do we give them in return?我们以什么来报答他们呢?
例句-1:We need the Committee's approval for this scheme. Do you think they'll play ball with us?
例句-2:She wanted me to go to Scotland by car with her so that her holiday would cost less, but I would not play ball with her.
我们今天的这招说Cooperation(合作)—— play ball with sb,意思是按照别人的意愿行事。只要我们心中多一份理解,多一份包容,多一份退让,我们的合作就可以成功。
最后我们一起来欣赏一首经典的英文歌曲。It is named Yesterday Once More. Enjoy it...