. 用对等直译法口译下列句子:
(1) Expanding our co-operation in science and technology can be one of our greatest gifts to the future.
(2) We can work together as equals in a spirit of mutual respect and mutual benefit.
(3) We Americans admire your accomplishment, your economy, your hard work, creativeness, and vision, your efforts against hunger and poverty, your work with us for peace and stability in Korea and South Asia.
(4) I should like to pay a tribute to the leaders of China for the vision and farsightedness of their approach to the negotiations.
(5) I have seen the fresh shoots of democracy growing in the villages of your heartland. I have also seen the cell phones, the video players, and fax machines carrying ideas, information and images from all over the world.
(6) There is also great potential in our joint efforts to increase managerial and scientific
(1) 互相了解,是发展国与国之间关系的前提。
(2) 改革开放二十五年来,中国的国力增强了,人民生活提高了。
(3) 中美保持友好关系,不仅造福两国人民,而且对促进亚太地区和世界的和平、稳定
(4) 我要借此机会,向伟大的美国人民转达十二亿中国人民的诚挚问候和良好祝愿。
(5) 二十一世纪即将来临,世界各国人民都期待着新世纪成为一个充满希望的世纪,我
(6) 稳定的中美关系并不意味着两国之间不存在差异、争论或纠纷。