警告 Giving Warnings
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.You should be more careful next time.下次你要更加小心。
2.Please be more careful in the future.请以后多加小心。
3.I hope that I don't have to warn you again.我希望以后不必再警告你。
4.I hope that this will be the last warning I have to give you.我希望这是我给你的最后一次警告。
5.Please don't let this happen again.请别再犯(错)了。
6.If this happens again you will be in serious trouble.如果再犯(错),你就有大麻烦了。
7.I don't want to have to tell you about this again.这件事,我不想再告诉你第二遍。
8.Because of your negligence you have caused a lot of trouble for manypeople.由于你的失职,给许多人造成了很多麻烦。
9.I hope you will take this warning to heart and not let it happen again.我希望你会把这次警告记在心头,不再犯(错)了。
10.Please regard this as a gentle warning about your professional conduct inthe office.请将此事视为对你的办公室职业表现的一般警告。
经典范文 Model
Subject:Final warning
Dear Paul,
Your writing skills are an asset to our company;however, your inability to work five days a week and complete projects on time is slowing our production schedule and may jeopardize your employment. During the past two weeks you have called in sick three times, bringing your total sick days for the year to 15.If this pattern continues, we will no longer be able to employ you.
As you know, we discussed these problems in detail on Thursday, May 6,in your quarterly review. I told you then that you had no more sick days.I also reviewed with you the various ailments that you claimed to be suffering from when you called in sick the thirteen times prior to our meeting.After our discussion, you said you were feeling much better.I also informed you that if you were to call in sick once more without medical verification, we would terminate your employment.
We feel you can make a good contribution to our corporate effort, and hopethat you will overcome this recurring problem. You have significant potential.
Yours truly,
Alice Qing