速度/速率 Speed/Velocity
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.My Internet broadband connection has a speed of 100 Mbps.我的互联网宽带的数据传输速度是每秒100兆字节。
2.This new photocopier prints out copies at the rate of 180 per minute.这台新复印机的复印速度为每分钟180张。
3.The bus to work is so slow that it takes me one hour to get here.我上班时乘坐的公交车开得太慢了,得用一小时才到这里。
4.I had to drive at over 125 km/h to meet my client at the appointed time.为了在约好的时间与我的客户见面,我不得不把车开到时速125公里以上。
5.Our new secretary seems to be a slow typist.我们新来的秘书的打字速度似乎不快。
6.Jack is a fast learner and I am sure he will make rapid progress in accounts.
7.I'll try to get you up to speed on the negotiations as soon as possible.我会设法尽快告诉你有关谈判的情况。
8.We'll have to move at lightning speed if we want to get this contract beforeour competitors.如果我们想赶在我们的对手之前签到这份合同,就得以闪电般的速度行动。
9.I really want to fast-track my career as it seems to be a bit slow-paced atthe moment.我确实想要加快发展我的职业生涯,它最近似乎有点儿放慢节奏了。
10.She's a fast-lane Wall Streeter, who's zoomed up the corporate ladder.
经典范文 Model
Subject:Timewell negotiations
Dear Robert,
As you know, we have the Timewell negotiations coming up next week. I'll try to get you up to speed on the negotiations as soon as possible.Then we'll have to move at lightning speed if we want to get this contract before our competitors.We need to wrap this up quickly so no slowing down or standing still until it's in the bag.Then we can go out andcelebrate and live life in the fast lane, eh?
Good luck!
Nigel Yu