方向 Direction
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.Just follow the attached directions and you'll soon be able to find theclient's offices.参照随附的路线指南,你将很快找到客户的办公室。
2.I think this department has lost its sense of direction and we need to getback on track, pronto!我觉得这个部门已经迷失了方向,因此,我们需要使它重回正轨,立即行动!
3.I'm having trouble with this report.Could you have a look at it and point mein the right direction?我在写这个报告时遇到了些麻烦,你能帮我看看,为我指点迷津吗?
4.Can you direct me to the staff canteen, please?请你告诉我去员工餐厅怎么走,好吗?
5.Which way do I go to find the stationery store, please?请你告诉我去文具店应该怎么走,好吗?
6.To get to the conference room, go up to the fourth floor, turn right, gostraight down the corridor and its room 411 on your left.要去会议室,请上4楼,左转,顺着走廊一直走,411室在你的左边。
7.I hope we are heading in the right direction for the sales department.我希望我们正在把销售部引向正确的方向。
8.Are you heading in the same direction as me?你是和我去同一个方向吗?
9.If you head due south you will soon come to the Central Business District.
10.Which direction do I need to go in to find the Finance department?我应该朝哪个方向走才能找到财务部?
经典范文 Model
Subject:Quarterly report
Dear Miss Hu,
I wonder if you could spare the time to help me. I'm having trouble with the attached report.Could you have a look at it and point me in the right direction?I've completely lost my bearings as to where to go from here.I've tried to solve it on my own but I've come to a dead end so if you can help me on this I would be eternally grateful.
Tracey Kuo