感谢与应答 Giving and Receiving Thanks
Thank you so much!太感谢您了!
I really appreciate……我很感激……
You've really helped me a lot.您真的帮了我大忙。
You've made a difference in my life by……由于您……我的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。
I can't thank you enough for……我不知道该怎样感谢您……I’m so grateful for your……对于您的……我深表感谢。
Thanks a million!非常感谢!
You are a lifesaver!您真是个大救星!
You are my hero!您真是我的大英雄!
You’re the man!你真是太棒了!
I am so thankful because……让我感激不尽。
I greatly appreciate……我非常感激……
I couldn't have done it without you.没有您,我是做不成的。
I owe you one!我欠您一个人情!
You're welcome.不客气。
It's been my pleasure.这是我的荣幸。
I am happy to help.我很乐意帮忙。
It’s my pleasure.我很荣幸。
No problem, anytime!没问题,随叫随到。
Don’t worry about it!没事的!
Small kine!小事一桩!
It was nothing.没什么的。