教程:《老外来了》双语脱口秀  浏览:313  
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    主播:Alan(美国) 翩翩(中国)

    音乐:Listen - One OK Rock

    Today's fun topic:

    What are some telltale signs of person is Chinese? 判断中国人的标志有哪些?

    telltale signs 标志

    How you know what can you see a people is doing, from that you can tell where they from. Telltale signs 就是从一个人的行为举止可以判断出这个人是哪个国家的、文化是什么样子的。

    We will look at a funny list of top 10 culture differences that foreigners noticed. 一些外国人在了解中国文化之后,总结出了一个sum up,前10项中国人的特征,一看就知道这是中国人!

    NO.10 Fight over who pays the dinner bill. 为谁来买单而打架。

    fight over 为……打架

    ‘ I'm gonna do it!’‘No! I 'm gonna do it!’ 中国人会为了抢着买单而fight over,打到医院之后,又会继续为了抢着出医药费而买单。

    In America, people offer to pay the bill. But if you say ‘no, I wanna do it’ or ‘let me do it’ more than 2 times, people will just let you do it. 而在美国文化当中,如果一个人说“我来买单吧”说两遍,那么另一方就会毫不客气的let you do it哦。美国文化里可是不存在“客气”这件事情的。因为他们认为,总有一天你会treat back 请回来的

    NO.9 Drive around looking for the best parking space. 开着车到处寻找最好的停车位。

    drive around 开车四处转

    parking space 停车位

    Actually, right now, I spend a lot of time to drive around to look for a parking space, not the best one. 而现在对于翩翩老师来说,开车到处转可不是为了找最好的停车位,能找到停车位就已经很不容易啦。

    If in summer, you want to find a parking space maybe with a tree over it. 美国人同样也会去找最合适的停车位啊,尤其是在夏天,他们会更喜欢有树荫的停车位。所以这个中国人的特征并不是很typical很有“中国特色”啦。

    NO.8 Take showers at night. 晚上洗澡。

    take shower 淋浴

    take a bath 沐浴(in a bathtub在浴缸里的沐浴)

    It's showering. 下大雨了。

    In western countries,many people take showers in the morning. 中国人喜欢晚上洗澡,而在西方国家,很多人都是在早上洗澡的。

    NO.7 Never hug their parents. 从不拥抱父母。

    intimacy 亲昵的行为,亲密

    Chinese are too shy to show their love or intimacy to parents. 中国人对父母的亲昵和爱总是羞于去表达,因此从不,或者很少去拥抱父母。

    Most children hug their parents. 对欧美人来说,绝大多数的孩子都会拥抱他们的父母,physical touch 是一种表达爱的方式。


    Xiaoshun: It's a special word for the way a kid treading their parents when the kid is growing up. 中国的“孝顺”是指:孩子在长大以后对待父母的一个特别的词语,不可以用到其他人身上,只能用于父母。

    Filial piety: It means loyalty to your parents. 英语当中的“孝顺”可以用filial piety来表达。But it's a technical word, not very common. 但这是一个术语,不是常用语。

    NO.6 Have a Chinese knick-knack hanging on the rear view mirror. 在车内的后视镜上挂小饰物。

    rear view mirror 后视镜

    What is a kninck-knack? It's a small and cheap decoration. kninck-knack其实就是一个像中国结这一类的小饰物。外国人也会在车内的后视镜上挂一些小饰物,但不是中国结这种。

    NO.5 Leave the plastic covers on your remote control. 把遥控器上的塑料袋留在上面。

    remote control 遥控器

    中国人会为了keep it new 而把遥控器上的塑料袋留在上面不摘掉。也有一些家庭会把原本的plastic covers换成好看的保护袋。

    而在美国文化当中,大多数人可能会用cell phone cover, 但是可能不会Leave the plastic covers on your remote control。

    NO.4 Like to sing karaoke. 喜欢唱K。

    Most Americans don’t think about or do karaoke very much. Maybe at weddings. 美国人不太喜欢唱K, 即使是在婚礼上唱歌,也跟中国人在KTV里唱的不同。

    Lots of Asian people like to sing karaoke. 唱K 可以说是一种亚洲文化,不仅仅是中国人喜欢唱,其他亚洲国家的人也喜欢唱K哦。

    NO.3 Suck on the fish head. 吮吸鱼头。

    Definitely not where I come from. 西方人可是不吃鱼头的哟。

    In western countries, fish/ chicken/ pork serve as meat. 在西方国家,鸡鸭鱼肉极少会带着骨头上桌,永远都是以肉相见。

    NO.2 Like to eat chicken feet. 喜欢吃凤爪。

    In China, it's a common thing to eat chicken feet. But most Americans wouldn't even consider it. 中国人吃凤爪很常见,但对于美国人来说,他们可是想都不敢想呢。所以这是不是够“中国特色”呢?

    NO.1 Drinking hot water. 喝热水。

    room temperature 常温的

    Most westerners don’t drink hot water. They prefer cold water or cool water, especially in the summer. 西方人喝水一定喝的是凉水,或者是room temperature water 常温水,他们更喜欢直接从水龙头接饮用水。

    Either room temperature water or ice water. Never hot water.

    How do you recognize a Chinese? Please comment to us!

      上一篇:双语脱口秀《老外来了》:孙红雷、张涵予…西方人眼中的“帅”男人! 下一篇:双语脱口秀《老外来了》:不上班你养我啊?我养你啊!老外聊中国电影


