教程:《老外来了》双语脱口秀  浏览:293  
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    主播:梅莉 | 翩翩音乐:Je Ne Serai Jamais Ta Parisienne今天,我们要和大家聊的是梅莉的世界公民(World’s Citizen)新生活。1.Previously in Maelle’s Life梅莉的成长背景was born with her twin sister in France 和双胞胎妹妹在法国出生grew up in Qingdao for 18 years 在中国生活,直到18岁In 2019, she moved to France for study. 19年去法国求学。(梅莉把法国称作是“护照国家”passport country)Now, she moved to Barcelona and she is doing a university exchange. 作为大学交换生,梅莉去了巴塞罗那。2.How are you liking it? 梅莉感受如何?It is very exciting. Everything is new. 激动人心,一切都是新的。Barcelona is a very fun city. 巴塞罗那是一个非常有趣的城市。She gets to meet people from all over the world. 能见到世界各地的人。She has got chance to see the diversity of the world. 能看到世界的多样性。*all over the world 世界各地*diversity /daɪˈvɜ:rsəti/ n. 多样性3.Do you speak Spanish? 梅莉会说西班牙语吗?Maelle speaks some Spanish,学过一点。It quite hard to learn languages without being in the country.不在语言环境里,学习语言就会很难。而且,语言不通的时候特别容易闹笑话。几周前,梅莉和朋友went grocery shopping for dinner(去买点食材做晚餐),他们想要买steak(牛排),但是梅莉didn’t know how to say cow in Spanish,然后她 started mooing for the butcher(冲着卖肉的人moo),这让屠夫和朋友都laughed so hard(笑得不行)。其实,语言障碍是小事,关键是文化冲击。4.Did you have any culture shocks? 有没有遇到“文化冲击”?Spain is quite close to France. 西班牙法国还是比较相近的,但梅莉还是遇到了一些“文化冲击”。Culture Shock1 :They eat really late. 吃饭很晚。Lunch is at 2 or even 3pm. Dinner is usually around 10 pm.It certainly does take some getting used to. 需要一定的时间来适应。Culture Shock2 :Most women do not wear tops at the beach.大部分女性在沙滩上不穿上身。Barcelona’s residents are not shy at all. 本地居民一点都不害羞。梅莉wears tops at the beach,在本地人看来,可能是weird。*not at all 根本不……;一点也不……*resident /ˈrezɪdənt/ n. 居民5.Some Funny Stories in Barcelona在巴塞罗那的趣事There are many Chinese people in Barcelona, 也有很多中国人开的店,比如beauty salons(美容店), small bars(小酒吧), supermarkets(超市), 甚至还有driving schools(驾校)。梅莉与中国“老乡”在巴塞罗那的美好相遇:趣事一:梅莉walked into a nail salon(美甲店),the owner and employees 都是中国人。因为梅莉金发碧眼的,他们以为梅莉是resident,然后started speaking Spanish。然而梅莉directly spoke Chinese to them。They were so surprised and confused(惊讶又困惑). Then they ended up chatting about China.最后聊起了中国。付款的时候,梅莉 paid by WeChat instead of cash. 付款方式超级中国化。*nail salon 美甲店*owner 老板*employee /ɪmˈplɔɪi:/ n. 店员*directly /dəˈrektli/ adv. 直接地*confused /kənˈfju:zd/ adj. 困惑的*end up doing 以……结束趣事二:梅莉was looking for a 中超,但是she didn’t know where to go.她 found a small bar, 看到了a Chinese lady sitting by the door。The lady spoke to Maelle in Spanish,但梅莉directly spoke Chinese to her, “不好意思,附近有没有中超?” She stared at 梅莉 for a while very confused(盯着梅莉看了一会儿,满脸疑惑). 梅莉解释说she grew up in China,然后那个女人用汉语回她,“哦,能听出来!”甚至还能听出梅莉有一点Qingdao accent(青岛口音)。That was super sweet!*stare at盯着……看*accent /ˈæksent/ n. 口音,腔调在异国他乡遇到so many Chinese people,这让梅莉感到so comforting(欣慰的)。语言是有力量的,一点乡音都会让游子 feel at home。6.Entertainment in Barcelona在巴塞罗那的娱乐Maelle got the chance to visit quite a few places in Barcelona.Bunkers(bunkers del Carmel):You can climb up to have a beautiful view of Barcelona.你可以爬上去观望整个巴塞罗那的风景。这期节目,我们加上了梅莉在巴塞罗那拍摄的照片,大家可以到“一席文化”公众号里查看。TibidaboThere is an amusement park on the mountain which is pretty cool! 有山上游乐场,听听就很童话。BarcelonetaIt’s a beach. 有很多娱乐活动,比如surfing(冲浪), volleyball(排球). It is really nice and the water is really warm as well! 是一个好去处,水也很温暖。The nightlife in Barcelona is also very fun. 夜生活非常丰富。有很多bars and clubs,其中梅莉最喜欢的俱乐部是Razzmatazz,it has 5 different rooms with different types of music(不同的房间有不同的音乐),比如Pop(流行音乐), Techno(电子音乐), Disco(迪斯科), Reggaetón (a typical Spanish music genre典型的西班牙音乐)。巴塞罗那还有比较好的一点是,things are cheaper compared to France. 物价比法国要低,比如在 clothes, shoes, food, and even drinks and partying in general等方面。This is why many young people travel to Barcelona to party(怪不得年轻人喜欢去巴塞罗那开派对).请留言告诉我们,你有什么想说的,或者想聊的。See you next time!

      上一篇:双语脱口秀《老外来了》:强推!三部2021在欧美爆火的外文电影!不可不看! 下一篇:双语脱口秀《老外来了》:疫情反扑,美国人民把“病毒”当“流感”!


