很多小伙伴背了很多英语单词,却还是听不懂外国人的对话,很大一部分原因是我们学的是书面用语,而对方说的是一些约定俗成的习语俗语,所以如果我们想要提升自己的口语水平,还是要注意英语俗语的积累。以下是听力课堂小编整理的英语俗语:throw the baby out with the bath water 亏本,得不偿失的资料,希望你能有所收获!
throw the baby out with the bath water[俗]亏本,得不偿失
I don’t want to sell the house. Although it is old and broken, it is a his toric spot. If I sold it, all members of my family would blame me, so I don’t want to throw the baby out with the bath water.
You mustn’t buy the cheap make-up, or you will throw the baby out with the bath water.
throw意指泼、扔,baby意指婴儿,the bath water意指洗澡水;to throw the baby out with the bath water系指在泼洗澡水的时候连孩子一起泼掉了,喻指在摒弃不重要的东西的同时,将重要的东西也抛弃了。
以上就是英语俗语:throw the baby out with the bath water 亏本,得不偿失的全部资料,还等什么,赶快练起来吧!