很多小伙伴背了很多英语单词,却还是听不懂外国人的对话,很大一部分原因是我们学的是书面用语,而对方说的是一些约定俗成的习语俗语,所以如果我们想要提升自己的口语水平,还是要注意英语俗语的积累。以下是听力课堂小编整理的英语俗语:hide/bury one’s head in the sand的资料,希望你能有所收获!
hide / bury one’s head in the sand一看到这个成语,你马上就会想到鸵鸟或者人们常说的鸵鸟政策吧!不错hide / bury one’s head in the sand 是鸵鸟的一个习惯动作。鸵鸟爱把头埋在沙堆里,这样,它就可以无视周围发生的一切了。不仅是鸵鸟,有些人有时也会这样做。他们这样做是为了自欺欺人,拒绝承认他们不想接受的客观现实。自然,这是一种不明智的做法:
If you continue to hide your head in the sand and refuse to recognize the fact that some of your classmates are catching up with you, it won’t be long before you find yourself lagging behind.
It’s unwise and even dangerous for a government to bury its head in the sand and cling to the ideal that everything in the country remains unchanged and there is no need for any adjustment in its policies.
以上就是英语俗语:hide/bury one’s head in the sand的全部资料,还等什么,赶快练起来吧!