演讲MP3+双语文稿:Facebook 在英国脱欧中的角色——以及对民主的威胁
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    【演讲者】Carole Cadwalladr

    【演讲主题】Facebook 在英国脱欧中的角色——以及对民主的威胁


    翻译者:功伟 邢 校对者:Jin Ge

    So, on the day after the Brexitvote,in June 2016,when Britain woke up to the shockofdiscovering that we're leaving the European Union,my editor at the"Observer" newspaper in the UKasked me to go back to South Wales,where I grew up, and to write a report.And so I went to a town calledEbbw Vale.

    2016年6月, 英国脱欧投票结束后的那天,当英国醒来后,震惊地发现我们将要离开欧盟,我在英国《观察者》报纸的编辑让我回到威尔士南部去写一份报告,那是我长大的地方。于是我去了一个叫埃布谷的小镇。


    Here it is.It's in the South WalesValleys, which is this quite special place.So it's had this very, sort ofrich, working-class culture,and it's famous for its Welsh male voicechoirs and rugby and its coal.But when I was a teenager, the coal minesand the steelworks closed,and the entire area was devastated.And Iwent there because it had one of the highest "Leave" votes in thecountry.Sixty-two percent of the people here voted to leave the EuropeanUnion.And I wanted to know why.

    就在这儿。它位于南威尔士山谷, 这是一个非常特别的地方。这里有着浓厚的工人阶级文化,以威尔士男声合唱团、橄榄球和煤炭而闻名。但当我十几岁的时候, 煤矿和钢铁厂都倒闭了,整个地区都衰落了。我去那里是因为那里出现了 全国最高的“脱欧”票比例。这里62%的人投票决定离开欧盟。我想知道为什么。


    When I got there, I was just a bit takenaback,because the last time I went to Ebbw Vale,it looked likethis.And now, it looks like this.This is a new 33-million-poundcollege of further educationthat was mostly funded by the EuropeanUnion.And this is the new sports centerthat's at the middle of350-million-pound regeneration projectthat's being funded by the EuropeanUnion.And this is the new 77-million-pound road-improvementscheme,and there's a new train line, a new railway station,andthey're all being funded by the European Union.And it's not as if any ofthis is a secret,because there's big signs like this everywhere.

    当我到达那里的时候, 我只是有点吃惊,因为上次我去埃布谷的时候,它看起来是这样的。现在,它看起来像这样。这是一所耗资3300万英镑的 继续教育大学,主要由欧盟资助。这是一个新的体育中心,这是由欧盟资助的3.5亿英镑的重建项目的中心。这是一个新的7700万英镑的 道路改善计划,还有一条新的铁路线, 一个新的火车站,这些都是由欧盟资助的。这并不是什么秘密,因为到处都有这样的大标志。


    [EU Funds: Investing in Wales]




    I had this sort of weird sense ofunreality,walking around the town.And it came to a headwhen Imet this young man in front of the sports center.And he told me that hehad voted to leave,because the European Union had done nothing forhim.He was fed up with it.And all around town, people told me thesame thing.They said that they wanted to take back control,whichwas one of the slogans in the campaign.And they told me that they weremost fed upwith the immigrants and with the refugees.They'd hadenough.

    在小镇上散步的时候,我时不时有一种 奇怪的不真实的感觉。当我走到体育中心 遇到这个年轻人的时候,我的想法达到了顶点。他告诉我,他投票决定离开欧盟,因为欧盟没有为他做任何事情。他受够了。镇上的人都跟我说了同样的话。他们说他们想夺回控制权,这是竞选口号之一。他们告诉我,他们受够了移民和难民。移民已经太多了。


    Which was odd.Because walking around,I didn't meet any immigrants or refugees.I met one Polish woman who toldmeshe was practically the only foreigner in town.And when I checkedthe figures,I discovered that Ebbw Vale actually hasone of thelowest rates of immigration in the country.And so I was just a bitbaffled,because I couldn't really understandwhere people weregetting their information from.Because it was the right-wing tabloidnewspaperswhich printed all these stories about immigration.Andthis is a very much left-wing Labour stronghold.

    这太奇怪了。因为走了这么久, 我没有遇到一个移民或难民。我遇到一位波兰妇女,她告诉我她几乎是镇上唯一的外国人。当我查看这些数据时,我发现埃布谷实际上是英国移民率最低的地区之一。所以我有点困惑,因为我不能真正理解人们从哪里得到了信息。因为正是右翼小报刊登了所有关于移民的报道。但这里一个非常左翼的工党大本营。


    But then after the article came out, thiswoman got in touch with me.And she was from Ebbw Vale,and she toldme about all this stuff that she'd seen on Facebook.I was like,"What stuff?"And she said it was all this quite scary stuffabout immigration,and especially about Turkey.So I tried to findit.But there was nothing there.Because there's no archive of adsthat people had seenor what had been pushed into their newsfeeds.No trace of anything, gone completely dark.And thisreferendum that will have this profound effect forever on Britain --it'salready had a profound effect:the Japanese car manufacturers that came toWales and the north eastto replace the mining jobs --they arealready going because of Brexit.

    但文章发表后, 有个女人和我取得了联系。她来自埃布谷,她把在Facebook上看到的东西 全部告诉了我。我说,“什么东西?”她说移民问题非常可怕,尤其是土耳其。所以我试着找到她所说的消息。但是什么也没有。因为没有相关的档案, 来保存人们看过的广告或新闻媒体流推送的内容 也没有被保存。没有任何痕迹,完全没有线索。这次公投将对英国产生深远的影响——它已经产生了深远的影响:之前威尔士和东北部的 日本汽车制造商曾取代矿业工作——现在他们已经因为英国脱欧而离开了。


    And this entire referendum took place indarkness,because it took place on Facebook.And what happens onFacebook stays on Facebook,because only you see your news feed, and thenit vanishes,so it's impossible to research anything.So we have noidea who saw what adsor what impact they had,or what data was usedto target these people.Or even who placed the ads, or how much money wasspent,or even what nationality they were.

    整个公投发生在黑暗中,因为它发生在Facebook上。Facebook上发生的事情 只会留在Facebook圈子里,因为只有你看到你的新闻推送, 然后它就消失了,所以无法研究任何东西。所以我们不知道谁看到了什么广告,这些广告又产生了什么影响,或者这些推送是基于哪些数据的。甚至是谁投放了广告,花了多少钱,甚至这些人的国籍是什么。


    But Facebook does.Facebook has theseanswers,and it's refused to give them to us.Our parliament hasasked Mark Zuckerberg multiple times to come to Britainand to give usthese answers.And every single time, he's refused.And you have towonder why.Because what I and other journalists have uncoveredisthat multiple crimes took place during the referendum.And they took placeon Facebook.

    但是Facebook知晓这些秘密。Facebook有这些问题的答案,但它拒绝告诉我们。我们的议会已经多次要求 马克·扎克伯格来英国给我们解释这些疑问。每一次,他都拒绝了。你一定想知道他为什么不来。因为我和其他记者发现,公投期间发生了多起犯罪。而且这些犯罪 就发生在Facebook上。


    It's because in Britain, we limit theamount of moneythat you can spend in an election.And it's becausein the 19th century,people would walk around with literally wheelbarrowsof cashand just buy voters.So we passed these strict laws to stopthat from happening.But those laws don't work anymore.Thisreferendum took place almost entirely online.And you can spend any amountof money on Facebook or on Google or on YouTube adsand nobody will know,because they're black boxes.And this is what happened.

    因为在英国,我们限制你在选举中可以花的钱。这是因为在19世纪,人们真的会带着一手推车的现金四处走动,然后收买选民。所以我们通过了这些严格的法律来阻止这种情况的发生。但是那些法律现在已经不管用了。这次公投几乎完全是在网上进行的。你可以在Facebook、谷歌或 YouTube上花很多钱,没人会知道,因为它们经过”黑盒操作“, 没人知道其内部运作。事情就是这样。


    We've actually got no idea of the fullextent of it.But we do know that in the last days before the Brexitvote,the official "Vote Leave" campaignlaundered nearlythree quarters of a million poundsthrough another campaignentitythat our electoral commission has ruled was illegal,and it'sreferred it to the police.

    实际上,我们并不知道它的全部范围。但我们知道的是, 在英国脱欧公投前的最后几天,官方的“脱欧公投”活动通过另一个竞选实体洗钱近75万英镑,我们的选举委员会裁定 该实体是非法的,并将其提交给了警方。


    And with this illegal cash,"VoteLeave" unleashed a fire hose of disinformation.Ads like this.



    [Turkey's 76m people joining the EU]


    This is a lie, it's a totallie.Turkey is not joining the European Union.There's not even anydiscussions of it joining the European Union.And most of us, we never sawthese ads,because we were not the target of them."VoteLeave" identified a tiny sliver of peoplewho it identified aspersuadable, and they saw them.And the only reason we are seeing thesenowis because parliament forced Facebook to hand them over.

    这是个谎言,是个彻彻底底的谎言。土耳其不会加入欧盟。甚至没有任何关于它加入欧盟的讨论。而我们大多数人,我们从来没有见过这些广告,因为我们不是他们的目标。“脱欧公投”寻找了一小部分 被认为会动摇的人,他们看到了这些广告。我们现在看到这些的唯一原因是因为议会强迫Facebook 交出了它们。


    And maybe you think,"Well, itwas just a bit of overspending.It's a few lies."But this wasthe biggest electoral fraud in Britain for 100 years.In aonce-in-a-generation votethat hinged upon just one percent of theelectorate.And it was just one of the crimes that took place in thereferendum.

    也许你会想,“嗯,只是有点不太像话。只是几个谎言而已。”但这是英国100年来 最大的选举舞弊。这是一代人只可能参与一次,而只有1%的选民参与的投票。这只是公投中发生的罪行之一。


    There was another group,which washeaded by this man, Nigel Farage,the one to the right of Trump.Andhis group, "Leave.EU" -- it also broke the law.It broke Britishelectoral laws and British data laws,and it's also being referred to thepolice.And this man, Arron Banks, he funded this campaign.And in acompletely separate case,he's being referred to our National CrimeAgency,our equivalent of the FBI,because our electoralcommissionhas concluded they don't know where his money came from.Orif it was even British.And I'm not even going to go into the lies thatArron Banks has toldabout his covert relationship with the Russiangovernment.Or the weird timing of Nigel Farage's meetings with JulianAssangeand with Trump's buddy, Roger Stone, now indicted,immediatelybefore two massive WikiLeaks dumps,both of which happened to benefitDonald Trump.But I will tell you that Brexit and Trump were intimatelyentwined.This man told me that Brexit was the petri dish forTrump.And we know it's the same people, the same companies,the samedata, the same techniques,the same use of hate and fear.

    还有另一个组织,由这个人领导,奈杰尔·法拉奇,特朗普右边的那个。和他的团队,“离开欧盟” ——它也违反了法律。它违反了英国选举法和数据法,也被提交给了警方。这个人,阿伦·班克斯, 资助了这次竞选。在另一个不相关的案件中,他被移交给我们的国家犯罪局,相当于美国的联邦调查局,因为我们的选举委员会得出结论,他们不知道他的钱从哪里来。究竟是不是来自英国的资金。我甚至不用去细说 阿伦·班克斯所说的关于他与俄罗斯政府秘密关系的谎言。或者是奈杰尔·法拉奇(脱欧党党魁) 与朱利安·阿桑奇(维基解密主角)以及特朗普的好友罗杰·斯通, 他如今正被起诉,会面的奇怪时间,就在维基解密公布两份大规模文件之前,这两份文件都恰好有利于唐纳德·特朗普。但我要告诉你的是, 英国脱欧和特朗普密不可分。这个人告诉我, 英国退欧是特朗普的培养皿。我们知道是同样的人,同样的公司,同样的数据,同样的技术,同样利用了仇恨和恐惧。


    This is what they were posting onFacebook.And I don't even want to call this a lie,



    [Immigration without assimilation equalsinvasion]



    because it feels more like a hate crime tome.



    I don't have to tell youthat hate andfear are being sown online all across the world.Not just in Britain andAmerica, but in France and in Hungaryand Brazil and Myanmar and NewZealand.And we know there is this dark undertow which is connecting usall globally.And it is flowing via the technology platforms.But weonly see a tiny amount of what's going on on the surface.

    我不必告诉你,仇恨和恐惧 正在世界各地的网络上散播。不仅在英国和美国, 而且在法国、匈牙利、巴西、缅甸和新西兰。我们觉察到有一股黑色的暗流 将我们连接在一起。它通过技术平台流动。但我们只能看到表面上的一小部分。


    And I only found out anything about thisdark underbellybecause I started looking into Trump's relationship toFarage,into a company called Cambridge Analytica.And I spent monthstracking down an ex-employee, Christopher Wiley.And he told me how thiscompany, that worked for both Trump and Brexit,had profiled peoplepoliticallyin order to understand their individual fears,to bettertarget them with Facebook ads.And it did this by illicitly harvesting theprofilesof 87 million people from Facebook.It took an entire year'swork to get Christopher on the record.And I had to turn myself from afeature writerinto an investigative reporter to do it.And he wasextraordinarily brave,because the company is owned by RobertMercer,the billionaire who bankrolled Trump,and he threatened tosue us multiple times,to stop us from publishing.

    我也只发现了 关于这个黑暗面的冰山一角,因为我开始调查 特朗普和法拉奇的关系,我发现了一家叫剑桥分析的公司。我花了好几个月的时间才找到前雇员克里斯托弗·威利。他向我解释, 这家为特朗普和英国脱欧运作的公司是如何从政治上剖析人们的,以便理解他们个人的恐惧,从而更好地用 Facebook广告瞄准他们。它通过非法获取Facebook上8700万人的用户资料来做到这一点。我花了整整一年才把克里斯托弗记录在案。我不得不把自己从特写作家变成调查记者。他非常勇敢,因为这家公司的所有者 是为特朗普提供资金的亿万富翁罗伯特·默瑟,他多次威胁要起诉我们,阻止我们出版。


    But we finally got there, and we were oneday ahead of publication.We got another legal threat.Not fromCambridge Analytica this time,but from Facebook.It told us that ifwe publish, they would sue us.We did it anyway.

    但我们最终还是做到了, 离出版还有一天。我们受到了另一个法律威胁。这次不是来自剑桥分析公司,而是来自Facebook。它告诉我们,如果我们出版, 他们会起诉我们。我们仍然出版了。




    Facebook, you were on the wrong side ofhistory in that.And you were on the wrong side of history in this--in refusing to give us the answers that we need.And that is why Iam here.To address you directly, the gods of Silicon Valley.

    Facebook, 你们选择站在历史错误的一边。你们站在历史错误的一边, 因为你们拒绝给出我们需要的真相。这就是我来这里的原因。直接对你们说,硅谷的众神们。




    Mark Zuckerberg ...





    and Sheryl Sandberg and Larry Page andSergey Brin and Jack Dorsey,and your employees and your investors,too.Because 100 years ago,the biggest danger in the South Walescoal mines was gas.Silent and deadly and invisible.It's why theysent the canaries down first to check the air.And in this massive,global, online experiment that we are all living through,we in Britainare the canary.We are what happens to a western democracywhen ahundred years of electoral laws are disrupted by technology.

    谢丽尔·桑德伯格(脸书CEO)、拉里·佩奇(谷歌母公司CEO)、谢尔盖·布林(谷歌联合创始人)、 杰克·多尔西(推特创始人CEO),还有你们的员工和投资者。因为100年前,南威尔士煤矿最大的危险是煤气。沉默,致命,隐形。这就是为什么他们先派金丝雀 去检查空气。在这个大规模的、全球性的、 在线的实验中,我们都置身其中,我们英国人就是金丝雀。当一百年来的选举法被科技打乱时,我们就是活生生的 所谓西方民主国家的下场。


    Our democracy is broken, our laws don'twork anymore,and it's not me saying this,it's our parliamentpublished a report saying this.This technology that you have invented hasbeen amazing.But now, it's a crime scene.And you have theevidence.And it is not enough to say that you will do better in thefuture.Because to have any hope of stopping this from happeningagain,we have to know the truth.

    我们的民主被破坏了, 我们的法律不再有效,这不是我说的,而是我们的议会发表了一份报告。你们发明的这项技术太神奇了。但现在,这里是犯罪现场。你有证据。但是你们仅仅说 将来会做得更好是不够的。因为要想阻止这种事情再次发生,我们必须知道真相。


    And maybe you think, "Well, it wasjust a few ads.And people are smarter than that, right?"Towhich I would say, "Good luck with that."Because what theBrexit vote demonstratesis that liberal democracy is broken.And youbroke it.This is not democracy --spreading lies in darkness, paidfor with illegal cash,from God knows where.It'ssubversion,and you are accessories to it.

    也许你会想, “没事儿,这只是几个广告而已。人们比这更聪明,不会中招对吧?”对此我要说:“祝你好运。”因为脱欧公投表明,自由民主已经破碎。你们把它弄坏了。这不是民主——在黑暗之中散布谎言, 用非法的现金支付,天知道这些现金从哪里来。这是对国家的 颠覆,而你们都是它的陪葬品。




    Our parliament has been the first in theworldto try to hold you to account,and it's failed.You areliterally beyond the reach of British law -- not just British laws,thisis nine parliaments, nine countries are represented here,who MarkZuckerberg refused to come and give evidence to.

    我们的议会是世界上第一个 试图让你们承担责任的议会, 但它失败了。 你们真的超出了英国法律的范围 ——不仅仅是英国法律, 这是9个议会,9个国家的代表,马克·扎克伯格却拒绝来作证。


    And what you don't seem to understand isthat this is bigger than you.And it's bigger than any of us.And itis not about left or right or "Leave" or "Remain" or Trumpor not.It's about whether it's actually possibleto have a free andfair election ever again.Because as it stands, I don't think it is.

    你似乎不明白这种精准投放的广告 远远比你强大。它比我们任何人都强大。这与左派、右派、“脱欧”、 “留欧”、特朗普都无关。这关系到是否有可能再次举行一次自由公正的选举。因为就目前来看,我不抱任何希望。


    And so my question to you is, is this whatyou want?Is this how you want history to remember you:as thehandmaidens to authoritarianismthat is on the rise all across theworld?Because you set out to connect people.And you are refusing toacknowledgethat the same technology is now driving us apart.

    所以我想问你们, 这就是你们想要的吗?你希望历史就这样记住你吗:你是世界各地正在兴起的威权主义的奴仆?因为你的初衷是将人们联系起来。但如今你们拒绝承认同样的技术正在把我们分开。


    And my question to everybody elseis,is this what we want:to let them get away with it,and tosit back and play with our phones, as this darkness falls?


    The history of the South Wales Valleys isof a fight for rights.And this is not a drill -- it's a point ofinflection.Democracy is not guaranteed, and it is notinevitable,and we have to fight and we have to winand we cannot letthese tech companies have this unchecked power.It's up to us -- you, meand all of us.We are the ones who have to take back control.

    南威尔士山谷的历史 是一场争取权利的斗争。这不是演习,这是一个转折点。民主并非是应许的, 也不是必然的。我们必须战斗,我们必须胜利,我们不能让这些科技公司 拥有这种不受约束的权力。这取决于我们—— 你,我和我们所有人。我们必须夺回控制权。







      上一篇:演讲MP3+双语文稿:面对人生低谷,我们如何走出来?-芝加哥大学教授 下一篇:演讲MP3+双语文稿:改造过的超级植物如何延缓气候变化


