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    [演讲者及介绍]Steven Petrow

    记者,作家记者史蒂文·佩罗(Steven Petrow)写的是关于礼貌和礼仪的文章。



    翻译者 Sijia Chen


    I want to start by telling you two thingsabout myself before I get into the full talk. And the first is that I've beenwriting about manners and civility for more than 20 years, as a book author andas a magazine columnist. The second is, my friends know to be very wary ofinviting me over for dinner because any faux pas that happens at the table islikely to wind up in print.






    So, I'm watching, I can see back there andI can see through the portals, too.






    So, speaking of dinner parties, I want totake you back to 2015 and a dinner party that I went to. To place this in time,this was when Caitlyn Jenner was first coming out, shedding her identity as aKardashian and moving into her life as a transgender activist. I wrote a columnin People magazine at the time, talking about the importance of names and hownames are our identity. And that to misuse them or not to use them erases us ina certain way. And especially with Caitlyn Jenner, I talked about Caitlyn, butalso the use of her pronouns. Her pronouns.



    So I'm at this dinner -- delicious,wonderful, fun -- when my host goes on a rant about Caitlyn Jenner. And she issaying that it is disrespectful for Caitlyn Jenner to force her to use a newname and to use these new pronouns. She's not buying it, and I'm listening, andbecause I do meditation, I took my sacred pause before I responded.






    And I reminded her that when she gotmarried, she changed her name, and that she took the name of her husband. Andthat's the name all of us now use. We don't use it just because it's her legalname, but we use it because it's respectful. Ditto for Miss Jenner. She didn'tbuy it and we didn't speak for years.






    So ... I am known as the Civilist. And it'sprobably a word that you're not that familiar with. It's not in common parlanceand it comes from the Latin and the French, and it means an individual whotries to live by a moral code, who is striving to be a good citizen. The word"civility" is derived from that, and the original definition ofcivility is citizens willing to give of themselves for the good of the city,for the good of the commonwealth, for the larger good.



    So, in this talk, you're going to learnthree new ways to be civil, I hope, and it will be according to the originaldefinition of civility. My first problem is: civility is an obsolete word. Mysecond problem is: civility has become a dirty word in this country. And thatis whether you lean right or whether you lean left. And in part, that's becausemodern usage equates civility with decorum, with formal politeness, formalbehavior. We've gotten away from the idea of citizenship.

    那么,在这个演讲中,你将依照“civility”(文明)的本意,学到三个新的讲文明的方式,我期望。我遇到的的第一个问题是:“civility”(文明)是一个过时的词。我遇到的的第二个问题是:“civility”(文明)在这个国家 已经变成了一个肮脏的词。它意味着你是右倾还是左倾。部分原因是由于在现代用法中“civility”(文明)等同于礼仪,表面的礼貌和外在的行为举止,而与“citizenship”(公民义务与权利)切断了联系。


    So, let me start by talking a little bitabout my friends on the right, who have conflated civility with what they callpolitical correctness. And to them, callouts for civility are really very muchlike what George Orwell wrote in "1984" -- he called it"newspeak." And this was an attempt to change the way we talk byforcibly changing the language that we use. To change our ideas by changing themeaning of words. And I think my dinner host might have had some of thatrattling around there. And I first personally understood, though, the right'sproblem with civility when I wrote a column about then-candidate Donald Trump.And he had just said he did not have time for total political correctness, andhe did not believe the country did either. And I took that to heart, it wasvery -- The audience was very engaged about that online, as you can imagine.There was a thousand responses, and this one stood out to me because it was representative:"Political correctness is a pathological system that lets liberalsdominate a conversation, label, demonize and shout down the opposition."So I think, to the right, civility translates into censure.

    那么,让我先谈谈我的右派朋友们。他们把“civility”(文明)和一个他们称之为“政治正确”的东西混淆了起来。对他们来说,呼吁“civility”(文明)非常类似于乔治·奥威尔在《1984》中描写的,他称之为“新话”的现象。所谓“新话”即试图通过强行改变我们使用的语言 来改变我们说话的方式,通过改变词语的意思来改变我们的思想。我那个喋喋不休的晚宴女主人大概就有点儿指责这一现象的意思。我第一次亲身理解到右派与“civility”(文明)之间的冲突是在当我写一篇关于当时是候选人的唐纳德·特朗普的专栏时。他那时刚刚说过,他没有时间去遵守完全的政治正确,他也不认为美国有时间去遵守完全的政治正确。我把这个话铭记于心,它实在是……人们就此在网络上非常积极地展开讨论,你们可以想象。当时有成百上千的回复,而这一回复在我看来非常醒目。因为它非常具有代表性。“政治正确性是一个病态的系统,它让自由主义者占谈话的主导地位,并通过标签化和妖魔化来打压反对派。”所以,我认为对右派来说,“civility”(文明) 意味谴责。


    So that's the right. Now, my friends on theleft also have a problem with it. And for example, there have been those whohave harassed Trump administration officials who support the President's borderwall. They've been called out as rude, they've been called out as nasty,they've been called out as worse. And after one such incident last year, eventhe Washington Post -- you know, left-leaning Washington Post -- wrote aneditorial and sided with decorum. And they argued that officials should beallowed to dine in peace. Hm. "You know, the wall is the real incivilityhere. The tear-gassing of kids, the separation of families." That's whatthe protestors say.



    And imagine if we had sided, in thiscountry, with decorum and courtesy throughout our history. You know, I thinkabout the suffragettes. They marched, they picketed. They were chastised, theywere arrested for pursuing the vote for women in the 1920s. You know, I alsothink about the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., the father of Americannonviolent civil disobedience. He was labeled as uncivil in his attempt topromote racial and economic justice. So I think you get a sense of why civilityhas become a problem, a dirty word, here. Now, does this mean we can'tdisagree, that we can't speak our minds? Absolutely not.



    I recently spoke with Dr. CarolynLukensmeyer. She's kind of the guru of civility in this country, and theexecutive director of a body called the National Institute for Civil Discourse.And she told me, "Civility does not mean appeasement or avoiding importantdifferences. It means listening and talking about those differences withrespect." In a healthy democracy, we need to do that. And I call thatrespectful engagement.



    But civil discourse also needs rules, itneeds boundaries. For instance, there's a difference between language that issimply rude or demeaning, and speech that invokes hatred and intolerance. Andspecifically of groups. And I'm thinking of racial and ethnic groups, I'mthinking of the LGBTQ community, I'm thinking of the disabled. We snowflakescall this speech "hate speech." And hate speech can lead to violence.

    但是民声也需要规则和界限。比如说,单纯的粗鲁、贬低人的语言不同于 激发仇恨和不容忍的言论。尤其那些激发对整个群体的仇恨和 不容忍的言论。我在想种族与民族群体,我在想LGBTQ社群,我在想残疾人群体。我们这些敏感细腻的人称这种言论为仇恨言论。仇恨言论可以导致暴力。


    So, to that point, in the fall of 2018, Iwrote a column about Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. You may remember her, she wasone of the women who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexualassault. And among the responses, I received this message, a personal message,which you can see here on the slide. It's been largely redacted.

    2018年的秋季,我写了一篇关于克里斯汀·布拉西·福特博士 的专栏文章。你们也许记得她。她是指控最高法院大法官提名人 布雷特·卡瓦诺对其性侵 的女性之一。在各种回复中,我收到了这条信息,一条私人信息。在这张幻灯片上你们可以看到许多内容都已经被删减。





    This message was 50 words long. 10 of themwere the f-bomb. And the Democrats were called out, President Obama was calledout, and I was referred to in a pretty darn vulgar and coarse way. There was anexplicit threat in that message, and that is why my editors at The Post sent itto authorities. This came shortly before the pipe bombs were sent to othermedia outlets, so everybody was really kind of on guard there. And the largercontext was, only a few months before, five staffers had been killed at a Marylandnewspaper. They had been shot dead by a reader with a grudge. "Shut up orelse."



    And it was around that same time that adifferent reader of mine started stalking me online. And at first, it was ...I'll call it light and fluffy. It was around this time last year and I stillhad my Christmas decorations up and he sent me a message saying, "Youshould take your Christmas decorations down." And then he noticed that mydog was off leash one day, and then he commented that I had gone to the market.And then he wrote me one that said, "If anyone were to shoot and kill you,it would not be a loss at all." I wish that were the end of the story.Because then, a few months later, he came to my door, my front door, in a rageand tried to break the door down. I now own mace, a security system and aLouisville Slugger baseball bat.






    "Shut up or else."



    So, what's to be done to forestall civilityfrom turning ugly, from turning violent? My first rule is to deescalatelanguage. And I've stopped using trigger words in print. And by trigger words,I mean "homophobe," I mean "racist," I mean"xenophobe," I mean "sexist." All of those words. They setpeople off. They're incendiary and they do not allow us to find common ground.They do not allow us to find a common heart.



    And so to this point, when John McCain diedin 2018, his supporters noted that he never made personal attacks. But hisopponents agreed as well, and I though that was what was really noteworthy. Hechallenged people's policies, he challenged their positions, but he never madeit personal. And so that's the second rule.



    So the problem of civility is not only anAmerican one. In the Netherlands, there are calls for a civility offensive rightnow, and as one Dutch philosopher has put it, the country has fallen under aspell of "verhuftering." Now, this is not a word that I knew beforeand I did quite a bit of research. It loosely means bullying and thedisappearance of good manners. It actually means much worse than that, butthat's what I'm saying here. When you have a specific word, though, to describea problem like that, you know you really have a problem.



    And in the United Kingdom, the [2016]Brexit vote ... you know, has divided a nation even more so. And one critic ofthe breakup called those who favor it -- I just love this phrase -- "thefrightened parochial lizard brain of Britain." The frightened parochiallizard brain of Britain. That's personal. And it makes me miss "DowntonAbbey" and its patina of civility.



    But therein lies the third rule: don'tmistake decorum for civility. Even if you have a dowager countess as fabulousas Dame Maggie Smith.






    [Don't be defeatist. It's so middle class.]



    So let me end with one last story. Not thatlong ago, I was at a bakery, and they make these amazing scones. So, long line-- there are a lot of scones. And one by one, the scones were disappearinguntil there was one woman in between me and that last scone.






    Praise the Lord, she said, "I'll havea croissant."






    So when it became my turn, I said,"I'll take that scone." The guy behind me -- I'd never turned around,never seen him -- he shouted, "That's my scone! I've been waiting in line20 minutes." And I was like, "Who are you? I've been waiting in line20 minutes, and you're behind me." So, I grew up here in New York, andwent to high school not that far from here. And I may seem, you know, verycivil here and so on, but I can hip check anybody for a taxicab in this room,on these streets. So I was surprised when I said to this guy ... "Wouldyou like half?" "Would you like half?" I didn't think about it,it just came out. And then, he was very puzzled, and I could see his facechange and he said to me, "Well, how about if I buy another pastry and we'llshare both of them?" And he did, and we did. And we sat and talked. We hadnothing in common.






    We had nothing in common: nationality,sexual orientation, occupation. But through this moment of kindness, throughthis moment of connection, we developed a friendship, we have stayed in touch.

    我们没有任何共同点:国籍,性取向,职业。但是通过这个善意的瞬间, 通过这个衔接的瞬间, 我们发展起了一段友谊,我们现在还保持联系。





    Although he was appalled to learn that I'mcalled the Civilist after that.






    But I call this the joy of civility. Thejoy of civility. And it led me to wonder, what is the good we forgo, not justthe trouble we avoid, when we choose to be uncivil. And by good, I meanfriendship, I mean connection. I mean sharing 1000 calories. But I also mean itin a larger way. You know, as communities and as a country and as a world. Whatare we missing out on?



    So, today, we are engaged in a great civilwar of ideas and identity. And we have no rules for them. You know, there arerules for war. Think about the Geneva Conventions. They ensure that everysoldier is treated humanely, on and off the battlefield. So, frankly, I thinkwe need a Geneva Convention of civility, to set the rules for discourse for theparameters of that. To help us become better citizens of our communities and ofour countries.



    And if I have anything to say about it, Iwould base those rules on the original definition of civility, from the Latinand from the French. Civility: citizens willing to give of themselves for thegreater good. For the good of the city. So I think civility, with thatunderstanding, is not a dirty word. And I hope the civilist will not become, orwill not stay, obsolete.



    Thank you.





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