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    阿卡什·马诺奇, 印度国家杰出成就儿童奖金奖获得者,无声心脏病发作检测技术开发者



    Translated by Emily Xu Reviewed by Lisa Qin


    When I was 13, I lost my grandfather to asilent heart attack. What happened to be more shocking was that at 75, grandpawas really normal, healthy and energetic, but he was diabetic. Learning all ofthis was so painful that I decided to go out on a war against this deadlykiller and see what could be done.

    当我13岁时,我的祖父由于隐性心脏病突然去世。令人更加感叹的是那天他75岁, 我的祖父非常正常、健康、充满活力, 但他患有糖尿病。理解这一切对我来说很痛苦,于是我决心和这个致命的疾病一战,看看能做到什么。


    It was shocking to discover the results ofrecent studies that have shown an estimate of nearly eight million people whodie from heart attacks every year. Heart attacks occur for many reasons, butmost often, they occur when arteries get clogged, blood flow is cut off andoxygen-starved cells in the heart muscles start to die.



    You may know the common symptoms of a heartattack: chest pain, arm pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, et cetera ... butthere is a type of heart attack that is quite common, just as deadly, butharder to detect because the symptoms are silent. People having silent heartattacks just don't realize what's happening, so they're not seeking medicalattention, which means they're less likely to receive the treatment that theyneed at the critical moment. And even if they do get to the hospital by chance,either before or after they are struck by a heart attack, they might have to gothrough one or more of these time-consuming, expensive tests and treatments,which are currently considered the gold standards of heart-attack diagnosis.



    The greater concern, however, is that thesesilent heart attacks account for nearly 45 percent of all heart attacks.Patients with diabetes and similar disorders suffer from nerve damage thatprevents them from feeling the sort of pain that usually signals to someonethat he or she may be having a heart attack. Which means they suffer the damageof a heart attack without even knowing or feeling anything. These alreadyat-risk patients suffer from nerve damage, and they do not get immediatemedical care. They do not know anything before an unlikely event is about tooccur. My grandfather was an at-risk patient, too.

    然而,更令人担忧的是,所有心脏病中 45%是隐性心脏病。患有糖尿病和相似失调疾病的患者神经严重受损,导致痛觉不灵敏,而这些痛觉是信号提醒人们可能性的心脏病发作。这意味着当心脏病发作时,他们甚至无法察觉。这些高危病人神经受损,不能得到及时的医疗护理。在这样的小概率事件发生前,他们一无所知。我的祖父也是高危病人。


    I probed this issue further -- read as muchas I could to understand the heart, met researchers and worked across labs inIndia. And finally, after three long years of persistent research, what I haveto share with the world today is a promising solution. A noninvasive devicethat is inexpensive, portable, wearable by at-risk patients at all times. Itgreatly reduces the need for a blood test and works 24/7, collecting andanalyzing data at preset intervals. And all this data is collected for a singlepurpose: detecting heart attacks as they occur. This is a very promisingsolution that might help us in the future.



    You may not know how intelligent your heartreally is. It tries to communicate to your body multiple times before failing,by indicating symptoms like chest pain. These symptoms are triggered when theheart loses out on oxygen-rich blood flow. But remember I told you about thenerve damage. It silences these symptoms before a silent heart attack, whichmakes it even deadlier. And you may not even know the common symptoms.Meanwhile, the heart also sends out certain biomarkers -- cardiac biomarkers orproteins that are SOS messages -- in the form of SOS messages -- into yourbloodstream, indicating that the heart is at risk. As it gets riskier andriskier, the concentrations of these cardiac biomarker proteins keep increasingabysmally. My device solely relies on this data. The key is that these cardiacbiomarkers are found in one of the earliest stages of a heart attack, whensomeone is almost sure to survive if he or she gets prompt care. And my deviceis solely based on that basis.

    你也许不知道心脏有多聪明。它在停止工作前会和身体多次交流,比如显示胸痛等的症状。这些症状的诱因是心脏得不到氧气充足的血流。但还记得我说过的神经受损吗。它会使隐性心脏病的症状不被察觉,从而使心脏病更加致命。你或许甚至都不知道这些典型症状. 同时,心脏也会发送一些生物标记——心脏生物标记或者蛋白质是求救信号——以求救信号的形式——进入血液,提醒心脏处于危险之中. 随着风险上升,这些心血管标记物蛋白的浓度会保持不正常的增长。我的设备单纯依靠数据。关键是在心脏病初期发现这些心血管标记物, 在这个阶段如果病人得到及时治疗,非常有可能存活。我的设备仅以此为基础。


    And here's how my device works. A siliconpatch is worn around your wrist or placed near your chest. Without having toprick your skin for a biomarker blood test, this patch can spot, isolate andtrack a heart-attack specific biomarker called H-FABP, and alerts you if andwhen it reaches a critical level in your bloodstream -- a process that's muchsimpler, easier and cheaper than conventional methods of heart-attackdiagnosis. By checking on biomarker concentration data, a system like this,with advanced research in the future, could significantly reduce the need foran at-risk patient to go to a doctor for a biomarker blood test, because thedevice could be worn at all times, sensing biomarker elevations in real time.Thus, if the device senses the biomarker levels going beyond the criticalpoint, the at-risk patient could be warned of an impending cardiac arrest andthat he or she needs immediate medical attention.



    Although the device may not be able toprovide the patient with the complete analysis of the cardiac injury, it mightbe of immense help in actually indicating that the patient is in danger, sothat the patient can be alarmed and know that immediate care is crucial.



    Every at-risk patient will now receive moretime to survive and reach out for medical help. Consequently, they don't haveto go for expensive and invasive medical treatments that would otherwise benecessary after a heart attack.



    When I got my device tested on at-riskpatients under observation, results from the clinical validation testscertified close to a 96 percent accuracy and sensitivity. I intend to make mydevice available to people in two variants: one which gives digital analysis ofthe biomarker levels and a simpler version for the people in rural areas whichsimply vibrates when the biomarker levels go beyond the critical point.



    When we look at our progress in cardiachealth care today, it is more of sick care than preventative self-care andtechnology. We literally wait for the heart attack to occur and put our vastmajority of resources into post-care treatment. But by then, irreversibledamage will already be done. I firmly believe it's time for us to rethinkmedicine. We must establish proactive health-care technologies. A change mustbe brought out not 10 years from now, not five years from now, but today. Andso, hopefully, one day, with the help of these devices, someone else won't losehis or her grandfather just like I did.



    Thank you so much.





      上一篇:演讲MP3+双语文稿:如何有效地达成共识并找到共同点 下一篇:演讲MP3+双语文稿:几个渔村如何引发海洋保护革命


