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    [演讲者及介绍]Juna Kollmeier

    理论天体物理学家Juna Kollmeier使用了天文学中已知的所有技术——数学、计算机和来自地面和太空望远镜的数据——试图通过绘制大规模的恒星、星系和黑洞的地图来了解宇宙是如何形成的。



    翻译者 Yolanda Zhang 校对者 Jin Ge


    When I was a kid, I was afraid of the dark.The darkness is where the monsters are. And I had this little night lightoutside of my bedroom so that it would never get too dark. But over time, myfear of the dark turned to curiosity. What is out there in the"dark-dark?" And it turns out that trying to understand the darknessis something that's fascinated humans for thousands of years, maybe forever.And we know this because we find their ancient relics of their attempts to mapthe sky.

    当我还是孩子时,我很惧怕黑暗。黑暗是怪兽出没的地方。我的卧室外面有一盏小小的夜灯,这样我的房间就不会一片漆黑。但是随着时间推移,我对黑暗的恐惧变成了好奇。黑暗中都有什么?我发现 数千年来,人类一直在试图探索黑暗,这种好奇心可能永远不会消逝。我们知道这一点,是因为我们找到了祖先们试图绘制星空位置的古老遗迹。


    It'sour calling card as a species in the galaxy to figure things out. We know ourplanet, we cure our diseases, we cook our food, we leave our planet. But it'snot easy. Understanding the universe is battle. It is unrelenting, it istime-varying, and it is one we are all in together. It is a battle in thedarkness against the darkness. Which is why Orion has weapons. In any case, ifyou're going to engage in this battle, you need to know the battlefield.



    So at its core, mapping the sky involvesthree essential elements. You've got objects that are giving off light, you'vegot telescopes that are collecting that light, and you've got instruments thatare helping you understand what that light is. Many of you have mapped the Moonphases over time with your eyes, your eyes being your more basic telescope. Andyou've understood what that means with your brains, your brains being one ofyour more basic instruments. Now, if you and a buddy get together, you wouldspend over 30 years, you would map 1,000 stars extremely precisely. You wouldmove the front line to the battle. And that's what Tycho Brahe and his buddy,or his assistant, really, Johannes Kepler did back in the 1600s. And they movedthe line, figured out how planets worked, how they moved around the Sun.

    测绘天空地图的核心包括三个基本要素。有发光的观测对象,有收集光线的望远镜,还有帮助你分析理解这些光线的仪器。我们当中很多人都用眼睛观测过月相图,眼睛是很基础的望远镜。我们也理解了大脑扮演着什么样的角色,大脑就是最基础的分析仪器。如果你和一个朋友在一起,花费30多年的时间,你就能绘制出1000 颗恒星极其精确的图像。你要把前线搬到战场上去。这就是第谷·布拉赫和他的伙伴,确切的说是他的助手,约翰尼斯·开普勒在17世纪所做的。他们移动了这条线,弄清楚了行星的运动轨迹,它们是如何围绕太阳运转的。


    But it wasn't until about 100 years agothat we realized it's a big universe. It seems like the universe is justinfinite, which it is, but the observable universe is finite. Which means wecan win the battle. But if you're going to map the universe, you're not goingto do it with one or two of your besties. Mapping the universe takes an army,an army of curious, creative, craftspeople who, working together, canaccomplish the extraordinary. I lead this army of creatives, in the fifthgeneration of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, SDSS. And this is how astronomershave managed to shepherd individual curiosity through its industrial age,preserving the individual ability to make discoveries but putting into placemega machinery to truly advance the frontier.



    In SDSS, we divide the sky into threemappers: one for the stars, one for the black holes and one for the galaxies.My survey has two hemispheres, five telescopes, or 11, depending on how youcount, 10 spectrographs and millions of objects. It's a monster. So let's gothrough the mappers.



    The Milky Way galaxy has 250 billion plusor minus a few hundred billion stars. That is not a number that you hold inyour head. That is a number that doesn't make practical sense to pretty muchanybody. You never get 250 billion jelly beans in your hand. You know? We'renowhere near mapping all of those stars yet. So we have to choose the mostinteresting ones. In SDSS-V, we're mapping six million stars where we think wecan measure their age. Because if you can measure the age of a star, that'slike having six million clocks spread all throughout the Milky Way. And withthat information, we can unravel the history and fossil record of our galaxyand learn how it formed.



    I'm just going to cut right to the chasehere. Black holes are among the most perplexing objects in the universe. Why?Because they are literally just math incarnate, in a physical form, that webarely understand. It's like the number zero being animated and walking aroundthe corridors here. That would be super weird. These are weirder. And it's notjust like a basketball that you smoosh down into a little point and it's superdense and that's weird. No, smooshed basketballs have a surface. These thingsdon't have surfaces, and we know that now. Because we've seen it. Or the lackof it. What's really interesting about black holes is that we can learn a lotabout them by studying the material just as it passes through that point of noinformation return. Because at that point, it's emitting lots of X-rays andoptical and UV and radio waves. We can actually learn how these objects grow.And in SDSS, we're looking at over half a million supermassive black holes, totry to understand how they formed.

    我直接切入正题。黑洞是宇宙中最令人困惑的物质之一。为什么? 因为它们几乎是数学实体化的结果,以一种我们几乎无法理解的物理形式存在着。就像数字0的动画影像在我们身边走来走去一样。那太奇怪了。而黑洞的存在更令人匪夷所思。它不像一个篮球,不是把它塞进一个小点,密度就变得非常大。被压缩的篮球好歹还有表面,这些东西没有表面,我们现在已经知道黑洞这点了。因为我们见过黑洞,或者应该说,我们看到它没有表面。黑洞最有意思的地方在于,我们可以通过研究穿过一个没有信息返回的点的物质来充分了解黑洞。因为在那个点,该物质会发射出大量的X射线、可见光、紫外线和无线电波。我们可以知道这些黑洞是如何膨胀的。在SDSS中,我们观察了超过50万个超大质量黑洞,试图了解它们是如何形成的。


    Like I said, we live in the Milky Way, youguys are all familiar with that. The Milky Way is a completely average galaxy.Nothing funny going on. But it's ours, which is great. We think that the MilkyWay, and all the Milky Ways, have this really disturbing past of literallyblowing themselves apart. It's like every average guy you know has a history asa punk rock teenager. That's very bizarre. Stars are blowing up in thesesystems, black holes are growing at their centers and emitting a tremendousamount of energy. How does that happen, how does this transformation happen?And at SDSS, we're going to the bellies of the beast and zooming way in, tolook at these processes where they are occurring in order to understand how SidVicious grows up into Ward Cleaver.

    就像我说的,我们生活在银河系,你们都很熟悉。银河系是个十分普通的星系,没有任何光怪陆离的现象。而这正是我们的家乡,这一点很不错。我们认为银河系,以及所有的银河系,在过去都发生了惊心动魄的爆炸。就好比你认识的每个普通人都曾是朋克摇滚的叛逆少年。这是非常奇怪的。恒星在这些系统中爆炸,中心形成了黑洞,并释放出巨大的能量。这是怎么发生的,这种变化是怎么发生的? 而在SDSS,我们要深入这些星系怪物的内部,一路上将观察到的景象放大,看看这些过程在哪里发生,以便了解恒星变成黑洞的过程。


    My arsenal. These are my two bigtelescopes. The Apache Point Observatory hosts the Sloan telescope in NewMexico, and the Las Campanas Observatory in Chile hosts thetwo-and-a-half-meter telescope, the du Pont. Two and a half meters is the sizeof our mirror, which was huge for Tycho and Kepler. But it's actually not sobig today. There are way bigger telescopes out there. But in SDSS we use newinstruments on these old telescopes to make them interesting. We capture lightfrom all of those objects into our aperture, and that light is then focused atthe focal plane, where our instruments sit and process that light.



    What's new in SDSS-V is that we're makingthe focal plane entirely robotic. That's right: robots.

    SDSS-V 的创新之处 在于我们将焦平面完全变成了机器人。没错:机器人。





    And this is how they move on the sky. Sothese are our objects and a star field, so you've got stars, galaxies, blackholes. And our robots move to those objects as we pass over them in order tocapture the light from those stars and galaxies and black holes, and yes, it isweird to capture black hole light, but we've already gone over that black holesare weird.



    One more thing. Stars are exploding all thetime, like this one did back in 1987 in our cosmic backyard. Black holes aregrowing all the time. There is a new sky every night. Which means we can't justmap the sky one time. We have to map the sky multiple times. So in SDSS-V,we're going back to each part of the sky multiple times in order to see howthese objects change over time. Because those changes in time encode thephysics, and they encode how these objects are growing and changing. Mow thesky.



    OK, let me just recap. Global survey, twohemispheres, five telescopes, 10 spectrographs, millions of objects, mow thesky, creative army, robots, yeah. So you're thinking, "Wow. She must havethis industrial machine going, no room for the individual, curious, lone wolfgenius," right? And you'd be 100 percent wrong.

    现在我们来总结一下。全球巡视,两个半球,5个望远镜,10个摄谱仪,数以百万计的观测对象,“修整天空”,创造性的军队,机器人,就是这些。你可能觉得不可思议。她的团队一定是包揽了太空测绘工作,没有空间留给个人,留给好奇的天才,对吧? 那你就大错特错了。


    Meet Hanny's Voorwerp. Hanny van Arkel wasa Dutch schoolteacher who was analyzing the public versions of the SDSS data,when she found this incredibly rare type of object, which is now a subject ofmajor study. She was able to do this because SDSS, since its beginning and bymandate from the Sloan Foundation, has made its data both publicly availableand usable to a broad range of audiences. She's a citizen -- yeah, clap forthat. Clap for that.






    Hanny is a citizen scientist, or as I liketo call them, "citizen warriors." And she shows that you don't haveto be a fancy astrophysicist to participate. You just have to be curious.



    A few years ago, my four-year-old asked,"Can moons have moons?" And I set about to answer this questionbecause even though many four-year-olds over all of time have probably askedthis question, many experts, including myself, didn't know the answer. And thatjust goes to show you that there are so many basic questions left to beunderstood.



    And this brings me to the most importantpoint about SDSS. Because, yeah, the stars, the galaxies, the black holes, therobots -- that's all super cool. But the coolest thing of all is thateensy-weensy creatures on a rubble pile around a totally average star in atotally average galaxy can win the battle to understand their world.



    (Cheers) (Applause)



    I'm showing here the number of galaxiesthat astronomers have mapped in large surveys since about 1980. If we stay onthis line, we will map every large galaxy in the observable universe by 2060.Think about that. Think about it: we've gone from arranging clamshells togeneral relativity to SDSS in a few thousand years -- and if we hang on 40more, we can map all the galaxies. But we have to stay on the line. Will thatbe our choice?



    There are dark forces in this world thatwill rob our entire species of our right to understand our universe. Don't beafraid of the dark. Fight back. Join us.



    Thank you.





      上一篇:演讲MP3+双语文稿:3个步骤,把日常聚会变的更有意义 下一篇:演讲MP3+双语文稿:6分钟听懂40亿年的进化


