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    [演讲者及介绍]Laura Boykin




    翻译者 Yen Yen 校对者 psjmz mz


    I get out of bed for two reasons. One,small-scale family farmers need more food. It's crazy that in 2019 farmers thatfeed us are hungry. And two, science needs to be more diverse and inclusive. Ifwe're going to solve the toughest challenges on the planet, like foodinsecurity for the millions living in extreme poverty, it's going to take allof us.



    I want to use the latest technology withthe most diverse and inclusive teams on the planet to help farmers have morefood. I'm a computational biologist. I know -- what is that and how is it goingto help end hunger? Basically, I like computers and biology and somehow,putting that together is a job.






    I don't have a story of wanting to be abiologist from a young age. The truth is, I played basketball in college. Andpart of my financial aid package was I needed a work-study job. So one randomday, I wandered to the nearest building to my dorm room. And it just so happensit was the biology building. I went inside and looked at the job board. Yes,this is pre-the-internet. And I saw a three-by-five card advertising a job towork in the herbarium. I quickly took down the number, because it said"flexible hours," and I needed that to work around my basketball schedule.I ran to the library to figure out what an herbarium was.

    我没有从小要成为一个生物学家的故事。事实是,我在大学时是打篮球的。我一部分的经济来源依赖半工半读。突然有一天,我漫步到了宿舍旁边的建筑物,那刚好是生物学系。我进去看到了招聘告示板。是的,那是在还没有互联网的时代。我看到了一张明信片大小的卡片,招募人员到植物标本室工作。我赶紧记下联络号码,因为它说"工作时间灵活", 我需要那个来配合我的篮球时间表。然后我跑去图书馆查什么是植物标本室。





    And it turns out an herbarium is where theystore dead, dried plants. I was lucky to land the job. So my first scientificjob was gluing dead plants onto paper for hours on end.






    It's so glamorous. This is how I became acomputational biologist. During that time, genomics and computing were comingof age. And I went on to do my masters combining biology and computers.



    During that time, I worked at Los AlamosNational Lab in the theoretical biology and biophysics group. And it was thereI had my first encounter with the supercomputer, and my mind was blown. Withthe power of supercomputing, which is basically thousands of connected PCs onsteroids, we were able to uncover the complexities of influenza and hepatitisC. And it was during this time that I saw the power of using computers andbiology combined, for humanity. And I wanted this to be my career path. So,since 1999, I've spent the majority of my scientific career in very high-techlabs, surrounded by really expensive equipment.



    So many ask me how and why do I work forfarmers in Africa. Well, because of my computing skills, in 2013, a team ofEast African scientists asked me to join the team in the plight to savecassava. Cassava is a plant whose leaves and roots feed 800 million peopleglobally. And 500 million in East Africa. So that's nearly a billion peoplerelying on this plant for their daily calories. If a small-scale family farmerhas enough cassava, she can feed her family and she can sell it at the marketfor important things like school fees, medical expenses and savings.



    But cassava is under attack in Africa.Whiteflies and viruses are devastating cassava. Whiteflies are tiny insectsthat feed on the leaves of over 600 plants. They are bad news. There are manyspecies; they become pesticide resistant; and they transmit hundreds of plantviruses that cause cassava brown streak disease and cassava mosaic disease.This completely kills the plant. And if there's no cassava, there's no food orincome for millions of people.



    It took me one trip to Tanzania to realizethat these women need some help. These amazing, strong, small-scale familyfarmers, the majority women, are doing it rough. They don't have enough food tofeed their families, and it's a real crisis. What happens is they go out andplant fields of cassava when the rains come. Nine months later, there'snothing, because of these pests and pathogens. And I thought to myself, how inthe world can farmers be hungry?



    So I decided to spend some time on theground with the farmers and the scientists to see if I had any skills thatcould be helpful. The situation on the ground is shocking. The whiteflies havedestroyed the leaves that are eaten for protein, and the viruses have destroyedthe roots that are eaten for starch. An entire growing season will pass, andthe farmer will lose an entire year of income and food, and the family willsuffer a long hunger season. This is completely preventable. If the farmer knewwhat variety of cassava to plant in her field, that was resistant to thoseviruses and pathogens, they would have more food.

    所以我决定花一段时间在田里,跟着农民和科学家们,看看我是否有帮得上忙的技能。当地局势令人震惊。粉虱毁坏树叶为摄取蛋白质,病毒摧毁根部为摄取淀粉。在整个生长季节过去后,农民将失去整整一年的收入和食物,他们的家庭将遭受一个漫长的饥饿季节。这完全是可以预防的。如果农民知道 在她的田里种植什么品种的木薯 可以抵抗这些病毒和病原体,她们就会有更多的食物。


    We have all the technology we need, but theknowledge and the resources are not equally distributed around the globe. Sowhat I mean specifically is, the older genomic technologies that have beenrequired to uncover the complexities in these pests and pathogens -- thesetechnologies were not made for sub-Saharan Africa. They cost upwards of amillion dollars; they require constant power and specialized human capacity.These machines are few and far between on the continent, which is leaving manyscientists battling on the front lines no choice but to send the samplesoverseas. And when you send the samples overseas, samples degrade, it costs alot of money, and trying to get the data back over weak internet is nearlyimpossible. So sometimes it can take six months to get the results back to thefarmer. And by then, it's too late. The crop is already gone, which results infurther poverty and more hunger.

    我们拥有我们需要的所有科技,但这些知识和资源在全球的分布非常不均衡。我想强调的是,传统的基因组技术被用于揭露这些害虫和病原体的复杂性—— 这些技术不是为 南非撒哈拉地带而设的。它们的花费在一百万美元以上,需要不断的电力供应和专门的技术人员操作。这些机器在非洲大陆上寥寥无几,让许多在前线战斗的科学家不得不 把样品送到海外。当你把样品送到海外时,样品会降解,花费很昂贵,而且在糟糕的互联网中取回数据几乎是不可能的。所以有时可能需要六个月的时间把结果送回农民手里。那时已经太晚了。作物已经被摧毁,造成持续的贫困和更多的饥饿。


    We knew we could fix this. In 2017, we hadheard of this handheld, portable DNA sequencer called an Oxford NanoporeMinION. This was being used in West Africa to fight Ebola. So we thought: Whycan't we use this in East Africa to help farmers? So, what we did was we setout to do that. At the time, the technology was very new, and many doubted wecould replicate this on the farm. When we set out to do this, one of our"collaborators" in the UK told us that we would never get that towork in East Africa, let alone on the farm. So we accepted the challenge. Thisperson even went so far as to bet us two of the best bottles of champagne thatwe would never get that to work. Two words: pay up.

    我们知道我们可以解决这个问题。在2017年,我们听说了这个叫做 Oxford Nanopore MinION 的 手持便携式DNA测序仪。它曾在西非抗击埃博拉时功不可没。因此,我们认为: 为什么不用这个在东非帮助农民呢? 于是,我们要做的就是开始着手行动。当时,这项科技非常新颖,许多人怀疑我们能否在农地里复制相似的结果。当我们开始这样做时,我们有个英国的"合作伙伴" 告诉我们,这永远都不会发生在东非,更别说在农田里了。因此,我们接受了挑战。这个人甚至和我们打赌两瓶最好的香槟,说我们永远不会实现的。三个字:买单吧。








    Pay up, because we did it. We took theentire high-tech molecular lab to the farmers of Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda,and we called it Tree Lab. So what did we do? Well, first of all, we gaveourselves a team name -- it's called the Cassava Virus Action Project. We madea website, we gathered support from the genomics and computing communities, andaway we went to the farmers.



    We figured if we could get the data closerto the problem, and closer to the farmer, the quicker we could tell her whatwas wrong with her plant. And not only tell her what was wrong -- give her thesolution. And the solution is, burn the field and plant varieties that areresistant to the pests and pathogens she has in her field. So the first thingthat we did was we had to do a DNA extraction. And we used this machine here.It's called a PDQeX, which stands for "Pretty Damn Quick Extraction."






    I know. My friend Joe is really cool. Oneof the biggest challenges in doing a DNA extraction is it usually requires veryexpensive equipment, and takes hours. But with this machine, we've been able todo it in 20 minutes, at a fraction of the cost. And this runs off of amotorcycle battery.



    From there, we take the DNA extraction andprepare it into a library, getting it ready to load on to this portable,handheld genomic sequencer, which is here, and then we plug this into a minisupercomputer, which is called a MinIT. And both of these things are pluggedinto a portable battery pack. So we were able to eliminate the requirements ofmain power and internet, which are two very limiting factors on a small-scale familyfarm. Analyzing the data quickly can also be a problem. But this is where mebeing a computational biologist came in handy. All that gluing of dead plants,and all that measuring, and all that computing finally came in handy in areal-world, real-time way. I was able to make customized databases and we wereable to give the farmers results in three hours versus six months.

    我们将提取的DNA存入序列库,准备加载到这个便携式手持基因组测序仪中,就是这个装置,然后我们将它连上一台微型超级计算机,称为" MinIT"。这两个装置由便携式电池供电。这样一来,我们就能够排除对主要电源和互联网的依赖,这两者是一个小型家庭农场运作的局限因素。快速分析数据也可能是个问题。但是,我这位计算生物学家的存在派上了用场。所有枯死植物的标本,所有的测量,和所有的计算,终于在现实世界中以实时方式派上用场了。我能够定制数据库,在三小时内给农民结果,而不是六个月。





    The farmers were overjoyed. So how do weknow that we're having impact? Nine moths after our Tree Lab, Asha went fromhaving zero tons per hectare to 40 tons per hectare. She had enough to feed herfamily and she was selling it at the market, and she's now building a house forher family. Yeah, so cool.

    农民们欣喜若狂。那么我们又怎么知道我们的策略产生了影响呢? "树实验室"之后的九个月,阿莎的收获从每公顷零吨木薯上升到了每公顷40吨木薯。她有足够的粮食养活她的家人,还有多余在市场上售卖,现在,她已经能够为家人盖房子了。是的,太酷了。





    So how do we scale Tree Lab? The thing is,farmers are scaled already in Africa. These women work in farmer groups, sohelping Asha actually helped 3,000 people in her village, because she sharedthe results and also the solution.



    I remember every single farmer I've evermet. Their pain and their joy is engraved in my memories. Our science is forthem. Tree Lab is our best attempt to help them become more food secure. Inever dreamt that the best science I would ever do in my life would be on thatblanket in East Africa, with the highest-tech genomic gadgets. But our team diddream that we could give farmers answers in three hours versus six months, andthen we did it. Because that's the power of diversity and inclusion in science.



    Thank you.








      上一篇:演讲MP3+双语文稿:岩石与生命起源的真相 下一篇:演讲MP3+双语文稿:人类的崛起之路


