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    【演讲者及介绍】Nick Hanauer




    翻译者 Cynthia Zym 校对者 psjmz mz


    I am a capitalist, and after a 30-yearcareer in capitalism spanning three dozen companies, generating tens of of dollars in market value, I'm not just in the top one percent, I'min the top .01 percent of all earners. Today, I have come to share the secretsof our success, because rich capitalists like me have never been richer. So thequestion is, how do we do it? How do we manage to grab an ever-increasing shareof the economic pie every year? Is it that rich people are smarter than we were30 years ago? Is it that we're working harder than we once did? Are we taller,better looking?

    我是一个资本家,我有30年资本主义生涯,横跨三十多家公司,创造了数百亿美元的市场价值,我不只是在前百分之一,我是所有收入者中收入最高的0.01%。今天,我来分享我们成功的秘诀,因为像我这样富有的资本家从来没有这么富有过。所以问题是,我们怎么做? 我们是如何获得了每年都不断增长的市场份额?是富人比30年前更聪明了吗?是我们比以前工作的更勤奋了吗?长得更高了,更漂亮了?


    Sadly, no. It all comes down to just onething: economics. Because, here's the dirty secret. There was a time in whichthe economics profession worked in the public interest, but in the neoliberalera, today, they work only for big corporations and billionaires, and that iscreating a little bit of a problem. We could choose to enact economic policiesthat raise taxes on the rich, regulate powerful corporations or raise wages forworkers. We have done it before. But neoliberal economists would warn that allof these policies would be a terrible mistake, because raising taxes alwayskills economic growth, and any form of government regulation is inefficient,and raising wages always kills jobs. Well, as a consequence of that thinking,over the last 30 years, in the USA alone, the top one percent has grown 21trillion dollars richer while the bottom 50 percent have grown 900 billiondollars poorer, a pattern of widening inequality that has largely repeateditself across the world. And yet, as middle class families struggle to get byon wages that have not budged in about 40 years, neoliberal economists continueto warn that the only reasonable response to the painful dislocations ofausterity and globalization is even more austerity and globalization.



    So, what is a society to do? Well, it'ssuper clear to me what we need to do. We need a new economics. So, economicshas been described as the dismal science, and for good reason, because as muchas it is taught today, it isn't a science at all, in spite of all of thedazzling mathematics. In fact, a growing number of academics and practitionershave concluded that neoliberal economic theory is dangerously wrong and thattoday's growing crises of rising inequality and growing political instabilityare the direct result of decades of bad economic theory. What we now know isthat the economics that made me so rich isn't just wrong, it's backwards,because it turns out it isn't capital that creates economic growth, it'speople; and it isn't self-interest that promotes the public good, it'sreciprocity; and it isn't competition that produces our prosperity, it'scooperation. What we can now see is that an economics that is neither just norinclusive can never sustain the high levels of social cooperation necessary toenable a modern society to thrive.

    所以,社会该如何做?我很清楚我们需要怎么做。我们需要新型经济。因此,经济学被描述为一门沉闷的科学,有很好的理由,因为尽管今天我们学了很多,这根本不是一门科学,尽管其中的数学令人眼花缭乱。事实上,越来越多的学者和实践者得出结论认为新自由主义经济理论是危险的错误 并且今天日益加剧的不平等危机 和不断加剧的政治不稳定 是几十年来糟糕的经济理论 的直接结果。我们现在所知道的是,让我如此 富有的经济学理论不仅是错的,而且是后退的,因为事实证明 不是资本创造了经济增长,是群众; 促进公共利益的不是自身利益,是互惠; 不是竞争造就了我们的繁荣,而是合作。我们现在看到的是一个 既不公正也不包容的经济体,永远无法维持让现代社会繁荣 所必须的高水平的社会合作。


    So where did we go wrong? Well, it turnsout that it's become painfully obvious that the fundamental assumptions thatundergird neoliberal economic theory are just objectively false, and so todayfirst I want to take you through some of those mistaken assumptions and thenafter describe where the science suggests prosperity actually comes from.

    所以我们哪里做错了? 其实,这是显而易见的 那就是支撑新自由主义经济理论 的基本假设 在客观上就是错误的,所以今天我想先带你们 看看这些错误的假设 然后讲讲科学表明繁荣的真正来源。


    So, neoliberal economic assumption numberone is that the market is an efficient equilibrium system, which basicallymeans that if one thing in the economy, like wages, goes up, another thing inthe economy, like jobs, must go down. So for example, in Seattle, where I live,when in 2014 we passed our nation's first 15 dollar minimum wage, theneoliberals freaked out over their precious equilibrium. "If you raise theprice of labor," they warned, "businesses will purchase less of it.Thousands of low-wage workers will lose their jobs. The restaurants willclose." Except ... they didn't. The unemployment rate fell dramatically.The restaurant business in Seattle boomed. Why? Because there is noequilibrium. Because raising wages doesn't kill jobs, it creates them; because,for instance, when restaurant owners are suddenly required to pay restaurantworkers enough so that now even they can afford to eat in restaurants, itdoesn't shrink the restaurant business, it grows it, obviously.

    所以,新自由主义经济学的第一个假设是 市场是一个有效的均衡系统,也就是说,如果经济中有一样东西,比如工资上涨,经济中的另一件事,比如就业,必须下降。例如,在我居住的西雅图,2014年,我们通过了国家首个 15美元的最低工资标准,新自由主义者为他们宝贵的平衡而惊慌失措。“如果你提高劳动力价格,”他们警告说,“企业将减少购买。成千上万的低收入工人将失去工作。餐馆将会关门。”但是...... 这都没有发生。失业率急剧下降。西雅图的餐饮业蓬勃发展。为什么?因为市场不是一个均衡系统。因为提高工资不会扼杀就业机会,而是创造就业机会; 例如,因为,当餐馆老板突然被要求付给餐馆员工足够的工资时,所以现在即便他们也可以在餐馆吃饭,它不会缩减餐饮业,反而呢,它增长生意。





    Thank you.



    The second assumption is that the price ofsomething is always equal to its value, which basically means that if you earn50,000 dollars a year and I earn 50 million dollars a year, that's because Iproduce a thousand times as much value as you. Now, it will not surprise you tolearn that this is a very comforting assumption if you're a CEO paying yourself50 million dollars a year but paying your workers poverty wages. But please,take it from somebody who has run dozens of businesses: this is nonsense.People are not paid what they are worth. They are paid what they have the powerto negotiate, and wages' falling share of GDP is not because workers havebecome less productive but because employers have become more powerful. And --

    第二个假设是某物的价格总是等于它的价值,也就是说如果你一年赚5万美元,我每年赚5000万美元,那是因为我创造的价值是你的一千倍。现在,这不会让你太惊讶就是这是一个不错的假设,如果你是一个企业的CEO每年赚五千万并且你付给你的员工很低的工资的话。但是,请相信一位经营过几十家企业的人: 这是无稽之谈。人们的工资与他们的价值无关。他们得到的报酬是他们有权协商的,工资占GDP的比例在下降不是因为工人的生产力下降了,而是因为雇主的权力变大了。而且





    And by pretending that the giant imbalancein power between capital and labor doesn't exist, neoliberal economic theorybecame essentially a protection racket for the rich.

    而且通过假装资本和劳动力之间巨大的力量不平衡根本不存在,新自由主义经济理论在根本上 就是富人的保护伞。


    The third assumption, and by far the mostpernicious, is a behavioral model that describes human beings as somethingcalled "homo economicus," which basically means that we are allperfectly selfish, perfectly rational and relentlessly self-maximizing. Butjust ask yourselves, is it plausible that every single time for your entirelife, when you did something nice for somebody else, all you were doing wasmaximizing your own utility? Is it plausible that when a soldier jumps on agrenade to defend fellow soldiers, they're just promoting their narrowself-interest? If you think that's nuts, contrary to any reasonable moralintuition, that's because it is and, according to the latest science, not true.But it is this behavioral model which is at the cold, cruel heart of neoliberaleconomics, and it is as morally corrosive as it is scientifically wrongbecause, if we accept at face value that humans are fundamentally selfish, andthen we look around the world at all of the unambiguous prosperity in it, thenit follows logically, then it must be true by definition, that ofindividual acts of selfishness magically transubstantiate into prosperity andthe common good. If we humans are merely selfish maximizers, then selfishnessis the cause of our prosperity. Under this economic logic, greed is good,widening inequality is efficient, and the only purpose of the corporation canbe to enrich shareholders, because to do otherwise would be to slow economicgrowth and harm the economy overall. And it is this gospel of selfishness whichforms the ideological cornerstone of neoliberal economics, a way of thinkingwhich has produced economic policies which have enabled me and my rich buddiesin the top one percent to grab virtually all of the benefits of growth over thelast 40 years.



    But, if instead we accept the latestempirical research, real science, which correctly describes human beings ashighly cooperative, reciprocal and intuitively moral creatures, then it followslogically that it must be cooperation and not selfishness that is the cause ofour prosperity, and it isn't our self-interest but rather our inherentreciprocity that is humanity's economic superpower.

    但,如果相反,我们接受最新的实证研究,真正的科学,即正确地描述了人类是会高度合作,互惠的直觉上道德的生物,那么必然是合作 而不是自私 成就了我们的繁荣,并不仅仅是我们自身的利益 而是我们整体的互惠 才是人类经济的超力量。


    So at the heart of this new economics is astory about ourselves that grants us permission to be our best selves, and,unlike the old economics, this is a story that is virtuous and also has thevirtue of being true.



    Now, I want to emphasize that this neweconomics is not something I have personally imagined or invented. Its theoriesand models are being developed and refined in universities around the worldbuilding on some of the best new research in economics, complexity theory,evolutionary theory, psychology, anthropology and other disciplines. Andalthough this new economics does not yet have its own textbook or even acommonly agreed upon name, in broad strokes its explanation of where prosperitycomes from goes something like this.

    现在,我想强调的是这种新的经济学 不是我个人想象或发明的。它的理论和模型正在发展和完善 在世界各地的大学里 基于一些最好的经济学新研究,复杂性理论,进化论,心理学、人类学等学科。尽管这种新的经济学还没有自己的教科书甚至一个大家都同意的名字,大体来说它对繁荣从何而来的解释是这样的。


    So, market capitalism is an evolutionarysystem in which prosperity emerges through a positive feedback loop betweenincreasing amounts of innovation and increasing amounts of consumer demand.Innovation is the process by which we solve human problems, consumer demand isthe mechanism through which the market selects for useful innovations, and aswe solve more problems, we become more prosperous. But as we become moreprosperous, our problems and solutions become more complex, and this increasingtechnical complexity requires ever higher levels of social and economiccooperation in order to produce the more highly specialized products thatdefine a modern economy.



    Now, the old economics is correct, ofcourse, that competition plays a crucial role in how markets work, but what itfails to see is that it is largely a competition between highly cooperativegroups -- competition between firms, competition between networks of firms,competition between nations -- and anyone who has ever run a successful businessknows that building a cooperative team by including the talents of everyone isalmost always a better strategy than just a bunch of selfish jerks.



    So how do we leave neoliberalism behind andbuild a more sustainable, more prosperous and more equitable society? The neweconomics suggests just five rules of thumb.

    那么,我们如何将新自由主义抛诸脑后 去建设一个更可持续、更繁荣的社会 和一个更公平的社会呢? 新经济学提出了五条经验法则。


    First is that successful economies are notjungles, they're gardens, which is to say that markets, like gardens, must betended, that the market is the greatest social technology ever invented forsolving human problems, but unconstrained by social norms or democraticregulation, markets inevitably create more problems than they solve. Climatechange, the great financial crisis of 2008 are two easy examples.



    The second rule is that inclusion createseconomic growth. So the neoliberal idea that inclusion is this fancy luxury tobe afforded if and when we have growth is both wrong and backwards. The economyis people. Including more people in more ways is what causes economic growth inmarket economies.

    第二点是,包容创造了经济增长。所以这种新自由主义思想是 如果我们的经济增长是 错误的,而且是倒退的,那么这种包容就是我们 能够负担得起的奢侈。经济是人民的。包括更多人以更多不同的方式在市场经济中导致了经济的增长。


    The third principle is the purpose of thecorporation is not merely to enrich shareholders. The greatest grift incontemporary economic life is the neoliberal idea that the only purpose of thecorporation and the only responsibility of executives is to enrich themselvesand shareholders. The new economics must and can insist that the purpose of thecorporation is to improve the welfare of all stakeholders: customers, workers,community and shareholders alike.

    第三点是公司的目的不只是为了使股东富裕。当代经济生活中最大的骗局是新自由主义想法里公司的唯一目的,执行主管的唯一责任是让他们自己和股东变得更富。新经济必须并且坚持企业的目的 是提升所有人利益: 顾客,工人,集体和股东一样。


    Rule four: greed is not good. Beingrapacious doesn't make you a capitalist, it makes you a sociopath.









    And in an economy as dependent uponcooperation at scale as ours, sociopathy is as bad for business as it is forsociety.

    在一个像我们这样依赖 大规模合作的经济体中,社会病态对企业和社会都是有害的。


    And fifth and finally, unlike the laws ofphysics, the laws of economics are a choice. Now, neoliberal economic theoryhas sold itself to you as unchangeable natural law, when in fact it's socialnorms and constructed narratives based on pseudoscience. If we truly want amore equitable, more prosperous and more sustainable economy, if we wanthigh-functioning democracies and civil society, we must have a new economics.



    And here's the good news: if we want a neweconomics, all we have to do is choose to have it.

    好消息是: 如果我们想要拥有新经济,我们所需要做的只是选择去拥有它。


    Thank you.






    Moderator: So Nick, I'm sure you get thisquestion a lot. If you're so unhappy with the economic system, why not justgive all your money away and join the 99 percent?



    Nick Hanauer: Yeah, no, yes, right. You getthat a lot. You get that a lot. "If you care so much about taxes, whydon't you pay more, and if you care so much about wages, why don't you paymore?" And I could do that. The problem is, it doesn't make that muchdifference, and I have discovered a strategy that works literally a hundredthousand times better --

    (鼓掌)尼克:是的,不,是的,没错。经常有人这么问我。“如果你这么在意税收,为什么不多付一些呢? 如果你那么在意工资,为什么不多付一点呢?”我可以那么做。问题是,那不会改变什么,我发现策略比那有用无数倍。


    Moderator: OK.



    NH:which is to use my money to buildnarratives and to pass laws that will require all the other rich people to paytaxes and pay their workers better.

    尼克: 那就是用我的钱来建立叙事并通过法律,这将会要求所有其他富人为他们的工人支付更好的税收。





    And so, for example, the 15-dollar minimumwage that we cooked up has now affected 30 million workers. So that worksbetter.

    所以,比如,我们制造的15美元的最低收入 现在已经影响了3000万工人。这更有用。


    Moderator: That's great. If you change yourmind, we'll find some takers for you.



    NH: OK. Thank you. Moderator: Thank youvery much.

    尼克: 好的。谢谢你! 主持人:非常感谢。

      上一篇:演讲MP3+双语文稿:世界上第一个太空交通监控系统 下一篇:演讲MP3+双语文稿:水危机的创造性解决方案


