【演讲者及介绍】Rana Abdelhamid
翻译者Joseph Geni 校对者JoannaPietrulewicz
So my story starts on July 4, 1992, the daymy mother followed her college sweetheart to New York City from Egypt. Asfireworks exploded behind the skyline, my father looked at my mother jokinglyand said, "Look, habibti, Americans are celebrating your arrival."(Laughter)
Unfortunately, it didn't feel much like acelebration when, growing up, my mother and I would wander past Queens into NewYork City streets, and my mother with her hijab and long flowy dresses wouldtighten her hand around my small fingers as she stood up against weatheredcomments like, "Go back to where you came from," "LearnEnglish," "Stupid immigrant." These words were meant to make usfeel unsafe, insecure in our own neighborhoods, in our own skin.
But it was these same streets that made mefall in love with New York. Queens is one of the most diverse places in theworld, with immigrant parents holding stories that always start with somethingbetween three and 15 dollars in a pocket, a voyage across a vast sea and a cash-onlyhustle sheltering families in jam-packed, busted apartments. And it was thesesame families that worked so hard to make sure that we had safemicrocommunities -- we, as immigrant children, to feel affirmed and loved inour identities.
But it was mostly the women. And thesewomen are the reason why, regardless of these statements that my mom faced, sheremained unapologetic. And these women were some of the most powerful women Ihave ever met in my entire life. I mean, they had networks for everything. Theyhad rotations for who watched whose kids when, for saving extra cash, forthrowing belly dance parties and memorizing Koran and learning English. Andthey would collect small gold tokens to fundraise for the local mosque. And itwas these same women, when I decided to wear my hijab, who supported me throughit. And when I was bullied for being Muslim, I always felt like I had an armyof unapologetic North African aunties who had my back.
And so every morning at 15, I would wake upand stand in front of a mirror, and wrap beautiful bright silk around my headthe way my mother does and my grandmother did. And one day that summer 2009, Istepped out into the streets of New York City on my way to volunteer at adomestic violence organization that a woman in my neighborhood had started. AndI remember at that moment I felt a yank at the back of my head. Then someonepulled and grabbed me, trying to remove my hijab from off of my head. I turnedaround to a tall, broad-shouldered man, pure hate in his eyes. I struggled andfought back, and finally was able to get away, hid myself in the bathroom ofthat organization and cried and cried. I kept thinking to myself, "Whydoes he hate me? He doesn't even know me."
Hate crimes against Muslims in the USincreased by 1,600 percent post-9/11, and one in every four women in the USwill suffer some form of gender violence. And it may not seem like it, butIslamophobia and anti-Muslim violence is a form of gender violence, given thevisibility of Muslim women in our hijabs. And so I was not alone, and thathorrified me. It made me want to do something. It made me want to go out thereand make sure that no one I loved, that no woman would have to feel thisinsecure in her own skin.
So I started to think about how the womenin my own neighborhood were able to build community for themselves, and howthey were able to use the very little resources they had to actually offer something.And I began to think about what I could potentially offer to build safety andpower for women. And through this journey, I learned a couple of things, andthis is what I want to share with you today, some of these lessons.
So lesson number one: start with what youknow. At the time, I had been doing Shotokan karate for as long as I couldremember, and so I had a black belt. Yeah. And so, I thought -- surprise.
I thought that maybe I should go out intomy neighborhood and teach self-defense to young girls. And so I actually wentout and knocked on doors, spoke to community leaders, to parents, to youngwomen, and finally was able to secure a free community center basement andconvince enough young women that they should come to my class. And it actuallyall worked out, because when I pitched the idea, most of the responses were,like, "All right, cute, this 5'1" hijabi girl who knows karate. Hownice." But in reality, I became the Queens, New York version of Mr. Miyagiat 16 years old, and I started teaching 13 young women in that community centerbasement self-defense. And with every single self-defense move, for eightsessions over the course of that summer, we began to understand the power ofour bodies, and we began to share our experiences about our identities. Andsometimes there were shocking realizations, and other times there were tears,but mostly it was laughs. And I ended that summer with this incrediblesisterhood, and I began to feel much safer in my own skin. And it was becauseof these women that we just kept teaching. I never thought that I wouldcontinue, but we just kept teaching. And today, nine years, 17 cities, 12countries, 760 courses and thousands of women and girls later, I'm stillteaching. And what started as a self-defense course in the basement of acommunity center is now an international grassroots organization focused onbuilding safety and power for women around the world: Malikah.
我想也许我应该深入街区教年轻女性自卫技巧。所以我的确走出去了,挨家挨户地敲门,和社区领导、家长、年轻女性对话,最终得到了一个免费的社区中心地下室,并确保有足够多的年轻女性到我的班级来。这么做的确有用,因为当我推出这个想法的时候,大多数的回应是,“行,挺可爱,这个一米五、戴着头巾的女孩知道怎么打跆拳道。有意思。“但事实上,我在16岁,成为了纽约皇后区的Miyagi先生,并且开始在那个地下室教13个年轻女孩自卫术。那个夏天八节课,通过防卫术练习的一招一式,我们开始理解自己身体的力量,开始分享关于自身身份个性的经验。有的时候有惊人的认识,有的时候有泪水,但大部分是欢笑。那个夏天之后,我收获了珍贵的姐妹情,并发自内心感觉更加安全。正因为这些女性,我们可以一直开班教授。我从没想过我可以继续,但我们确实一直在教。今天,经历了9年、17个城市、 12个国家、760堂课程以及上千名女性,我依旧在教。而一开始社区中心地下室的自卫防身课程,现在已经成为国际性民间组织,聚焦于为全世界的女性建构安全和力量: Malikah。
Now, for lesson number two: start with whoyou know. Oftentimes, it could be quite exciting, especially if you're anexpert in something and you want to have impact, to swoop into a community andthink you have the magic recipe. But very early on I learned that, as esteemedphilosopher Kendrick Lamar once said, it's really important to be humble and tosit down.
So, basically, at 15 years old, the onlycommunity that I had any business doing work with were the 14-year-old girls inmy neighborhood, and that's because I was friends with them. Other than that, Ididn't know what it meant to be a child of Bengali immigrants in Brooklyn or tobe Senegalese in the Bronx. But I did know young women who were connected tothose communities, and it was quite remarkable how they already had theselayers of trust and awareness and relationship with their communities. So likemy mother and the women in her neighborhood, they had these really strongsocial networks, and it was about providing capacity and believing in otherwomen's definition of safety. Even though I was a self-defense instructor, Icouldn't come into a community and define safety for any other woman who wasnot part of my own community.
And it was because, as our networkexpanded, I learned that self-defense is not just physical. It's actuallyreally emotional work. I mean, we would do a 60-minute self-defense class, andthen we'd have 30 minutes reserved for just talking and healing. And in those30 minutes, women would share what brought them to the class to begin with butalso various other experiences with violence. And, as an example, one time in oneof those classes, one woman actually started to talk about the fact that shehad been in a domestic violence relationship for over 30 years, and it was herfirst time being able to articulate that because we had established that safespace for her. So it's powerful work, but it only happens when we believe inwomen's agency to define what safety and what power looks like for themselves.
All right, for lesson number three -- andthis was the hardest thing for me -- the most important thing about this workis to start with the joy. When I started doing this work, I was reacting to ahate-based attack, so I was feeling insecure and anxious and overwhelmed. I wasreally afraid. And it makes sense, because if you take a step back, and I canimagine that a lot of women in this room can probably relate to this, thefeeling, an overwhelming feeling of insecurity, is oftentimes with usconstantly. I mean, imagine this: walking home late at night, hearing footstepsbehind you. You wonder if you should walk faster or if you should slow down.You keep your keys in your hand in case you need to use them. You say,"Text me when you get home. I want to make sure you are safe." And wemean those words. We're afraid to put down our drinks. We're afraid to speaktoo much or too little in a meeting. And imagine being woman and black andtrans and queer and Latinx and undocumented and poor and immigrant, and youcould then only imagine how overwhelming this work can be, especially withinthe context of personal safety.
However, when I took a step to reflect onwhat brought me to this work to begin with, I began to realize it was actuallythe love that I had for women in my community. It was the way I saw themgather, their ability to build for each other, that inspired me to keep doingthis work day in and day out.
然而,当我思考这项工作的初衷时,我意识到一切始于我对我社区之中女性的爱。她们的团结,她们支撑彼此的能力激励我每天 继续这项工作。
So whether I was in a refugee camp inJordan or a community center in Dallas, Texas or a corporate office in SiliconValley, women gathered in beautifully magical ways and they built together andsupported each other in ways that shifted culture to empower and build safetyfor women.
And that is how the change happens. It wasthrough those relationships we built together. That's why we don't just teachself-defense, but we also throw dance parties and host potlucks and write lovenotes to each other and sing songs together. And it's really about thefriendship, and it's been so, so fun.
So the last thing I want to leave you withis that the key takeaway for me in teaching self-defense all of these years isthat I actually don't want women, as cool as the self-defense moves are, to goout and use these self-defense techniques. I don't want any woman to have tode-escalate any violent situation. But for that to happen, the violenceshouldn't happen, and for the violence not to happen, the systems and thecultures that allow for this violence to take place to begin with needs tostop. And for that to happen, we need all hands on deck.
So I've given you my secret recipe, and nowit's up to you. To start with what you know, to start with who you know and tostart with joy. But just start.
Thank you so much.