【演讲者及介绍】Yvonne van Amerongen
【演讲主题】重新定义老人护理的 "老年痴呆村"
翻译者Nancy Cai 校对者psjmz mz
This is the Hogeweyk. It's a neighborhoodin a small town very near Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. There are 27 housesfor six, seven people each. There's a small mall with a restaurant, a pub, asupermarket, a club room. There are streets, alleys, there's a theater. Itactually is a nursing home. A nursing home for people that live with anadvanced dementia and that need 24-7 care and support.
Dementia is a terrible disease, and westill don't have any cure for it. It's getting to be a major problem in theworld, for the people, for the politicians, for the world -- it's getting to bea big problem. We see that we have waiting lists in the nursing homes. Mostpeople that come to the nursing homes with dementia are women. And that's alsobecause women are used to taking care of people, so they can manage to takecare of their husband with dementia, but the other way around is not so easyfor the gentlemen.
痴呆是一个很可怕的疾病,而且我们目前仍然没法治愈它。它正在成为一个全世界的重大问题,给人民,政治家,还有全世界 都带来了很大的问题。我们看到疗养院还有等候名单。大部分来疗养院的痴呆患者都是女性,这也是因为女性很习惯于照顾别人,如果她们的丈夫患了痴呆,她们就可以照顾他们,但反过来对丈夫们就没有那么简单。
Dementia is a disease that affects thebrain. The brain is confused. People don't know anymore what the time is,what's going on, who people are. They're very confused. And because of thatconfusion, they get to be anxious, depressed, aggressive.
This is a traditional nursing home. Iworked there in 1992. I was a care manager. And we often spoke together aboutthe fact that what we were doing there was not what we wanted for our parents,for our friends, for ourselves. And one day, we said, "When we keep onsaying this, nothing is going to change. We are in charge here. We should dosomething about this, so that we do want to have our parents here."
We talked about that, and what we saw everyday was that the people that lived in our nursing home were confused abouttheir environment, because what they saw was a hospital-like environment, withdoctors and nurses and paramedics in uniform, and they lived on a ward. Andthey didn't understand why they lived there. And they looked for the place toget away. They looked and hoped to find the door to go home again. And we saidwhat we are doing in this situation is offering these people that already have aconfused brain some more confusion. We were adding confusion to confusion. Andthat was not what these people needed.
我们每天看到的是住在这里的患者 对周边的环境感到迷茫,因为他们看到的是像医院一样的环境,有医生、护士、穿着制服的护理人员,而且他们住在病房里。他们不明白为什么他们住在这里,他们想尽快离开。想要找到那个通往家的门。我们发现,在这种情况下,我们让这些本来就糊涂的人,变得更糊涂了。我们在混乱之上增添混乱,这反而是在帮倒忙。
These people wanted to have a life, and thehelp, our help, to deal with that dementia. These people wanted to live in anormal house, not in a ward. They wanted to have a normal household, where theywould smell their dinner on the stove in the kitchen. Or be free to go to thekitchen and grab something to eat or drink. That's what these people needed.And that's what we should organize for them.
And we said we should organize this like athome, so they wouldn't live with a group of 15 or 20 or 30, like in a ward. No,a small group of people, six or seven, family-like. Like living with friends.And we should find a way to select people based on their ideas about life sothat they did have a good chance to become friends, when they lived together.And we interviewed all the families of the residents about "what isimportant for your father," "what's important for your mother,""what is their life like," "what do they want." And wefound seven groups, and we call them lifestyle groups.
And for instance, we found this formallifestyle. In this lifestyle, people have a more formal way of interacting witheach other, a distant way. Their daily rhythm starts later in the day, endslater in the day. Classical music is more heard in this lifestyle group than inother lifestyle groups. And their menu, well, is more French cuisine thantraditional Dutch.
In contrary to the craftsman lifestyle.That's a very traditional lifestyle, and they get up early in the morning, goto bed early, because they have worked hard their whole life, mostly with theirhands, very often had a very small family business, a small farm, a shop, orlike Mr. B, he was a farmhand. And he told me that he would go to his workevery morning with a paper bag with his lunch and one cigar. That one cigar wasthe only luxury he could afford for himself. And after lunch, he would havethat one cigar. And until the day he died in the Hogeweyk, he was in thislittle shed, every day, after lunch, to smoke his cigar.
This is my mother. She's of the culturallifestyle, she's been living in the Hogeweyk six weeks now. And that lifestyleis about traveling, meeting other people, other cultures, interest in arts andmusic. There are more lifestyles. But that's what we talked about, and that'swhat we did.
But that's not life in a house with a groupof people, like-minded people, your own life, your own household. There's morein life, everybody wants fun in life and a meaningful life. We are socialanimals -- we need a social life. And that's what we started. We want to go outof our house and do some shopping, and meet other people. Or go to the pub,have a beer with friends. Or like Mr. W -- he likes to go out every day, see ifthere are nice ladies around.
And he's very courteous to them, and hehopes for smiles and he gets them. And he dances with them in the pub. It's afeast every day.
There are people that would rather go tothe restaurant, have a wine with friends, or lunch or dinner with friends andcelebrate life. And my mother, she makes a walk in the park, and sits on abench in the sun, hoping that a passerby will come and sit next to her and havea conversation about life or about the ducks in the pond.
That social life is important. It meansthat you're part of society, that you belong. And that's what we people need.Even if you're living with advanced dementia.
This is what I see from my office window.And one day, I saw a lady coming from one side, and the other lady from theother side, and they met at the corner. And I knew both ladies very well. Ioften saw them walking around outside. And now and then, I tried to have aconversation with them, but their conversation was ... rather hard tounderstand. But I saw them meeting, and I saw them talking, and I saw themgesturing. And they had fun together. And then they said goodbye, and each wenttheir own way. And that's what you want in life, meeting other people and beingpart of society. And that's what I saw happening.
The Hogeweyk has become a place wherepeople with very advanced dementia can live, have freedom and safety, becausethe professionals working there and the volunteers working there know how todeal with dementia. And the professionals know how to do their professionalwork in a way that it fits in a natural way in the life of our residents. Andthat means that the management has to provide everything those people need todo their work. It needs a management that dares to do this. To do thingsdifferently than we always have done in a traditional nursing home.
Hogeweyk已经变成了一个 能让患有严重痴呆的人居住,并且感到自由和安全的地方。因为这里的专业人员和志愿者知道如何应对痴呆,这里的专业人员知道如何既完成他们的工作,又不影响患者的正常生活。这意味着管理层需要为他们提供他们工作中需要的一切。这需要一个敢于付诸行动的管理层,敢于在一个传统的疗养院里,用不同寻常的方法做事。
We see that it works. We think this can bedone everywhere, because this is not for the rich. We've been doing this withthe same budget as any traditional nursing home has in our country. We workonly with the state budget.
Because it has to do with thinkingdifferent, and looking at the person in front of you and looking at what doesthis person need now. And it's about a smile, it's about thinking different,it's about how you act, and that costs nothing. And there's something else:it's about making choices. It's about making choices what you spend your moneyon. I always say, "Red curtains are as expensive as gray ones."
It's possible, everywhere.
Thank you.