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    【演讲者及介绍】Ipsita Dasgupta

    商业主管,"共谋者"Ipsita Dasgupta推动了娱乐和体育消费的过度媒体服务。

    【演讲主题】挑战现状,找一个 "同谋者"


    翻译者功伟 邢 校对者Wanting Zhong


    So I've been thinking about how to explain this concept to you, and I've decided I'm just going to start with something we all understand. To achieve great heights or change the world, no matter how smart we are, we all need people. And for conventional people, the universe seems to conspire to make them successful. For the unconventional, I think we need something that I like to call "co-conspirators."

    我一直在想我该如何 向你们解释这个概念,我决定就从我们都理解 的一些事情开始。为了实现伟大的成就或者改变世界,无论我们有多聪明,我们都需要人。对于循规蹈矩的人来说,是世界合谋的天时地利 让他们获得成功。而对于特立独行的人来说,我认为我们需要一些 我喜欢称之为“同谋者”的东西。


    Co-conspirators are different not because they're different themselves, but because of the people who need them. They tend to be people who are willing to bend the rules -- actually even break them sometimes -- and challenge the status quo to stand beside someone who is going against societal norms. I'm actually going to describe an experience that I had that first crystallized the idea of co-conspirators in my mind.

    同谋者是不同的,并不是因为他们本身不同,而是因为那些需要他们的人 与众不同。他们大多都是 愿意改变规则的人,实际上有时甚至打破规则,并且挑战现状 来支持那些 与社会常态抗争的人。我接下来要描述一次 我的亲身经历,在那次经历中,我第一次 形成了关于同谋者的认知。


    In 2014, I was a corporate executive with an American multinational in India, and we were actually faced with an interesting problem: we didn't have enough women in the workforce. And just to give you some context, 27 percent of women work in India. If you look at most of Asia, that number is around 48 percent. So we knew the numbers were deplorable, and it was manifesting itself in our own organization.

    2014 年,我是美国跨国公司 在印度的一名企业主管,我们碰到了一个有趣的问题: 我们的工作岗位上 没有足够的女性。让我来给你们一些数据吧,印度的工作女性有 27%。如果你看看大多数亚洲国家,这个数字大约是 48%。所以我们知道这个比例非常不堪,而它在我们的组织中也有所表现。


    So we decided -- actually, I'll just give you a quick example of a young engineer, a 25-year-old woman, who told us a great story about her daily life, to just exemplify it for us. She said, "As I walk out of the house in the morning, I am running around doing a bunch of chores, and my mother-in-law -- I live with my in-laws -- is starting to get a little bit irritated, because she's going to be left with all the housework to do. And then, as I get back home in the evening, I've overshot the time I'm going to be home by an hour or two at least, and by then, two of my biggest champions, my father-in-law and my husband, are also starting to get a little bit irritated. And my mother-in-law is furious, because she's taken care of everything that needs to be done. And through the middle of the day, I'm actually surrounded by men my age, and there's only one expectation from them by society. It's to achieve in their careers and provide for their families financially. How do you expect me to bring this same level of enthusiasm, excitement and passion to the workplace?" And she was right.

    所以我们决定—— 事实上,我将会给你们讲一个 关于 25 岁年轻女工程师 的简单例子,她告诉了我们关于 她日常生活的精彩故事,来给我们解释 女性为什么这么少。她说,“当我早上走出房间的时候,我会东奔西走 忙着做一堆杂务,而我的婆婆——我和我公婆 住在在一起—— 开始有一点点怒气,因为她将要留下来 做所有的家务。然后,当我晚上回家的时候,我最少已经比正常回家的时间 迟到了一到两个小时,而我家里最厉害的两位男性,我公公和我丈夫 也都开始有一些不满。我的婆婆因为照料完了 所有需要做的事情 已经怒不可遏。而在每天白天,我和一大堆年龄相仿 的男同事共事,而社会对他们只有一个期望。那就是在事业上有所成就,并且挣钱养活家人。你怎么能指望我把同样的热情、 兴奋和激情带到工作中来呢? 她说得很对。


    And I thought the women's network volunteers came up with a great idea. They instituted a "bring your mother-in-law to work" day. So we heralded a group of mothers-in-law and a few mothers into the office, and we took them to our R and D labs. We took them to the medical equipment that their daughters-in-law were creating and building. And as we did, we described to them what their daughters-in-law actually did: they impacted maternal mortality rates and infant mortality rates. They brought them down. They identified complex diseases early enough to be able to prevent and cure them. And then we took them to lunch. We gave them a lavish lunch and thanked them for the role they played for freeing up a young woman to work shoulder to shoulder with us to literally change the world.

    我认为女性联络网的志愿者 提出了一个非常好的想法。他们发起了一项名为 “带婆婆上班”的行动。所以我们邀请了一组婆婆 和妈妈们到我们的办公室来,然后我们带她们 到我们的研发实验室参观。我们也带她们参观了 她们的儿媳们 所创造和构建的医疗设备。与此同时,我们还向她们描述了 她们的儿媳究竟在做什么,她们的工作帮助降低了 孕妇和婴儿的死亡率。她们能够尽早诊断疑难杂症 以便于预防和治愈它们。然后我们带婆婆们共进午餐。我们用一顿极其丰盛的午餐招待她们,并且感谢她们所发挥的作用,她们解放了年轻女性 来与我们并肩工作,改变世界。


    There wasn't a dry eye in the room. Every one of these women were grateful and proud. They were proud of who their daughters-in-law were, but they were grateful to be included as part of the conversation. And I wondered at the time whether what we'd done was just a great touchy-feely moment and was cute but really wasn't going to have long-term impact. And a couple of days later, one of my mentees swung by my office, and she was super excited. She said, "I went home from work yesterday, and I was bracing myself, because I was really late, and I was bracing myself for a lecture, and my mother-in-law turned to my husband and said, 'Can you please get up and make her a cup of tea? She's exhausted. She's saving lives. You work at a bank.'"

    她们都感动地流下了泪水。在场的每一位女性 都充满感激和自豪。她们为自己的儿媳感到骄傲,但是她们更感激自己能够 亲身参与这样的一次对话。那一刻我就在想,我们今天所做的是否 只是一个动人的情感沟通时刻,这一刻的确很动人,但其实不会产生长久的影响。几天之后,我辅导的一位职员 路过我的办公室,她非常激动。她说,“昨天我下班回家,我鼓起勇气,因为我真的太迟了,我做好了接受训斥的准备,而我婆婆转过去对我丈夫说,’你就不能起来 给她倒杯茶吗? 她累坏了,她在拯救别人的生命,而你在银行上班。' ”





    And there you had it. You had the perfect co-conspirator, someone that we don't always recognize or value, but was changing the way somebody else could challenge the status quo, by standing beside her and questioning the societal norms and making a difference.

    这下你就做到了。你有了一个完美的同谋者,这个人是我们往往 不会意识到、也不会重视的人,但恰恰是这个人可以改变 他人挑战社会常态的方式,通过站在她身后支持她、 质疑社会常态 并产生影响。


    The next example I'm going to use will be closer to almost everyone in this room. When I graduated from business school and started working in a company, a group of us, my peers and I, were asked to work on a strategy for a business that hadn't been doing too well over the last decade and was being neglected. We put our hearts and souls into it, and we did a lot of analysis on our nights and weekends and put together what we thought was a good strategy. And after presenting it to a number of people that we were getting buy-in with, we were actually asked to present to the global CEO at his annual strategy meet that happened over a week. And we were both excited and apprehensive as we flew into headquarters. We were excited because this was an opportunity to show how much we had learned. But we were also nervous because, though a brilliant, dynamic man, he had a fiery temper and wasn't really the easiest person to present to.

    我接下来要用的这个例子 和我们在场几乎每一个人都更接近。当我从商学院毕业,并开始在公司上班的时候,我们一伙儿人,我和我的同辈,被要求为一家 在过去十年经营得不太好 并一直被忽视的公司 制定战略。我们在这个项目上倾注了心血,在晚上和周末做了大量分析,并且整理出了我们认为 很不错的战略。在把方案展示给一部分 支持我们的人之后,我们被要求在为期一周的 的年度战略会议上 把战略汇报给全球 CEO。当我们到达公司总部的时候,我们既兴奋又担心。我们兴奋是因为这是一个 展示我们所学的机会。但我们也很紧张,这是因为,虽然 CEO 才华出众、充满活力,但他脾气暴躁 实在不是一个好的汇报对象。


    Five or six hours before our presentation, a senior colleague pulled us aside and sat down and gave us a front-seat view of what had happened all week. We knew about people who had bombed their presentations. We knew about people who had almost been instantaneously promoted in the room. We knew what was keeping the CEO up at night and what he thought were tailwinds to the business. And when we walked into that presentation later in the day, we actually got buy-in with both the CEO and his senior staff. And it wasn't just because of our analysis or our strategy. It was because we were prepped to be able to communicate in a way that the team could absorb. Now, this senior colleague of ours didn't pull us aside, because he wanted to gossip. He pulled us aside because he believed we were unconventional in the boardroom. That unconventionality was exactly why he wanted us to think about this new, fresh perspective and provide a view on where this business should go. But he also knew it was a distinct disadvantage for us, because we didn't know how to present in that room, and we hadn't done it before, and they weren't used to receiving us.

    在我们汇报的五六个小时前,一位资深的同事把我们叫到一边,坐下来,给我们讲了 整个星期发生的事情。我们得知有的人搞砸了他们的汇报,还得知有的人几乎当场获得提拔。我们知道了是什么 使得 CEO 夜不能寐,也知道了他认为 什么是对公司的助力。当那天迟些时候 我们走进汇报室时,我们实际上得到了 CEO 还有他的 高级雇员的支持。这样的结果不仅仅是因为 我们成功的分析和战略,还因为我们做好了准备 按照团队能够理解 的方式进行沟通。我们的这位资深同事 并不是因为想要八卦 才把我们拉到一边。他把我们拉到一边,是因为他相信 我们在董事会里不会循规蹈矩。正因为我们另辟新径的做法,他才想让我们 从全新的角度思考,并为这个企业的发展提供见解。但是他也深知这对我们来说 是一个显而易见的劣势,因为我们并不知道 如何在那个会议室里做汇报,我们在这之前并没有汇报过,他们也并没有习惯于接受我们。


    And that again is an example, in my mind, of somebody bending the rules. Because he decided to co-conspire with us, he not only changed the career trajectories of six young people in the organization who suddenly got all this visibility, but he actually changed the trajectory of a business that people were neglecting and didn't have any fresh ideas for.

    在我看来,这又是一个 有人挑战常规的例子。因为他决定与我们共谋,他不仅改变了 组织中六个年轻人 的职业轨迹,他们在那一瞬间 变得非常引人注目,而且他还改变了一个 人们惯于忽视、 没有新见解的企业 的发展策略。


    The last example I want to share with you is actually very far removed from the corporate world and somewhat personal. This is the story of my mother. In her early 20s, she lost her father. He had passed away in his late 40s, leaving behind six children, four younger siblings and one older sibling than her, and a widowed mother who had never worked. My mom and her older sister realized that they actually needed to start earning an income -- they were both in grad school -- to ensure the rest of the siblings could get through their schooling and start to work.

    我想与你们分享的 最后一个例子 实际上与企业界 没有太大关系,而是一个比较私人的故事。这是我妈妈的故事。在她二十多岁的时候,她失去了父亲。我外公在四十多岁的时候离世,留下了六个孩子,她四个年幼的弟弟妹妹,一个比她稍大的姐姐,还有一个从来没有工作过的母亲。我妈妈和她的姐姐认为 她们真的需要开始挣钱养家—— 她们都是研究生—— 来保障剩下的弟妹们 能够读完书 并开始工作。


    So she shifted her law school classes to evening classes, and she started to work during the day as a schoolteacher to bring home an income. And every day, she would actually get off a bus at the end of her evening law school classes on the streets of Calcutta. Now, mind you, this is a woman who wasn't used to taking public transportation at all, let alone at night. And as she would get off the bus, she would take about a seven- to eight-minute walk to her home from the bus stop on a street that was largely deserted, because it was a residential street with some shops that closed around 8pm or a little bit before that. One day, a store owner was closing his store a little bit later than usual, because there was a customer who had actually left a little bit later. And he saw my mother get off the bus. He waited for her. He actually knew the family. The store had been in the neighborhood for more than 20 years, so he knew her since she was a baby. He watched her walk to the street that her house was on, turned off the lights, shut the store and went home. From the next day, he found that he waited for her every single day until he she made her way to her own house.

    于是她把法学课改成了夜校,然后开始在白天 在学校教课以补贴家用。就这样,每一天她都要 在夜校的法学课结束之后 在加尔各答的街道上 从公交站下车。请注意,这是一个过去不曾习惯 乘坐公共交通的女孩,更别提独自在夜晚行走。她从公交站下车,花七到八分钟从公交站 步行回到家,那街上人烟稀少,因为那是条住宅区街道,晚上八点甚至更早,所有的店铺都关门了。有天晚上,一个店铺的老板 关门比往常晚一些,因为有个顾客离开得晚了。他看到我妈妈从公交下车。他在等她。他认识我妈妈一家。那家店铺在那一带已经 经营了 20 多年,所以在我妈妈很小的时候,他就认识她。他看着她走到 她家所在的那条街上,之后他才关了灯,锁门回家。从第二天开始,他每天都在等我妈妈 直到她步行回到家里。


    Other store owners on that same street suddenly noticed this one store that was open longer, and suddenly started to see a bunch of end-of-day customers walk in to buy odds and ends that, from after their long day from work and their commute home, realized they hadn't picked up for the next morning. Some people who came in the mornings also started to come the night before. A few of the storekeepers decided that actually what was happening was he was monopolizing a bunch of customers, and they started to keep their store lights on and keep their shop open till 9 o'clock. From that time on, my mother had a lit street with plenty of activity on the street.

    街上其他的店主 突然发觉这家店 营业得比往常更久了,并且突然开始注意到 一些末班的顾客 会顺便进去买一些东西,这些顾客通常都在 上了一天班回家后,发现忘了买 第二天早上需要的东西。一些原本计划早上购物的人们 也开始在前一天晚上过来。一些店主们觉得是他垄断了 一批顾客,所以他们也开始亮起店里的灯 并且延长营业时间到晚上九点。从那时开始,我妈妈走的街道,变得灯火通明,行人也络绎不绝。


    I believe that that store owner was my mother's co-conspirator. Because of him, a small change to what was conventional on that street at the time allowed for her and her family to do something that was completely unconventional. A woman her age from an upper-middle-class family actually got married at that age or studied in grad school with the protection of their family. Because of that store owner, all of my mother's siblings went on to become engineers, lawyers, accountants and teachers, and my mother went on to become a lawyer.

    我相信那个店主 就是我妈妈的同谋者。正是因为他,当时街道上的常态 发生了小小的改变,而这一改变让我妈妈和她的家人 得以去做一些完全 不合传统的事情。来自中上阶层的同龄女孩 通常在她这个年纪结婚 或者在家庭的庇护下 攻读研究生。正是因为那个店主,我妈妈所有的弟弟妹妹们 都成为了工程师、 律师、会计师或教师,而我的妈妈日后也成为了一名律师。


    The world needs co-conspirators. As we get into a complex environment where more and more complex problems exist and we need to find more solutions, we need unconventional people in our boardrooms and at the table. For that to happen, we need co-conspirators.

    这个世界需要同谋者。当我们身处于一个 存在越来越多复杂问题的环境中,我们也需要寻找更多解决方法,我们的董事会与谈判桌 需要那些剑走偏锋的人。为了实现这一切,我们需要同谋者。


    In my own life, whether it's because of my gender, my ethnicity or sometimes, as I've been living in this part of the world for over a decade, my accent, I'm often perceived to be unconventional. It's my co-conspirators that have shown me the path forward, and actually, it's my co-conspirators that keep me seeking out the unconventional paths to go down.

    在我的生活中,不管是因为我的性别、 我的种族,或者有时候 是因为我在世界这一侧 生活十几年而形成的口音,我经常被认为是不符合传统认知的。正是我的同谋者 给我指明了前进的道路,事实上,也是我的同谋者 让我不断寻找 打破传统的道路。


    So what I'd like to ask of all of you today is that you look around and find the people that inspire you to co-conspire. I promise you that your empathy and your courage will change someone's life and may even change the world.

    所以今天我想对各位提出的请求是,看看四周,找到那些 激励你们进行同谋的人吧。我向你保证,你的同理心 和你的勇气 将会改变某人的人生,甚至可能改变整个世界。


    Thank you.





      上一篇:演讲MP3+双语文稿:艰辛的移民之路需要靠什么撑下来? 下一篇:演讲MP3+双语文稿:赋予一个女孩权利,改变一个社区


