Scene 13 打扫(1)
❶ 真够脏乱的!What a mess!
同类表达 Your room is a mess. 你的房间真乱。
对话 A: Look at this room. What a mess! It's your turn to clean up the room. 看看这房间,多乱啊!该你打扫房间了。
B: Yeah, I know. I'll do it later. 是的,我知道。我一会儿就打扫。
❷ 这地方跟猪圈一样。This place is a pigsty.
同类表达 This place is dirty. 这地方真脏呀。
This place is a mess! 这地方真乱!
❸ 我必须洗衣服了。I have to do the laundry.
同类表达 The laundry has really piled up. 要洗的衣服都堆成山了。
❹ 你可以把它挂起来。You can hang it up.
同类表达 Fold these clothes and put them in the wardrobe. 把衣服叠起来放到衣柜里。
Don't squeeze the clothes to dry them. 不能用手拧干衣服。
❺ 洗衣完毕后,把洗衣机擦干净。Wipe down the washing machine after using it.
对话 A: Honey, I'm leaving. Remember to wipe down the washing machine after using it. 亲爱的,我走了。洗完衣服后,记得把洗衣机擦干净。
B: I know. Come back earlier if possible. 我知道。尽量早点回来。
❻ 我要整理衣柜,夏天来了。I'll organize my wardrobe since summer is coming.
同类表达 I'll put these clothes in the wardrobe since summer is coming. 夏天到了,我得把这些衣服放到衣柜里去了。
❼ 请用吸尘器把整个房子打扫一下。Please vacuum the whole house.
同类表达 Please mop the floor. 请拖拖地。
Please dust the shelves. 掸掸架子上的土。
❽ 请把地板上的纸屑扫走。Please sweep the scraps of paper off the floor.
❾ 开窗给房间通通风。Open the window and air the room.
同类表达 Why not open the window and air the room? 为什么不开窗透透气呢?
The room has an offensive smell. 房间里的味道难闻死了。
❿ 收拾后,一切都井井有条了。Everything is in order.
对话 A: Your house is so clean and tidy. 你们家里真整洁呀。
B: Of course, everything is in order due to my mom's work. 当然,因为我妈妈的操劳,一切都井井有条。