204 ready的3种用法
ready 是形容词,通常只用作表语,常用结构有下面3种。
1 be ready 意为“准备好了,准备就绪”。
We are ready . 我们准备好了。
Are you ready ? 你准备就绪了吗?
Everything is ready now. 一切都准备好了。
2 get ready for 意为“为……做好准备”,侧重于动作。
You must get ready for the party. 你得为晚会做好准备。
We have got ready for the meeting. 我们已为开会做好了准备。
3 be ready to do sth. 意为“准备好了做某事,乐意做某事”,侧重于描写状态。
He is ready to go to school. 他已经准备好上学了。
She is ready to try again. 她已准备好再试一次。
He is ready to help others. 他乐于助人。(相当于He is happy to help others. )