[冲刺中考]英语阅读与填空:4-Friday 生活故事 211词
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    4-Friday 生活故事 211词

    题材: 生活故事  词数: 211  建议阅读时间: 4.5分钟


    After I had been waiting there for more than ten minutes,I felt certain I  1  have missed the bus.There was only one thing I could do about that:I would just have to  2  home.Of course it was entirely my own  3  .

    Ian had told me the last bus always  4  Little Sutton at ten thirty exactly and it was now ten to eleven.It would take me at least an hour and a half and possibly more to walk to my home in Forest End.But there was a full moon in the sky and I was quite  5  to walking much farther than that.Perhaps I had  6  not take the shortcut through the woods:I might easily lose my  7  in the darkness.

    I was halfway home when I heard a car coming slowly behind me.Could it be my imagination or was it actually following me down the hill? 8  else should it be making such slow progress?No matter what the fact was,I decided to have a try,so I stood still  9  if I were waiting for it to pass me.It stopped just beside me,the door opened and a man got out,who said worriedly,“Have you any idea where we can get petrol at  10  time of night?We've just run out completely.”


    entirely adv. 完全地,彻底地:Jeff and Mike come from entirely different backgrounds.杰夫和迈克的背景完全不同。

    exactly adv. 精确地,确切地:The baby was born almost exactly a year after they were married.孩子是在他们结婚差不多刚好一年的时候出生的。

    shortcut n. 捷径,近路:Carlos decided to take a shortcut home across the field.卡洛斯决定抄近路穿过田野回家。

    1.A.could B.might C.must D.should

    2.A.go B.be C.run D.walk

    3.A.mistake B.idea C.wrong D.thing

    4.A.got B.past C.arrived D.left

    5.A.able B.used C.about D.unable

    6.A.better B.had C.the best D.still

    7.A.road B.direction C.way D.land

    8.A.Where B.How C.What D.Why

    9.A.as B.even C.but D.there

    10.A.the B.no C.that D.this






    Friday 1.C 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.D

      上一篇:[冲刺中考]英语阅读与填空:4-Thursday 法律 181词 下一篇:[冲刺中考]英语阅读与填空:4-Saturday

