[冲刺中考]英语阅读与填空:6-Thursday 新闻故事 215词
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    6-Thursday 新闻故事 215词

    题材: 新闻故事  词数: 215  建议阅读时间: 4.5分钟


    ● An 88-year-old Indian farmer,named Virmaram,becomes the father of a baby boy.   1    says he takes long walks every day and has been drinking fresh camel milk since childhood.He has three wives.His third wife is 45 years younger and gave birth to the boy twins last month,but only one boy was alive.

    ● Workers are showing a handmade cloth shoe.The shoe,apart of a blessing for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games,was made at a shoe factory in Yichang,Hubei Province.   2    The shoe is 2 metres in length and it weighs 49.5 kg.

    ● A girl shows her painting at a pressure control class in Beijing.   3    and tell a story according to the drawing to reduce their pressure.

    ●    4    The dried noodles have become a new source of income to the villagers.They produce the fine noodles in a traditional way.

    ● A man,who stole about 5,000 pairs of school shoes,was caught by the police on Wednesday.“I enjoy the smell,”28-year-old Massashi Kamate said to the police,“   5    ”

    A.The teacher requires every student to paint freely

    B.The rich farmer,with a white beard and an old face,

    C.The smell of indoor shoes for school makes me excited.

    D.A man dries noodles in the open air in Yanxie village of Lingbao city,Henan Province.

    E.It took workers 208 days to finish it.


    birth n. 出生:What was the date of your birth?你哪一天出生的?‖give birth to 生(孩子):She gave birth to a boy.她生了个男孩。

    blessing n. 求上帝保佑;祝福:It was a blessing that we didn't have to make the trip.真是上帝保佑,当时没有要我们去跑这趟。

    length n. 长度:The length of this rope is ten metres.这条绳子长10米。


    ● 一位88岁名叫弗玛拉姆的印度农民刚做了父亲。这位留着白胡子、长着一张老脸的富裕农民说,从小时候起,他每天都要走很长的路,喝新鲜的骆驼奶。他有三个妻子。他的第三个妻子比他小45岁,上个月生了一对双胞胎,都是男孩,但只有一个活了下来。

    ● 工人们正在展示一只手工布鞋,这只鞋是为了祝福2008年北京奥运会而由湖北宜昌一家鞋厂生产的。它花了工人们208天的时间才完成。这只鞋长两米,重49.5千克。

    ● 北京的一家减压班里,一名女孩展示了她的画作。老师要求每位学生都自由地绘画,并根据所画内容讲述一个故事,以此来减轻他们的压力。

    ● 河南省灵宝市岩斜村的一位男人正在户外晾面条。干面条已经成为当地村民一项新的收入来源。他们是用传统方法来制作这种龙须面的。

    ● 一位男人偷了5000双“校鞋”,他于周六被警方抓获。“我喜欢这种味道,”28岁的马萨希·凯美特对警方说,“室内‘校鞋’的味道让我兴奋”。


    Thursday 1.B 2.E 3.A 4.D 5.C

      上一篇:[冲刺中考]英语阅读与填空:6-Wednesday 神秘 304词 下一篇:[冲刺中考]英语阅读与填空:6-Friday 职业 162词


