10-Monday 爱情 256词
题材: 爱情 词数: 256 建议阅读时间: 5.5分钟
I was on the train,on my way home,when I saw Jennifer sitting in the same carriage.My first thought was“It's her”.It was the girl I used to see every day in the library when we were at university.Often I couldn't concentrate on my work when she was sitting so close to me,but in fact,we never spoke once,all the time we were there.And now,eight years later,here she was.
So I walked up to her and said,“We've met before,haven't we?Weren't you at Durham University?”Not a great line,I know,but it broke the ice,and we talked for the rest of the journey.
We got off the train at the same station,she said goodbye and disappeared.I was kicking myself for not getting her telephone number.But then,thank goodness,she came back and said she had to wait on the same platform for her next train.We continued talking,but when her train arrived,I realized I still didn't have her number.This was my last chance.I pushed a pen at her and she wrote her number on a piece of paper just as the train pulled out.
I got home and the first thing I said to my roommate was:“Do you remember that girl I couldn't stop talking about at university?”And he said,“Oh,no…yes,of course I remember…”I then talked about her non-stop for an hour.Finally,I phoned her later that evening and we decided to meet the next day.
Six months later we went to Australia and worked together for a year.When we came back,we got married.It's the only thing in my life I've ever felt completely certain about.
carriage n. (火车)车厢:a first-class carriage头等车厢
concentrate v. 专注,集中:How can you concentrate on your work with so much noise going on?你怎能在这样吵的环境下集中精神工作呢?
line n. 精彩的话,甜言蜜语:He began with a memorable line:“Let's have an end of all this.”他一开场就讲了一句令人难忘的话:“让这一切都结束吧。”
break the ice [口语]消除尴尬局面,打破冷场:I've never liked her,but I'll break the ice and start a conversation.我从来没有喜欢过她,不过我会打破尴尬局面,主动与她谈话。
platform n. (火车站的)月台:She was waiting on Platform 14 for the train to London.她正在14号月台上等着去伦敦的火车。
pull out (火车)离开(车站),(轮船)离开(海岸):The three-thirty was pulling out of Platform 5 as I ran into the station.当我跑进火车站时,3点30分的火车正在驶离第5站台。
1.William first saw Jennifer on the train.
2.The underlined part in the third paragraph most probably mean“I felt angry with myself”.
3.William and Jennifer got off the train together.
4.William asked Jennifer for her phone mumber at last.
5.William and Jennifer waited for the train on different platforms.
6.William and Jennifer are a married couple now.
Monday 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.T