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    一般用词 General Words

    a heavy/paltry bet 大/小赌

    a letter of appreciation 感谢信

    accept a bet 同意打赌

    accept sb.'s congratulations 接受某人的祝贺

    act as host at a dinner party 作为宴会的主人

    agree with sb.同意某人的建议

    agreement [ə'ɡriːmənt] 赞成

    appreciate [ə'priːʃɪeɪt] 感激,欣赏

    argue ['ɑːɡjuː] 争议,辩论

    as sb. sees it 在某人看来

    assist [ə'sɪst] 帮助,协助

    assure [ə'ʃʊə] 使确信

    at a loss 茫然,困惑不解

    at odds with sb.与……不一致,与……争执

    at one's wit's end 智穷计尽,不知所措

    be against/for 反对/赞成

    be certain about/of 对……确信

    be confident of oneself 充满自信

    be convinced of 相信

    be deeply indebted to sb. 非常感激某人的帮助

    be host to a food conservation conference 当食品保存会议的东道主

    be noted for one's hospitality 以殷勤好客闻名

    be sincerely appreciative 由衷地感谢

    be sure to 一定要

    be under indebtedness to sb.欠某人的情

    beside the point 离题

    bet [bet] 打赌

    beyond doubt 毫无疑问

    bless [bles] 为……祝福,为……祈神保佑

    blessing ['blesɪŋ] 祝福

    chance [tʃɑːns] 机会

    come off it 停止,别那么说了

    come round to 改变主意,让步

    come up with 提出

    comfortable ['kʌmfətəbl] 舒适的

    commend [kə'mend] 表扬,称赞

    comment ['kɒment] 评议

    confident ['kɒnfɪdənt] 充满信心的

    congratulate [kən'ɡrætjʊleɪt] 祝贺

    convince [kən'vɪns] 使相信

    count on 依靠,依赖

    debate [dɪ'beɪt] 争议

    deeply/greatly appreciate one's kindness 深深感谢某人的好意

    differ from sb.与……意见不同

    disagree [ˌdɪsə'ɡriː] 不同意

    discuss ['dɪskʌs] 讨论

    do justice to 公平对待

    doubt [daʊt] 怀疑

    enjoy the hospitality of 受到……的款待

    excuse [ɪks'kjuːz] 原谅

    false [fɔːls] 错误的

    for sure/certain 肯定,确切地

    from one's point of view 在某人看来

    get a point 有道理

    give sb. hospitality 殷勤款待某人

    give sb. one's congratulations 请代某人向……表示祝贺

    give up 放弃

    go along with 赞同

    grateful ['ɡreɪtfʊl] 感激的

    gratitude ['ɡrætɪtjuːd] 感激

    have sth. in mind 有想法

    hear out 听完

    helpful ['helpfʊl] 有益的

    hit the (right)nail on the head 一语中的

    honor ['ɒnə] 荣誉,荣幸

    hospitality [ˌhɒspɪ'tælətɪ] 好客, 殷勤

    How about…?……怎么样?

    if you please 请

    in a sense/way 在一定程度上

    inclined [ɪn'klaɪnd] 倾向于

    indebted [ɪn'detɪd] 感激的,蒙恩的

    kind [kaɪnd] 善良的

    know of 知道

    Ladies and Gentlemen!女士们,先生们!


    lose 800 dollars in one bet 一次打赌就输了800美元

    make a bet of 100 dollars 打100美元的赌

    make a fuss over 对……大惊小怪

    make it 成功

    make sense 有道理

    make sure/certain 设法确保

    make up one's mind 决定,决心

    make up 和好

    may/might (just)as well 不妨

    Men/Men's 男厕

    mention ['menʃn] 提及

    millions of thanks 万分感激

    mistaken [mɪs'teɪkən] 错误的

    no doubt 无疑地,确实

    nothing of 不够……的素质或条件

    obliged [ə'blaɪdʒd] 感激的

    opinion [ə'pɪnjən] 意见

    owe one's gratitude to sb.感谢某人

    personally ['pɜːsənəlɪ] 依个人之见,个人地

    pick up 拿起,收拾,重谈话题

    play host to 在……上做主人,招待

    point [pɔɪnt] 观点

    possibly ['pɒsəblɪ] 可能地

    promotion [prə'məʊʃn] 晋升

    put one's heads together 集思广益

    put/place one's bet on 把赌注押在……上

    reasonable ['riːznəbl] 合理的

    recall [rɪ'kɔːl] 回忆,记起

    recommend [ˌrekə'mend] 推荐

    remind [rɪ'maɪnd] 提醒

    show unbounded gratitude for 对……表示无限的感谢

    similar ['sɪmɪlə] 与……相似

    so far 到目前为止

    spare [speə] 出让,让给

    suppose [sə'pəʊz] 认为,猜想

    sure of oneself 自信的

    sure of 对……确信

    swear [sweə] 发誓

    take back 收回

    talk sth. over 就……进行商谈

    tender an invitation 发出邀请

    tender sincere gratitude to sb. 衷心地感谢某人

    the pros and cons 赞成与反对

    the very thing 千真万确的事

    the way I see it 在我看来

    think about 认为

    to one's mind 依某人看来

    trouble sb. for sth.用某事麻烦某人

    What if…?如果……怎么样……?

    Why not…?为什么不……?

    win a bet on a horse 赌赛马赢了

      上一篇:英语惯用词组:[出国,留学类]美国五十个州名 下一篇:英语惯用词组:[社会交往类]宴请


