教程:英语惯用词组27000  浏览:723  
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    一般用词 General Words

    a long breezy stroll 长时间的悠闲漫步

    a moonlight ramble 月夜散步

    a ramble in the suburbs 在郊区漫步

    a solitary stroll 独自徜徉

    a stroll over the ruins 在废墟上漫步

    a walk across the fields 穿过田野的散步

    a walk by moonlight 月下散步

    an after-supper ramble 晚饭后的散步

    an evening stroll 黄昏散步

    an outdoor walk 户外散步

    break into a trot 突然小跑起来

    fond of a solitary stroll in the country 喜欢长时间独自在乡间徜徉

    give a leap 跳了一下

    go for a country ramble 去乡间漫游

    go picnicking 去野餐

    go skiing 去滑雪

    go surfing 去冲浪

    have a pleasant walk in the country 在乡间进行一次愉快的散步

    have/take a stroll 散步,闲逛

    hop [hɒp] 单足跳

    hop about from tree to tree 在树上跳来跳去

    hop across the fields 跳着穿过田野

    hurry ['hʌrɪ] (匆忙地)快走

    hurry across the river 匆忙过河

    hurry along 赶快走

    hurry back from…从……匆忙赶回

    hurry into a car 匆忙钻进汽车

    in a great hurry 很仓促

    in a hurry 匆忙地

    in no hurry 不忙

    jog [dʒɒɡ] 慢吞吞地走

    jog along 缓缓地行进

    jump [dʒʌmp] 跳

    jump aside 跳到一边

    jump far 跳远

    jump for joy 欢跃

    jump over a ditch 跳过沟

    jump over a wall 跳过一堵墙

    jump through the window 跳出窗

    jump to one's feet 一跃而起

    leap [liːp] 跳,跃

    leap about in the meadow 在草地上到处跳跃

    leap at 扑向

    leap into a taxi 跳上出租车

    leap out of the water 跳出水面

    limp [lɪmp] 跛行

    limp along 一瘸一拐地走

    limp badly 跛得厉害

    make a leap from 从……往下跳

    make a spring at the mouse 一跃扑向老鼠

    pace [peɪs] 踱步

    pace about/around 来回踱步

    pace back and forth 来回踱步

    pace to and fro along the shore 在岸边踱步

    pace up and down (因焦虑、烦恼)走来走去

    race [reɪs] 疾走

    race along 快步前行

    race for the gate 往门口急跑

    ramble ['ræmbl] (无目的地)漫步

    ramble about the streets 漫步于街头

    ramble among the trees 在林中散步

    ramble in the garden 在花园里散步

    ramble through Japan 漫游日本

    ride at a trot 骑马疾驰

    roam [rəʊm] (悠闲地)漫步,闲逛

    roam from place to place 到处漫游

    rush [rʌʃ] (急促地)冲,奔

    rush back 奔回

    rush forward 向前冲

    rush out into the street 冲到街上

    rush out of the school gate 争先恐后冲出校门

    rush upstairs 冲上楼去

    skip [skɪp] (轻快地、活泼地)跳

    skip about 跳来跳去

    skip for joy 欢跳

    spring [sprɪŋ] (弹簧似地)突然跳起

    spring across a creek 跳过小河

    spring back 弹回

    spring over a fence 跳过篱笆

    stagger ['stæɡə] 摇摇晃晃地走

    stagger along like a drunk 像醉汉一样摇摇晃晃地走

    stagger to one's feet 摇摇晃晃地站起来

    stalk [stɔːk] 高视阔步地走

    stroll ['strəʊl] 悠闲地漫步

    stroll about/around/through the town 在城里闲逛

    stroll aimlessly through the streets 毫无目的地在街上游荡

    stroll along the beach 在海滨漫步

    stroll backwards and forwards on the lawn 在草坪上来回散步

    stroll down Fifth Avenue 沿着第五大街散步

    stroll leisurely 悠闲地散步

    stroll through a street 逛街

    stroll to the riverside 缓步来到河边

    stumble ['stʌmbl] 跌跌撞撞地走

    stumble along the road 沿路蹒跚而行

    stumble along/about 蹒跚而行

    stumble down 绊倒

    stumble forward 踉跄而前

    stumble into 跌入

    take a little stroll 稍许散一会儿步

    take a long stroll in the hills 长时间在山里漫步

    take a romantic walk by moonlight with a beautiful girl 跟一位美丽的姑娘在月光下浪漫地散步

    take/have a walk 散步

    toddle ['tɒdl] (小孩学步时)蹒跚行走

    traverse snow fields in skis 登滑雪板横穿雪原

    tread [tred] 踩,踏

    tread on one's toes 踩在某人的脚上

    tread out a fire 把火踩灭

    tread under foot 踩在脚下,虐待人

    trot [trɒt] 小步跑

    trot down the road 沿路小跑

    walk about 闲逛

    walk abreast 并排走

    walk across a street 步行穿过马路

    walk against time 快速行走

    walk along a country path 在乡间小径上散步

    walk arm in arm 臂挽着臂走

    walk back 步行回去

    walk barefoot 赤脚走

    walk briskly 轻快地走

    walk down the street 沿街走

    walk gracefully 步态优美地走

    walk hand in hand 手搀着手走

    walk home 步行回家

    walk into a room 走进一个房间

    walk through the pouring rain 在倾盆大雨中行走

    walk two or three abreast 二三人并排而行

    walk under the shade of trees 在树荫下散步

    walk wearily 疲乏地行走

    wander ['wɒndə] 漫游,徘徊

    wander about in the town 在小城里游荡

    wander about/around/over/through the world 漫游世界

    wander deep into the hills 漫步向山里走去

    wander into the woods 漫步向树林里走去

    wander over the countryside 在乡间漫步

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