绘画 Paint,Draw,Picture
a brilliant and entrancing picture 一幅色彩鲜明、引人入胜的画
a celebrated picture 名画
a chalk drawing 粉笔画
a charcoal drawing 炭画
a cloud picture 云景画
a drawing from the brush of a lady painter 一位女画家的画
a finger painting 指画
a gallery of paintings 画廊
a high-colored picture 色彩鲜艳的画
a lady painter 女画家
a landscape painter 风景画家
a landscape picture 风景画
a lantern picture 幻灯片
a line/lineal drawing 素描
a living picture 栩栩如生的画
a mural painting 壁画
a nude painting 裸体画
a painter in water colors 水彩画家
a painting from/after nature 写生
a pen and ink drawing 钢笔画
a picture by a famous artist 名画家的画
a picture of portraiture 肖像画
a picture penned up on the wall 钉在墙上的一幅画
a portrait painted to the life 画得惟妙惟肖的肖像
a portrait painter 肖像画家
a satire in drawing 讽刺画
a sensuous painting 给人美感的绘画
a vase painted with pastoral scene 涂饰着田园景色的花瓶
a very lifelike painting 一幅非常逼真的画
a wash drawing 水墨画
a water-color drawing 水彩画
a working drawing 施工图
an accomplished painter 有造诣的画家
an illustrative picture 插图
an impressionist painter 印象派画家
an oil painter 油画家
an original painter 有独创性的画家
applaud a painting 赞美一幅画
be authenticated as an original 被证明是真迹
be painted after an original……临摹的
close-up pictures 特写画面,特写镜头
comic/funny pictures 漫画
contemporary painters 当代画家
copy a painting 复制一幅画
draw a picture 画图
draw beautifully 画得一手好画
engineering drawing 工程制图
exhibit paintings 展出绘画
fake a painting 伪造一幅画
fit a studio 布置画室/摄影室
frame [freɪm] 给……装镜柜
frame a picture 给一幅画装画框
freehand drawing 即兴画
hang a picture on the wall 在墙上挂一幅画
make a drawing 绘画,描图
make a rough drawing of 绘制……的草图
mechanical drawing 机械制图
mount a painting 裱画
paint a landscape on a wall 在墙上画风景画
paint a picture 画一幅画
paint from nature 写生
paint in oils 画油画
paint vivid pictures 画出栩栩如生的图画
pose as a model for a painter 为画家做模特儿
produce a drawing 创作一幅画
take down a picture 取下画
take up painting as a profession 以绘画为职业
teach painting 教绘画
technical drawings 技术图纸
vividly picture the scene 生动地画出风景
with a few strokes of the brush 寥寥数笔