Myanmar Hands 10-Year Prison Sentence to Japanese Journalist
A court in military-ruled Myanmar has sentenced a Japanese journalist to prison after he filmed an anti-government protest in July, a Japanese diplomat said Thursday.
一名日本外交官周四表示,一名日本记者在 7 月拍摄了一场反政府抗议活动后,被军方统治的缅甸一家法院判处监禁。
Toru Kubota was sentenced Wednesday to seven years for violating the electronic transactions law and three years for incitement, said Tetsuo Kitada, deputy chief of mission of the Japanese embassy. The sentences were to be served concurrently. A charge of violating immigration law is believed to still be pending.
彻日本大使馆副馆长 北田哲男 说,久保田周三因违反电子交易法被判处 7 年徒刑,以煽动罪判处 3 年徒刑。这些刑期将同时执行。据信,一项违反移民法的指控仍在审理中。
The electronic transactions law covers offenses that involve spreading false or provocative information online, and carries a prison term of seven to 15 years. Incitement is a catch-all political law covering activities deemed to cause unrest, and has been used frequently against journalists and dissidents, usually with a three-year prison term.
电子交易法涵盖涉及在线传播虚假或挑衅性信息的罪行,可判处 7 至 15 年徒刑。煽动是一项涵盖被视为引起骚乱的活动的包罗万象的政治法律,经常被用来对付记者和持不同政见者,通常判处三年徒刑。
Kubota was arrested on July 30 by plainclothes police in Yangon, the country’s largest city, after taking photos and videos of a flash protest against Myanmar’s 2021 takeover by the military, which ousted the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi.
久保田于 7 月 30 日被便衣逮捕该国最大城市仰光的警察在拍摄了伊曼玛(缅甸)2021年军方收购的照片和录像带后,罢免了民选政府 昂山素季。
Kubota was the fifth foreign journalist detained in Myanmar after the military seized power. U.S. citizens Nathan Maung and Danny Fenster, who worked for local publications, and freelancers Robert Bociaga of Poland and Yuki Kitazumi of Japan were eventually deported before serving complete prison sentences.
久保田是缅甸军方夺取政权后被拘留的第五位外国记者。为当地出版物工作的美国公民 Nathan Maung 和 Danny Fenster,以及波兰的自由职业者 Robert Bociaga 和日本的 Yuki Kitazumi 最终在服完刑期前被驱逐出境。
Roughly 150 journalists in all have been arrested, with more than half released, but the media remains under tight restrictions. Free media are forced to operate underground or from abroad..
共有大约 150 名记者被捕,超过一半被释放,但媒体仍然受到严格的限制。自由媒体被迫在地下或国外运作。
A court in military-ruled Myanmar has sentenced a Japanese journalist to prison after he filmed an anti-government protest in July, a Japanese diplomat said Thursday.
一名日本外交官周四表示,一名日本记者在 7 月拍摄了一场反政府抗议活动后,被军方统治的缅甸一家法院判处监禁。
Toru Kubota was sentenced Wednesday to seven years for violating the electronic transactions law and three years for incitement, said Tetsuo Kitada, deputy chief of mission of the Japanese embassy. The sentences were to be served concurrently. A charge of violating immigration law is believed to still be pending.
彻日本大使馆副馆长 北田哲男 说,久保田周三因违反电子交易法被判处 7 年徒刑,以煽动罪判处 3 年徒刑。这些刑期将同时执行。据信,一项违反移民法的指控仍在审理中。
The electronic transactions law covers offenses that involve spreading false or provocative information online, and carries a prison term of seven to 15 years. Incitement is a catch-all political law covering activities deemed to cause unrest, and has been used frequently against journalists and dissidents, usually with a three-year prison term.
电子交易法涵盖涉及在线传播虚假或挑衅性信息的罪行,可判处 7 至 15 年徒刑。煽动是一项涵盖被视为引起骚乱的活动的包罗万象的政治法律,经常被用来对付记者和持不同政见者,通常判处三年徒刑。
Kubota was arrested on July 30 by plainclothes police in Yangon, the country’s largest city, after taking photos and videos of a flash protest against Myanmar’s 2021 takeover by the military, which ousted the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi.
久保田于 7 月 30 日被便衣逮捕该国最大城市仰光的警察在拍摄了伊曼玛(缅甸)2021年军方收购的照片和录像带后,罢免了民选政府 昂山素季。
Kubota was the fifth foreign journalist detained in Myanmar after the military seized power. U.S. citizens Nathan Maung and Danny Fenster, who worked for local publications, and freelancers Robert Bociaga of Poland and Yuki Kitazumi of Japan were eventually deported before serving complete prison sentences.
久保田是缅甸军方夺取政权后被拘留的第五位外国记者。为当地出版物工作的美国公民 Nathan Maung 和 Danny Fenster,以及波兰的自由职业者 Robert Bociaga 和日本的 Yuki Kitazumi 最终在服完刑期前被驱逐出境。
Roughly 150 journalists in all have been arrested, with more than half released, but the media remains under tight restrictions. Free media are forced to operate underground or from abroad..
共有大约 150 名记者被捕,超过一半被释放,但媒体仍然受到严格的限制。自由媒体被迫在地下或国外运作。