KPOP Musical Comes to Broadway in New York City
The storylines are familiar to theatergoers on Broadway: a singer and her guide; a newcomer trying to find his place; and young women chasing their dreams.
But no musical has ever sounded like this.
Over the weekend, Korean pop music arrived on Broadway as KPOP opened at the Circle in The Square in New York City.
上周末,韩国流行音乐登陆百老汇,KPOP 在纽约市广场的 Circle 开幕。
The musical is a story of Korean pop, or K-pop, performers trying to find success on Broadway. And almost all the performers are Asian Americans or Asians.
这部音乐剧讲述了韩国流行音乐 (K-pop) 的表演者试图寻找在百老汇取得成功。而且几乎所有的表演者都是亚裔美国人或亚洲人。
Jason Kim was born in Korea and moved to the U.S. as a young child. He first thought of the idea of a play based on K-pop around 10 years ago. He staged an early version of the musical off-Broadway in 2017. Off-Broadway productions are usually smaller and less costly. Helen Park and Max Vernon wrote the music and words for the songs in the show.
Jason Kim 出生于韩国,年幼时移居美国。大约 10 年前,他首先想到了以 K-pop 为基础的戏剧的想法。他于 2017 年上演了早期版本的非百老汇音乐剧。非百老汇的作品通常规模较小,成本较低。海伦·帕克 (Helen Park) 和马克斯·弗农 (Max Vernon) 为节目中的歌曲创作了音乐和歌词。
Korean popular music and television have been a big part of Kim's life. He also loved Broadway musicals such as A Chorus Line and Dreamgirls, where the story is about what is happening behind the stages.
韩国流行音乐和电视一直是 Kim 生活的重要组成部分。他还喜欢百老汇音乐剧,例如 A Chorus Line 和 Dreamgirls,其中的故事讲述的是舞台背后发生的事情。
"I love backstage shows," he said. "Is there fighting going on in-between everybody? Do they all love each other? These are the questions that I asked myself."
“我喜欢后台表演,”他说。 “每个人之间都在打架吗?他们都彼此相爱吗?这些是我问自己的问题。”
In his first version of the musical, Kim explained K-pop to an American audience largely unfamiliar with the music. The musical has since been re-written for a world where the Korean group BTS and the television program Squid Games are among the most popular entertainment.
在他的第一版音乐剧中,Kim 向基本上不熟悉这种音乐的美国观众解释了 K-pop。这部音乐剧后来被改写,以适应韩国乐队 BTS 和电视节目 Squid Games 成为最受欢迎娱乐节目的世界。
Kim said, back then, America "didn't really know what K-pop was, and so there was a lot of explaining that I had to do."
金说,当时美国“并不知道K-pop 是什么,所以我必须做很多解释。”
Robert Ji-Song Ku teaches Asian American studies at Binghamton University. He said a Broadway musical with the sounds of K-pop is a sign of how "the U.S. is finally catching up with what was already going on around the world."
Robert Ji-Song Ku 在宾厄姆顿大学教授亚裔美国人研究。他说,一部带有 K-pop 声音的百老汇音乐剧是“美国终于赶上世界各地已经发生的事情”的标志。
Some performers in the musical KPOP have real experience in K-pop, including Luna, a former member of the group f(x). She plays the role of MwE, a singer who has spent years working toward her dreams and has arrived at an important moment in her life.
KPOP 音乐剧中的一些表演者已经真实的 K-pop 体验,包括 Luna,f(x) 组合的前成员。她扮演 MwE 的角色,她是一位歌手,多年来一直为自己的梦想而努力,并来到了她生命中的重要时刻。
Kim thinks it is important to see Asians in leading roles on Broadway. He said it was important to see Asians not playing the usual roles, "but playing rock stars, playing pop stars, dancing… and acting… and just being spectacular."
Helen Park called the experience an honor. She said, for her, K-pop was familiar like home, but Broadway was a seemingly out-of-reach dream. In an email to the Associated Press, she said, "To be able to bring something that feels like home to me, to my dream stage, Broadway, feels like the most miraculous gift…"
海伦·帕克 (Helen Park) 称这次经历是一种荣幸.她说,对她来说,K-pop 就像家一样熟悉,但百老汇是一个看似遥不可及的梦想。在给美联社的一封电子邮件中,她说,“能够把我觉得像家一样的东西带到我梦想的舞台百老汇,感觉就像是最神奇的礼物……”
Kim said it was also important for the show to include some Korean mixed with English. He said it is a way to be true to K-pop and Korean people. He said, "When I speak to my mom, I'm switching back and forth all the time, depending on what we're talking about."
金说,节目中加入一些混合英语的韩语也很重要。他说这是对 K-pop 和韩国人忠诚的一种方式。他说,“当我和妈妈说话时,我总是来回切换,这取决于我们在说什么。”
Kim added that there is something for everyone, even those who have never heard a K-pop song.
Kim 补充说,每个人都能找到适合自己的东西,即使是那些从未听过 K-pop 歌曲的人。
"Hopefully if we do our jobs right, you're watching a fun musical with a bunch of great K-pop songs," he said. "But really what you're getting as you leave the theater is a universal story."
“希望如果我们工作得当,你正在观看一部有趣的音乐剧,里面有一群很棒的人韩国流行歌曲,”他说。 “但当你离开剧院时,你真正得到的是一个普遍的故事。”