Millions of Birds Could Bring Visitors to Eastern Mexico
Every year, millions of birds fly between Mexico's Sierra Madre Oriental Mountains and the Gulf of Mexico in an event known as the "river of raptors."
Many kinds of birds such as hawks, falcons, kites, vultures and eagles travel though the area from August to November to escape cold temperatures.
从 8 月到 11 月,鹰、隼、鸢、秃鹰和老鹰等许多鸟类都会在该地区穿梭,以躲避寒冷的气温。
The event brings hundreds of foreign birdwatchers to the coastal area of Veracruz.
"Many of my clients have been at other famous bird migration sites but say they never have seen anything like" the river of raptors in Veracruz, said Steven Koevoet. He is a birdwatching guide in Mexico. Koevoet has shown visitors places in Yucatan and Veracruz states for over 25 years.
Steven Koevoet 说:“我的许多客户去过其他著名的鸟类迁徙地点,但他们说他们从来没有见过像韦拉克鲁斯的猛禽河那样的东西。”他是墨西哥的观鸟向导。 Koevoet 向游客展示尤卡坦半岛和韦拉克鲁斯州的景点已超过 25 年。
Yet the yearly event has not led to a large increase in ecotourism. Ecotourism is part of the tourism industry that gets people to visit natural places in a way that does not damage the environment.
Critics suggest the lack of increased ecotourism is partly caused by Mexico's failure to support tourism away from its beach resorts like Cancun and Cabo San Lucas.
"Mexico has a lot of potential because of...its great diversity. But it lacks tourist infrastructure," said Efrain Castellanos, a biologist in Chiapas state.
“墨西哥具有很大的潜力,因为...它的多样性很大。但它缺乏旅游基础设施,”Ch 的生物学家 Efrain Castellanos 说
High levels of violence and environmentally unfriendly methods are also problems for developing ecotourism in the states of Chiapas and Veracruz.
Violence stopped birdwatching for years in some places, where the activity was an important source of income for local communities, said Vicente Rodriguez. He is a bird specialist at Mexico's National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO).
在一些地方,暴力行为使观鸟活动停止多年,而观鸟活动是当地人的重要收入来源社区,Vicente Rodriguez 说。他是墨西哥国家生物多样性知识和利用委员会 (CONABIO) 的鸟类专家。
Mexico's national and state tourism ministries did not answer a request from Reuters news agency for comment.
But, environmental groups, universities and farmers in Veracruz are working together to develop ecotourism linked to the yearly bird migration.
Angel Viveros is a member of a family of ranchers near Jose Cardel, a town about 10 kilometers from Mexico's Gulf Coast in Veracruz. Viveros uses 150 hectares of land owned by his family for activities including birdwatching, horse riding, skydiving and hiking.
Angel Viveros 是 Jose Cardel 附近一个牧场主家庭的成员,该镇距离约 10 公里来自墨西哥湾沿岸的韦拉克鲁斯。 Viveros 使用其家族拥有的 150 公顷陆地鸟类进行观鸟、骑马、跳伞和徒步旅行等活动。
Viveros is supported by the non-profit group Pronatura Veracruz, which studies and counts the birds in the yearly migration. He is now receiving hundreds of visitors yearly.
Viveros 得到非营利组织 Pronatura Veracruz 的支持,该组织研究和统计年迁徙。他现在每年接待数百名访客。
Local coffee producers Cafe de Mi Rancho, Rancho San Fermin and Cafetalera San Felipe offer coffee tastings and educational talks about the importance of birds in spreading seeds.
当地的咖啡生产商 Cafe de Mi Rancho、Rancho San Fermin 和 Cafetalera San Felipe 提供咖啡品尝和教育讲座,介绍鸟类在传播种子方面的重要性。
"A green, bird-friendly stamp for those producers could be the next step," said Juan Salazar, a professor at University of Cordoba in Veracruz.
“为这些生产商设计的绿色环保邮票可以韦拉克鲁斯的科尔多瓦大学教授胡安·萨拉查 (Juan Salazar) 说。
One retiree who has been visiting Veracruz since 2002 had this to say. "Apart from feeling the physical emotion, it is like something spiritual ... there are no words to describe what it feels like to see the river of birds," Jose Alejandro Ramirez said.
一位自 2002 年以来一直访问韦拉克鲁斯的退休人员这样说。何塞·亚历杭德罗·拉米雷斯 (Jose Alejandro Ramirez) 说:“除了感受到身体上的情感外,它就像是一种精神上的东西……没有任何语言可以描述看到鸟群的感觉。”