Gardening Words even English Speakers May Not Know
Do you garden in English or another language?
Associated Press writer Jessica Damiano spent 2022 writing about gardening. She wrote about how to prepare your plants and soil for the winter. She also gave advice on gardening in shady places, or areas without much direct sunlight. She gave guidance on issues as different as insect control and saving and storing seeds.
美联社作家杰西卡·达米亚诺 (Jessica Damiano) 在 2022 年撰写了有关园艺的文章。她写了关于如何为冬天准备植物和土壤的文章。她还就在阴凉处或没有太多阳光直射的地方进行园艺提供了建议。她就昆虫控制、保存和储存种子等不同问题提供了指导。
Most recently Damiano wrote about the language of gardening, providing meanings to some unusual words used in the field.
For example, do you know what scarification is? Sounds like what happens when you see a ghost. But there are no ghosts in our gardens! Gardeners scarify seeds by making little cuts, or roughening, their hard outer covers. The act helps the seeds to germinate.
When a seed germinates it begins to grow.
Another technical gardening term that sounds mysterious, even to many native English speakers, is xeriscaping. It simply describes a way to garden with plants that do not need much water.
另一个听起来很神秘的技术园艺术语是 xeriscaping,即使对于许多以英语为母语的人来说也是如此。它简单地描述了一种不需要太多水就可以种植植物的方法。
Damiano's words are even more difficult for people who do not speak English as a first language. Some of the gardening words are more commonly used in other ways.
对于母语不是英语的人来说,Damiano 的话更加困难。一些园艺词在其他方面更常用。
For example, how about the word broadcast? You might think of the word when you are watching a television program or listening to a report from Voice of America on the radio. However, in the gardening world, broadcast means to spread seeds over a large area instead of planting in single, straight lines.
Damiano also includes the word amendment in her list. If you are familiar with VOA stories about the United States Constitution, you may think you know the word amendment. An amendment is a change to the constitution. For example, the first amendment guarantees freedom of speech, religion and the press.
But in gardening, the word amendment has to do with material added to soil as a way to make it more fertile. Compost or animal waste is a soil amendment.
Below, see Damiano's list of 35 "elusive" words all gardeners should know.
下面是 Damiano 列出的所有园丁都应该知道的 35 个“难以捉摸”的词。