Soldiers and rescuers worked through slush and rocks under steady rain, looking for survivors and searching for bodies in the hills of India's Carol Estate on Wednesday, a day after scores of people were killed in monsoon landslides. Around 1,000 people had been rescued from the hillside villages, tea plantations, and Cardamom states, as well as the Wyanad district, but authorities said many were still missing.
周三,在印度卡罗尔庄园的山区,士兵和救援人员在持续的雨中,穿过泥泞和岩石,寻找幸存者并搜寻遇难者遗体。此前一天,季风引发的山体滑坡导致数十人丧生。大约有 1,000 人已从山坡上的村庄、茶园以及豆蔻州和瓦亚纳德区被救出,但当局表示,仍有许多人失踪。