The beleaguered US commercial real estate sector has been attracting a new wave of money from sources including foreign banks, US private equity firms, and a leading Chinese sovereign wealth fund. |
陷入困境的美国商用房地产业正吸引新一轮投资,资金来源包括外国银行、美国私人股本公司及一家中国主权财富基金。 |
Market participants warn that the activity represents “bottom-feeding” by opportunistic investors whose strategies could be derailed by rising interest rates. Also, sums are tiny compared with the debts that need refinancing. |
市场参与者警告称,此类交易标志着机会主义的投资者正在“抄底”, 他们的战略可能会因为利率提升而改变。此外,与需要再融资的债务相比,本轮投资总额也相当小。 |
Nevertheless, the growing interest from investors is a sign of stabilisation, making it less likely that worsening commercial real estate conditions will sink banks and choke off a US recovery.. |
尽管如此,投资者兴趣渐浓是商用房地产企稳的一个信号,使该行业形势恶化拖垮银行、威胁到美国经济复苏的可能性有所下降。 |
“We believe the real story is that capital is ready to buy, even though it may not be so visible today,” says Bob Steers, co-chairman of Cohen & Steers, a real estate investment firm. |
房地产投资公司Cohen & Steers联席董事长鲍勃•斯蒂尔斯(Bob Steers)表示:“我们相信,事实是资金已做好购买准备,尽管目前趋势可能尚不太明朗。” |
Recently, state-owned China Investment Corporation has enlisted Cohen & Steers, Angelo Gordon and Morgan Stanley to identify commercial real estate opportunities, people familiar with the matter say. |
据知情人士表示,最近,国有的中国投资公司(China Investment Corporation)已聘请Cohen & Steers、安祖高顿(Angelo Gordon)及摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley),物色商用房地产投资机会。 |
A public sign of such activity came on Friday when Colony Capital won a Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation auction for $1bn of commercial property loans formerly held by failed banks in states hit hard by the real estate downturn. |
这一趋势的一个公开信号出现在上周五。洛杉矶投资公司柯罗尼资本(Colony Capital)成功竞购了美国联邦存款保险公司(FDIC) 10亿美元商用房地产贷款。 此前,这些贷款由美国深受房地产低迷冲击的州立银行持有。 |
The deal valued the loans at 44 cents on the dollar and was structured so the FDIC contributes $136m and holds 60 per cent of the equity, while Colony, a Los Angeles investment firm, puts in $90m for the remaining 40 per cent. |
该交易对这些贷款的估值为面值的44%,根据交易安排,FDIC将贡献1.36亿美元,持有贷款总额60%的权益,而柯罗尼则投资9000万美元,拥有其余的40%。 |
Tom Barrack, Colony founder, called the investment “an implicit bet that rates stay low” and warned: “If rates go up, everyone will be crushed.” |
柯罗尼创始人汤姆•巴拉克(Tom Barrack)称这笔投资是“有关利率将维持低位的隐含押注,”并警告称:“如果利率升高,大家都会被压垮。” |
Earlier last week, SL Green, a real estate investment trust, said it had refinanced a Times Square tower it owns with Canada's Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du Québec in a $475m dealed by Bank of China. |
上周早些时候,房地产投资信托基金SL Green表示,已与中国银行(BoC)达成一项4.75亿美元的协议,为其与加拿大魁北克储蓄投资集团(Caisse de Ddpot et Placement du Quebec)共同拥有的纽约时代广场一座高楼再融资。 |
In December, JPMorgan Chase raised $625m for Inland Western, a real estate investment trust, of which $500m was in the form of securities backed by commercial real estate assets. |
去年12月,摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)为美国伊利诺斯州零售房地产信托基金(Inland Western)融资6.25亿美元,其中5亿美元采用商用房地产资产支持的证券形式。 |