Ford Motor plans to use its new family of small cars as the centrepiece of an aggressive expansion in China and other parts of Asia. |
福特汽车(Ford Motor)计划以一系列新款小型车为主打产品,在中国以及亚洲其它地方大举扩张。 |
“We've got to move as quickly as we can,” Alan Mulally, Ford's chief executive said on the sidelines of the Detroit motor show, adding that the No2 Detroit carmaker would invest “a lot more” in China this year. |
“我们必须尽快采取行动,”福特首席执行官艾伦•穆拉利(Alan Mulally)在底特律车展间隙表示。他还表示,这家底特律第二大汽车制造商今年将“大幅增加”在中国的投资。 |
After two decades of focusing on sport utility vehicles and pick-up trucks, Ford is concentrating on developing a new stable of small and mid-sized cars built on the same global platforms, part of Mr Mulally's “One Ford” strategy. |
在过去20年聚焦于运动型多功能车(SUV)和皮卡之后,福特正专注于研发一系列新款小型和中型汽车。作为穆拉利“一个福特”(One Ford)战略的一部分,这些汽车在相同的全球平台上制造。 |
In Detroit this week, the company unveiled a new version of the Focus, its top-selling car. |
本周在底特律,福特发布了新款福克斯(Focus)车,这是该公司最畅销的车型。 |
As with Ford's recently relaunched Fiesta, the underlying architecture of the Focus will be common around the world, with the “top hats” or visible parts of the vehicles changed to reflect local regulations and consumer preferences. |
就像福特最近重新推出的Fiesta一样,福克斯的底层架构在世界各地将是一样的,但该车的可见部分会有所不同,以反映当地法规和消费者偏好。 |
Ford says the new platform will underpin up to 10 models around the world, accounting for 2m annual units by 2012. |
福特表示,新平台将支持世界各地至多10种车型,到2012年达到200万辆车的年产量。 |
Joe Hinrichs, a rising star at Ford's headquarters who takes the helm of the Asia-Pacific region next week, noted that 40 per cent of Chinese consumers and 70 per cent of Indians buy vehicles priced below $7,500. |
在福特总部不断晋升的新秀、下周将执掌该公司亚太区业务的乔•辛瑞奇(Joe Hinrichs)指出,40%的中国消费者和70%的印度消费者购买价格不到7500美元的汽车。 |
In China, Ford will build the Focus at a new plant in Chongqing, due to open in 2012. It sold about 440,000 vehicles in China last year. It also recently launched the Fiesta in China. |
在中国,福特将在重庆的一家新厂制造福克斯,该厂将于2012年投产。去年,该公司在中国销售了约44万辆汽车。该公司最近还在中国市场推出了Fiesta。 |
Mr Mulally expressed concern about overcapacity in the global motor industry as a result of government intervention to prop up local carmakers. |
穆拉利表示担心,中国旨在扶持本土汽车制造商的政府干预措施,会导致全球汽车业产能过剩。 |
译者/和风 |