世界卫生组织(WHO, World Health Organization)3月15日在其官方网站上发布日本核爆炸事件相关问题集(FAQs: Japan nuclear concerns),为民众解答核辐射后如何保护自己的相关问题。其中特别提及:碘化钾片并不是“核辐射解毒剂”。一般用于核爆前、或核爆刚刚结束后,才能降低核辐射程度。并建议民众一定要在官方指导下服用该类药品

→The decision to stockpile or take potassium iodide tablets should be based on information provided by national health authorities who will be in the best position to determine if there is enough evidence to warrant these steps.
→Potassium iodide pills are not "radiation antidotes". They do not protect against external radiation, or against any other radioactive substances besides radioactive iodine. They may also cause medical complications for some individuals such as persons with poorly functioning kidney and therefore taking potassium iodide should be started only when there is a clear public health recommendation to take this step.
→The decision to stockpile or take potassium iodide tablets should be based on information provided by national health authorities who will be in the best position to determine if there is enough evidence to warrant these steps.
→Potassium iodide pills are not "radiation antidotes". They do not protect against external radiation, or against any other radioactive substances besides radioactive iodine. They may also cause medical complications for some individuals such as persons with poorly functioning kidney and therefore taking potassium iodide should be started only when there is a clear public health recommendation to take this step.