A five-hour drive southwest of Shanghai, in the hills near a manufacturing hub, something like a mirage appears among the smokestacks: a full-scale replica of Beijing's Forbidden City.
从上海出发往西南方向驾车行驶五个小时后,在毗邻一处制造业中心的群山中,进入人们眼 的除了有一座座烟囱,还有一幅彷佛海市蜃楼的画面:实物大小的北京紫禁城复制品。
Welcome to 'Chinawood,' the world's largest outdoor film studio in the fastest-growing film market.
Cathy Yan/The Wall Street Journal游客参观横店影视城内与实物同等大小的北京紫禁城复制品。欢迎来到“中国的好莱坞”——这座世界上最大的室外影视城正位于全球增速最快的电影市场。
At more than 2,500 acres, Hengdian World Studios, as it is officially known, is larger than Universal and Paramount Studios combined. Its sets have appeared in more than 800 Chinese television shows and films.
它的正式名称叫横店影视城(Hengdian World Studios),占地超过2,500英亩,比环球影城(Universal Studios)和派拉蒙影城(Paramount Studios)二者加起来的面积还要大。曾在横店影视城取景的中国电视节目和电影数量超过800部。
Hengdian has plenty to offer beyond the Forbidden City. There is the Qin dynasty imperial palace that was the backdrop for the movie 'Hero.' There are 100 authentic Ming dynasty riverside houses shipped in from southern China, and the largest indoor Buddha in China.
'We've already surpassed Hollywood in volume,' says 76-year-old Xu Wenrong, a one-time farmer who owns the studios. 'Here, we offer everything.'
Even dreams of stardom.