'Thor,' the newest comic-book adaptation from Marvel Studios, powered its way to the top of the box office with a $66 million opening weekend in North America, according to early studio estimates. Internationally, the film grossed $46 million in 60 markets, bringing its worldwide cumulative gross to $242 million after 11 days of release.
据Marvel Studios此前估计,该工作室根据漫画改编的魔幻电影《雷神》(Thor)在北美市场一路高歌猛进,上映首周末即以6,600万美元登顶票房冠军。国际上,这部影片周末在60个市场总计获得4,600万美元的收入,该片放映11天以来全球累计总票房达到2.42亿美元。
Starring relative newcomer Chris Hemsworth as the titular Norse god of thunder, the $150 million film was distributed by Viacom Inc.'s (VIA, VIAB) Paramount Pictures and represents the third-highest start for a Marvel character launch. The debut trails the respective $114.8 million and $98.6 million openings for the higher-profile 'Spider-Man' and 'Iron Man' films, but it is ahead of the openings for the first 'X-Men' film and the Incredible Hulk films.
Paramount Pictures新人克里斯•赫姆斯沃思(Chris Hemsworth)(左)主演北欧神话中的雷神。新人克里斯•赫姆斯沃思(Chris Hemsworth)主演北欧神话中的雷神。这部耗资1.5亿美元的大片由维亚康姆公司(Viacom Inc.)旗下的派拉蒙影业公司(Paramount Pictures)发行,是Marvel Studios出品的上映首周收入第三高的影片,排前两位的是知名度更高的《蜘蛛人》(Spider-Man)和《钢铁侠》(Iron Man),上映首周的票房收入分别是1.148亿美元和9,860万美元。但《雷神》还是领先于《X战警1》和《无敌浩克》(Incredible Hulk)。
Paramount will also distribute 'Captain America,' another Marvel comic-book adaptation, this July. Walt Disney Co. (DIS), which bought Marvel for $4.3 billion in 2009, will begin distributing Marvel films starting with the superhero film 'The Avengers' in 2012.
派拉蒙还将在今年7月发行Marvel Studios出品的另一部根据漫画改编的电影《美国队长》(Captain America)。华特•迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Co.)在2009年以43亿美元的价格收购了Marvel Studios。迪士尼公司将于2012年开始发行Marvel Studios的影片,首部电影就是超级英雄影片《复仇者联盟》(The Avengers)。
The first major event film of the summer movie season, with 2,737 of its 3,955 locations screening in 3-D, saw 60% of its gross come from the premium-priced option. The film also played to its base, with males accounting for 63% of the audience.
'Thor' has kicked off the summer season in a big way,' Paramount Pictures Vice Chairman Rob Moore said in an interview Sunday. 'Both culturally and for the movie industry, the first week of May is when you can start to feel summer, and it's when schools start to let out and you can play into that window.'
派拉蒙影业的副主席穆尔(Rob Moore)上周日在接受采访时说,《雷神》已经大张旗鼓地拉开了夏季电影季的序幕。对于文化圈和电影业来说,5月第一周你可以感受到夏天的气息。此时,学期结束,学校开始放假。你可以抓住这个机会。
Given its solid but not stellar opening, 'Thor' will depend for its long-term success on its box-office momentum in coming weeks, as the further installments in popular film franchises such as 'Pirates of the Caribbean' and 'Harry Potter' are also released in live-action 3-D.
上映首周虽然收入不错,但不能算是极佳,《雷神》想要取得真正的成功,未来几周还得在票房上发力。同时,《加勒比海盗》(Pirates of the Caribbean)和《哈利波特》(Harry Potter)等系列大众电影也推出了3D版。
'Fast Five,' last weekend's top-grossing film from Comcast Corp.'s (CMCSA, CMCSK) Universal Pictures, dropped to second place with $32.5 million. The action film's domestic cumulative gross is now $139.9 million. Internationally, the film continued to perform, grossing $86.6 million and bringing its world-wide total to $324.7 million.
上周票房收入排名第一的《速度与激情5》(Fast Five)本周滑落至第二位,票房收入3,250万美元。这部动作片是由康卡斯特公司(Comcast Corp.)旗下的环球影业公司(Universal Pictures)推出的,其国内累计收入已达1.399亿美元。在国际上,这部电影继续表现良好,本周票房收入8,660万美元,全球累计总票房达3.247亿美元。
Appealing to the non-comic-fan demographic, the new romantic comedies 'Jumping the Broom' and 'Something Borrowed' from Sony Corp.'s (SNE, 6758.TO) TriStar Pictures and Time Warner Inc.'s (TWX) Warner Bros., grossed $13.7 million and $13.2 million, respectively.
而受到非漫画迷喜爱的新浪漫喜剧《婚礼大斗阵》(Jumping the Broom)和《大婚告急》(Something Borrowed)票房分别为1,370万美元和1,320万美元。前者由索尼公司旗下的三星影业(TriStar Pictures)推出,后者由时代华纳(Time Warner Inc.)旗下的华纳兄弟(Warner Bros.)推出。