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    This spring, Russian billionaire Yuri Milner paid $100 million for a French chateau-style mansion in Silicon Valley, setting a record for the highest price ever paid for a single-family home in the U.S. In January, Ukraine's Rinat Akhmetov closed on two of London's most expensive apartments ever for a combined $222.5 million. In Paris, a Gulf princess spent $96.9 million last year for a mansion with an inner courtyard, garden and private chapel on the Left Bank. 
    今年春天,俄罗斯亿万富豪米尔纳(Yuri Milner)花1亿美元买下了位于美国硅谷的一座法国城堡式豪宅,创下了全美独栋住宅最高成交价纪录。今年1月,乌克兰的阿赫梅托夫(Rinat Akhmetov)买下了伦敦最昂贵的两套公寓,总价2.225亿美元。去年,海湾国家的某位公主花9,690万美元买下了一座位于巴黎左岸、带内部庭院、花园和私人教堂的宅邸。
    Some of the biggest residential real-estate buyers in many cities are emerging from halfway around the globe. In London, one report finds that 65% of buyers in the luxury market hail from abroad. According to the Miami Association of Realtors, nearly 60% of all sales last year throughout the city were to buyers from foreign countries. About half of the buyers in one new luxury condominium on Manhattan's Fifth Avenue are from overseas.
    很多城市最大方的住宅地产买家中,有不少人跨越了大半个地球。一份报告显示,伦敦豪宅市场上有65%的买家来自海外。据美国迈阿密地产经纪商协会(Miami Association of Realtors)的统计,去年迈阿密所有豪宅交易中,有近60%的买家来自美国以外。购买纽约曼哈顿第五大道(Fifth Avenue)一座新豪华公寓大楼的买家也有约一半来自海外。
    While foreign purchasers make up about 7% of the U.S. residential real-estate market, their numbers have swelled: According to the National Association of Realtors, 18% of Realtors in the U.S. market reported selling a home to at least one international buyer in 2010, up from 12% in 2009.
    虽然外国买家在美国住宅房地产市场上占7%左右,但他们的人数已有所增加。据美国全国地产经纪商协会(National Association of Realtors)的统计,18%的美国房地产经纪商称,2010年他们至少向一位国际买家出售过房屋,2009年持此说法的经纪商为12%。
    The makeup of these buyers is changing, reflecting changes in the global economic scene. Buyers from Russia have returned, and the numbers are growing from Brazil, where the economy grew 7.5% last year. Australians are buying ski homes in Aspen. In Tampa, Fla., Venezuelan buyers are buying heavily discounted beach condos.
    One of the biggest factors in many areas is the emergence of the Chinese. As housing costs on China's mainland skyrocket -- raising concerns of a property bubble there -- monied buyers are heading abroad, moving into markets that look, in comparison, like a bargain.
    Photo Illustration by Mick Coulas; Bloomberg News (5); Alamy (2); Evan Joseph (1)在许多城市住宅房地产的最大买家中,有一些是来自其他国家。很多地方出现购房热的最大因素之一是中国买家的崛起。由于中国内地房价飙升,催生出关于房地产泡沫的担忧,富有的中国买家因此直奔海外,来到那些与中国内地相比似乎很合算的房地产市场。
    In Orange County, Calif., broker Steve High says Chinese buyers now account for more than half of his showings in tony Newport Coast, up from a very small handful two or three years ago. He says many Chinese buyers seek brand-new homes with more than 10,000 square feet to use either for vacations or as a place for their children to live when they attend college. 'We have great big houses here, and they're sitting vacant,' he says, 'Or we have an 18-year-old kid living in the house by himself.'
    房地产经纪商Steve High说,他带去美国加州桔县(Orange County)的豪华社区新港海岸(Newport Coast)看房的客户中,一半多都是中国买家,而两三年前中国客户只占极少数。他说,很多中国买家要的是超过1万平方英尺(约合929平方米)的全新住宅,要么是为了度假来住,要么是在孩子上大学时让孩子来住。他说,这里有上好的大别墅,基本上都闲置着,要不就是18岁的孩子独自住一幢大房子。
    Amy Williamson, the vice president of sales for Prodigy Network, which markets condo buildings like Trump Soho Hotel Condominium in New York, visited Shanghai last month, meeting with local brokers and potential buyers there. Beverly Hills-based broker Joyce Rey traveled to Beijing in October, arranging a reception at an art gallery where photographs of homes priced between $10 million and $125 million were displayed around the room like artwork. Tim Swannie, the Valbonne, France, director of Home Hunts, says one of his agents is working with two Chinese clients who are looking for vineyards in the $5 million-to-$10 million range in the Bordeaux region.
    威廉森(Amy Williamson)是Prodigy Network的销售副总裁,该公司负责销售纽约川普苏豪酒店公寓(Trump Soho Hotel Condominium)等公寓大楼。威廉森上个月访问了上海,和当地房地产中介及潜在客户会面。比佛利山的地产中介雷伊(Joyce Rey)去年10月到访北京,在一个美术馆举行了一场接待会,向中国客户宣传那些售价在1,000万至1.25亿美元之间的豪宅,这些豪宅的照片有如艺术品一般挂满了整个房间。法国房地产中介公司Home Hunts的董事斯瓦尼(Tim Swannie)说,该公司一位中介人员现有两个中国客户,他们想要位于波尔多地区、售价在500万至1,000万美元之间的葡萄园。
    In the U.S., many foreign buyers are taking advantage of the relatively weak dollar. In March, Pascale Saliou, a 44-year-old from Brittany, France, paid about $600,000 for studio in a building with a contemporary art-filled lobby in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood. Ms. Saliou has been visiting the city regularly for more than 20 years and finally decided to buy a New York apartment because of the exchange rate. 'We never imagined we could one day do this,' she says.
    很多外国客户如今趁美元相对弱势的时候在美国买房。今年3月,来自法国布列塔尼(Brittany)、44岁的萨利欧(Pascale Saliou)花60万美元在曼哈顿切尔西(Chelsea)社区买了一个单间公寓,公寓位于一幢带有现代艺术气息大厅的大楼里。20多年来,萨利欧定期探访纽约,最终由于汇率之便决定在纽约买下一套公寓。她说,我们从未想过有一天可以在纽约买房。
    Not all foreign purchasers are shelling out millions (in the U.S., the median price paid for a home by an overseas buyer was just under $220,000, according to the National Association of Realtors). And not all are traveling thousands of miles. Canadians are the largest group of foreign buyers in the U.S. today, representing about 23% of foreign buyers, up from about 17.6% in 2009, according to the National Association of Realtors.
    Global property buyers gravitate to a handful of highly specific locales: In London, Russians and people from the Middle East flock to central Knightsbridge, where blocks of sleek condos offer top-of-the-line amenities. In New York, newer condos packed with contemporary design attract foreign buyers. Here's a look at some of the top global real-estate markets for foreign buyers.

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