Google's Eric Schmidt appeared on stage at the D Conference today to show off the company's new mobile wallet and deals strategy that looks and acts a lot like Groupon.
谷歌(Google)董事长施密特(Eric Schmidt)周二现身《华尔街日报》D9大会的讲台,展示了谷歌新的手机钱包及团购战略。这一战略的形式和作用都很像团购网站Groupon。
Announced last week, the wallet will let Android smartphone users tap and pay for items at the register and redeem offers at dozens of retailers, using near field technology.
The wallet will be accompanied and funded by a deals network, much like Groupon, which provides discounts and a loyalty rewards program.
Google Wallet kicks off in New York and San Francisco at retailers such as Macy's, Subway and The Container Store, and will expand nationwide this summer. Tomorrow, it's announcing the launch of the company's daily deals service in Portland, Oregon.
谷歌钱包在纽约和旧金山的梅西百货(Macy’s)、赛百味(Subway)和The Container Store等零售商最先推出,今年夏季将扩大到全国范围。周三,谷歌将宣布在俄勒冈州波特兰市推出日常团购服务。
Google's VP of Commerce Stephanie Tilenius joined Schmidt on stage to give the presentation. (BTW, she's been named in a lawsuit filed by her former employer, PayPal).
谷歌商务副总裁蒂勒纽斯(Stephanie Tilenius)随施密特上台进行了演示。(顺便说一句,她在其前雇主贝宝(PayPal)提起的一桩诉讼案中受到指控。)
Tilenius demonstrated how a consumer can purchase a $3 for $10 offer at Floyd's coffee shop over the Internet, which is then stored in the Wallet.
Tilenius also showed off the wallet service, using something they've invented called the 'single tap.'
蒂勒纽斯还演示了钱包服务,在演示中使用了谷歌所发明的一种名叫“晃一下”(single tap)的东西。
In a demonstration, she tapped the phone against a tag on a store poster offering a 20 percent discount at American Eagle. Moments later she simulated buying a pair of jeans in the store. With a single tap at the register, it let her apply the discount and charge it to the credit card stored in the wallet.
在演示中,她把手机冲着商店海报上的一个American Eagle八折折扣标签晃了一下。一会儿过后,她模拟到American Eagle店里买一条牛仔裤。通过在收费终端晃一下手机,她就可以使用折扣券,用谷歌钱包中存储的信用卡付款。
All Things D's Kara Swisher asked whether it will only be on Android.
《华尔街日报》记者Kara Swisher问是否只有Android手机才有这种功能。
Schmidt: 'Initially.'
Tilenius elaborated: 'This is an app that works on any phone, and there's an NFC sticker that can be put on the back of the phone.'
Why is Google doing this?
Tilenius said, 'This is the next version of mobile commerce…80 percent of commerce is done locally.'
It's also for financial gain.
Google's Wallet appears to be more of a means to an end. It won't charge retailers, merchants or consumers to use it. Rather, it intends on making money from offers, just like Groupon.
Tilenius said, 'We make money on the offers, we won't charge for the payments.'