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    It's being described as the next health hazard after junk food binging and sedentary living: chronic sleep deprivation.


    At a major sleep conference in Boston this week, experts have been presenting a slew of studies blaming poor sleeping habits for everything from stroke to unhealthy eating and depression.


    Here are some tips on how to get a better night's sleep, from expert sites like WebMD.com and the Mayo Clinic.


    1. Stick to a sleep schedule 坚持良好的睡眠时间表

    Be consistent with the times you go to bed and wake up to create a regular sleep pattern.


    2. Follow a healthy diet 遵循健康的饮食习惯

    Aside from the obvious, including avoiding caffeine late at night, experts also say to refrain from going to bed hungry, overstuffed or after drinking too many liquids. If you're peckish, reach for a banana, which is rich in potassium and has been shown to help facilitate a deeper sleep.


    3. Try sleep accessories and eliminate distractions 尝试睡眠配件并排除干扰

    While an eye mask, ear plugs, or a sound generator for white noise have been shown to help, laptops in bed and smartphones on the night table have not. Unplug the room and create a restful sleep environment.


    4. Create a bedtime ritual 创造一个就寝仪式

    Wind down with a hot bath, a book or soothing music and stick to the same bedtime routine.


    5. Exercise 运动

    Regular physical exercise has been shown to enable a restful sleep.


    6. Try meditation or relaxation techniques 尝试冥想或者放松方法

    Consider deep breathing exercises, yoga or tai chi to help you charge down.


    7. Clear your mind 摒除杂念

    If you can't sleep because your mind is too cluttered, air out your concerns by either writing them on paper or talking them out with a spouse, friend or therapist.


    8. Seek medical help 寻求药物帮助

    Though you may think chronic sleep deprivation is just stress-related, it could also be caused by an underlying medical problem like sleep apnea.


      上一篇:法拉利和孩子,你选哪个? 下一篇:异地恋怎么维持(双语)

