十二个问题 你幸福吗
教程:英语漫读  浏览:1983  
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    十二个问题 你幸福吗

    1. Am I taking care of myself? Sometimes we get so wrapped up in taking care of others that we forget to take care of ourselves. It can be so easy to leave ourselves behind.

    1. 我照顾好自己了吗?有时候,我们太过于关心他人从而忘记了去照顾自己。这很容易就把自己遗忘。

    2. Do I have too much clutter? Drowning ourselves in too many material possessions can ultimately lead to stress. Get clear on what you absolutely need and what you can get rid of.

    2. 我的杂物是不是太多了?拥有太多的物品最终会给你带来压力。分清楚你肯定需要和你可以丢弃的物品。

    3. Do I take time out of my day purely for myself? We all need a little “me time.” Set aside some time every day to just relax and do something that you enjoy, whether that is reading, meditating, watching TV, cooking, spending quality time with your loved ones, etc.

    3. 我是否有从一天当中能抽出时间来给自己?我们都需要一点“自我时间”。每天留出一些时间放松一下,做你喜欢做的事情——阅读、冥想、看电视、烹饪、跟你爱的人共享黄金时光等等。

    4. Am I eating healthy? The types of foods we eat can greatly affect how we feel both physically and emotionally. Eating too much junk food can lead to crankiness and a relatively low energy level, whereas eating healthy foods can lead to better moods and a more positive energy level.

    4. 我的饮食健康吗?我们所吃的食物种类很大程度上会影响我们在身体和情绪上的感觉。食用过多垃圾食品会导致偏执,使人精力降低。反之,饮食健康则会使人有更好的情绪和更高涨的劲头。

    5. What are my core values? What is important to you as an individual? Is it family, health, spirituality, work, etc.? Make sure that you are living in alignment with what matters most to you.

    5. 我的核心价值观是什么?作为一个人,对你来说什么是重要的?家庭、健康、信仰、工作还是其他?确保在你的生活中,你追寻了自己最在乎的东西。

    6. Am I maintaining healthy relationships? Is there a relationship in your life that needs a little extra care and attention? Do you need to right a wrong with someone? Try to stay aware of how you’re treating the people in your life.

    6. 我是否在维持健康的人际关系?在你的生活中,是否有一段关系需要你额外的关注?你是否需要给某人平反?在如何对待他人这个问题上,努力保持清醒的头脑。

    7. Am I working too hard? Taking time to re-charge and spend time on activities that make you happy is so important. Honor your desire to pull back from work or school pressure when needed and give yourself time to breathe, even if it’s only for a few minutes at a time.

    7. 我是否工作太辛苦了?花时间重新调整一下,花时间做令你愉快的事情是非常重要的。必要时释放你的欲望,从工作或学习压力中解脱出来,给自己时间去自由呼吸,即便一次只有几分的时间。

    8. Am I playing too hard? A lack of motivation to accomplish certain things can throw you off balance or make you feel stressed out and pressured later on. Taking breaks is very necessary, but if you take so many breaks that your productivity level drops, or you get into the habit of procrastinating too much, it might be time to balance out your schedule so that you will get a generous amount of things done and still have time for breaks and leisure.

    8. 我是否玩儿得太high了?缺乏实现某些事情的动机会让你失去平衡或者稍后会让你感到筋疲力尽,很有压力。休息一下是非常有必要的,但是如果你休息得过了头从而使生产力降低,或者你养成了太过拖拉的习惯,那么或许就需要时间来平衡你的时间安排,以便你可以完成大量的事情而仍有时间休息娱乐。

    9. Am I spending too much? Overspending can lead to stress, clutter, and financial complications. It can also turn into a nasty habit over time. Saving money is an excellent practice and you will more than likely be glad you did in case of an emergency.

    9. 我花钱太多了吗?过度消费会导致压力、混乱以及财政并发症。这也可能会随着时间的流逝变为一种危险的习惯。储蓄是一个非常棒的办法,万一遇到紧急情况,你极有可能为你之前的储蓄而感到欣慰。

    10. Am I worrying about the future? Worrying about something that hasn’t even happened yet causes stress and anxiety. Focus on the moment in front of you and realize that it is all that exists.

    10. 我是否在担忧未来?担忧某些并未发生的事情会导致压力和焦虑。专注于当下,了解到这就是目前所存在的一切。

    11. Am I dwelling on the past? It is very tempting and almost involuntary to look back on the past and obsess over something we regret or something we miss. Learn to let go and only focus on what’s happening right now, and on the choices you will make today.

    11. 我是否徘徊过去?回顾过去,沉迷于我们遗憾或者错过的事情是非常诱人和几乎令人不由自主的。学会放手,只专注于当前发生的事和你今日将要面临的选择吧。

    12. Is there something I am clinging to? We don’t always realize when we’re clinging to something harmful when it feels safe and familiar, whether it is an unfulfilling job, an unhealthy relationship, or a stagnant way of life. Recognize if you are clinging to something that isn’t serving you and work on taking small steps towards change and release.

    12. 是否有什么事情我一直放不下?我们不会总是能意识到我们在何时抓住有害但感觉安全熟悉的事情不放手,不论是一份不称心的工作,还是一段不健康的关系或者一种停滞不前的生活方式。看看你是否执着于对你没用的事情,想出小措施来改变和解脱吧。

      上一篇:70句让你落泪的爱情箴言 下一篇:那些平淡至真的忠告


