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    Toymail ($60)


    Toymail, a voicemail box disguised as a toy animal,lets parents and children exchange messageswithout making live calls. Perfect for the perpetuallytraveling parent who doesn't want to give theiryoung child a cellphone. Simply connect the toymailbox, which comes in six different animal shapesto the Wi-Fi network. Download the app andpresto: Now you can call the mailbox through theapp and leave a message. The mailbox will snort orwheeze to let kids know they have a message, and they can reply.


    Supermechanical's Range ($70)


    Does people really need a thermometer that sends their phone updates about their foodcooking at home? No, not really. But do we all dream of cooking the perfect roast or holidayham? Yes, we do, and the Range by Supermechanical can help. The Range, which comes in twoversions - Ember with a sharp tip for roasts, and Aqua which has a round tip for liquidsbubbling in pots - links wirelessly to your phone. You can get alerts when the temperaturegoes beyond a certain range and charts showing whether your food cooking at home is ice-cold or piping-hot. Now you can definitively prove to dinner guests that the chicken was notunder cooked.


    Adaptics Drop ($100)

    Adaptics Drop智能秤(100美元)

    Who hasn’t been stumped when trying to adjust a recipe to make smaller or bigger portions?The Drop, made by Adaptics, is a smart scale for weighing baking ingredients. An appconnected to your phone via Bluetooth automatically tells you how much sugar you needbased on the amount of flour you place on the scale, for example. You can also automaticallyscale a recipe up or down beforehand by pressing a few buttons on the app. In the future,Drop plans to unroll a feature that will let you know what ingredients you can use as substitutesif you run low on something essential.


    Tile ($25.00)


    Tile is a smart-sensor that lets you find things you've lost. Attach the square Bluetooth sensorto your keys, or wallet, or whatever it is you want to keep track of. The next time you losesomething, you can use an app to find your lost object (as long as you're within 100 feet of it).The app will let you know how close you are based on the strength of the Bluetooth signal. Inaddition, while you search, Tile will beep to help you find the object of your affections faster. Amust-have for the person in your life who loses everything (except their phone).


    Fitbit Aria ($130)

    Fitbit Aria智能秤(130美元)

    December is all about eating while January is all about sticking to your New Year’s resolutions tolose weight. Fitness and data geeks should consider the Aria smart scale, made by Fitbit. Notonly can you weigh yourself, you can also track your body fat and your body mass index. Thescale syncs to your Wi-Fi, so every time you step on the scale, your data is saved to youronline account. You can see graphs showing your progress (or lack thereof) and track yourfitness. As encouragement, the app rewards you with badges once you meet your weightgoals. If that isn’t enough to make you stick to your New Year’s gym resolutions, nothing will.


      上一篇:Hootsuite CEO 改变企业社交媒体使用方式的五大趋势 下一篇:即将被物联网颠覆的三个行业


