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    The IoT is a term developed to describe a wirelessnetwork of “things” containing embeddedtechnology that communicate without humaninteraction. For example, a “thing” can be a wirelessblood pressure monitor, a sensor on an assemblyline or an RFID tag on a piece of clothing in a store.


    According to Gartner, there will be nearly 26 billion wireless devices connected to the Internet by2020. Considering that in 2009 that number was less than 1 billion devices, it seems clear thatthe Internet is experiencing explosive growth of connected “things.”


    So far, IoT technology has been mostly adopted by the manufacturing industry using machine-to-machine (M2M) communication. However, with rapid innovation of IoT technology, moreand more industries are taking advantage of this new way of life.


    Here are three such examples of how businesses are becoming “smarter” by adopting IoT. Eachpresents new market opportunities for entrepreneurs innovating with technology to improveservices, connections and communication:


    1. Healthcare


    With the potential to improve the health, safety and care of billions of people, healthcare is oneof the most promising industries for IoT. With wi-fi-enabled medical tools and devices,hospitals are able to collect, record and analyze data faster and more accurately. This helpsmedical staff perform diagnosis and treatment and undoubtedly improve standards of care.


    Health monitoring and wearable devices for patients are becoming extremely popular, asthey’re able to transmit a patient’s real-time, vital-sign data from their home to medical staff.Such Wi-Fi powered devices include “things” such as glucometers, scales, heart rate andultrasound monitors.


    Furthermore, wearable devices are gaining attention among the elderly and those with chronicillness. With the push of a button, a person is able to alert the medical staff of an emergencysituation.


    Additionally, fitness bands such as the Nike NKE 2.73% Fuelband or Fitbit measure whole-body movement throughout the day — transmitting the data wirelessly to the user’scomputer, tablet or smartphone. This trend also has the potential to impact the way healthinsurance companies operate.


    Machinery and manufacturing was one of the first industries to take advantage of IoTtechnology. Currently, billions of wireless devices and sensors are network linked in factoriesaround the world. Industrial networks make day-to-day operations “smarter” in many ways. Toexecute a “smart” manufacturing system, businesses integrate IoT sensor-based technologyinto their processes and systems.


    After installing IoT technologies, King’s Hawaiian was able to produce an additional 180,000pounds of bread every day, doubling its previous output. The company installed 11 connectedmachines into a new factory that gave the employees the ability to access both historical andreal-time data to monitor performance. The system is connected to the Internet, so it can becontrolled and managed from a remote operations center.

    在采用物联网技术后,面包公司King’s Hawaiian每天能多生产出18万磅面包,是之前产量的两倍。该公司在新工厂中安装了11台联网机器,使得员工可以根据历史数据和实时数据,监控生产状况。该系统与互联网相连,这样就可以在远程营运中心对其进行控制和管理。

    IoT has the potential to make manufacturing faster, more efficient and more profitable.


    The convenience of online shopping provides a huge advantage over brick-and-mortarstores. As such, ecommerce giants such as Amazon AMZN -0.38% have been growing at aphenomenal rate. With advancements in IoT technology, in-store retailers now have anopportunity to level the playing field by tracking inventory and consumers in real time.


    Mobile IoT technology has breathed new life into brick-and-mortar stores by giving them thetools to create a more personalized shopping experience. Today, these stores are able tocollect a consumer’s location, demographic info and shopping history for an enhancedshopping experience. With real-time data, sales associates can make personalizedrecommendations and/or offers on the fly to increase the chances of making a sale.


    Furthermore, retailers are adopting the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) tags toidentify individual items in a store. RFID tags work similarly to barcodes, but they can be usedwirelessly. With tags, brick and mortars are able to efficiently track inventory andcontinuously update merchandise information. Sales associates are also able to give adviceand make suggestions in the moment, giving them a competitive edge over their onlinecounterparts.


    The future of IoT


    With billions of devices coming on board the Internet of Things, Gartner estimates that IoTproduct and service suppliers will generate incremental revenue exceeding $300 billion, mostlyin services. There’s no shortage of predictions on how the market will evolve, but it’s clear inthe years ahead, IoT will revolutionize our entire global ecosystem.


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