Meanwhile, more millions of miles away than the mind can comfortably encompass, Zaphod Beeblebrox was throwing a mood again.与此同时,在想也想不到的、无比遥远的地方,赞福德·毕博克鲁斯,正在大闹天宫。
He had repaired his ship that is, he’d watched with alert interest whilst a service robot had repaired it for him. It was now, once again, one of the most powerful and extraordinary ships in existence. He could go anywhere, do anything. He fiddled with a book, and then tossed it away. It was the one he’d read before.他把飞船修好了——意思是,他饶有兴味地看着机器保姆把飞船修好了。现在,他的飞船再次成为世上最强最神奇的飞船。他哪都能去,什么都能干。他拿了一本书,乱翻一气,又丢到一边。他已经读过这本了。
He walked over to the communications bank and opened an all frequencies emergency channel.他来到交流中心前面,打开“总有紧急情况”频道。
Anyone want a drink? he said.“谁要喝酒?”他说。
This an emergency, feller? crackled a voice from halfway across the Galaxy.“这算什么紧急情况,伙计?”来自银河系另一端的某个声音吼道。
Got any mixers? said Zaphod.“有饮料没啊?”赞福德说。
Go take a ride on a comet.“滚回扫把星上去吧。”
OK, OK, said Zaphod and flipped the channel shut again. He sighed and sat down. He got up again and wandered over to a computer screen. He pushed a few buttons. Little blobs started to rush around the screen eating each other.“OK,OK。”赞福德说着,关上交流频道。他叹了口气,坐了下来。他又站起身,晃到屏幕跟前,按了几个钮。屏幕上开始出现小小的泡泡,漂着,互相吞噬着。
Pow! said Zaphod. Freeeoooo! Pop pop pop!“砰!”赞福德叫道,“自由噢!!!砰砰砰!”
Hi there, said the computer brightly after a minute of this, you have scored three points. Previous best score, seven million five hundred and ninety-seven thousand, two hundred and…“您好,”过了几分钟,电脑中传出轻快的声音,“您的得分是:三分。最高纪录:七亿五千九百七十二万……”
OK, OK, said Zaphod and flipped the screen blank again.“OK,OK。”赞福德说着,关上屏幕。
He sat down again. He played with a pencil. This too began slowly to lose its fascination.他又坐了下来。他开始玩一枝铅笔。很快,他又失去兴趣了。
OK, OK, he said, and fed his score and the previous one into the computer.“OK,OK。”他说着,把自己的分数和最高纪录分数输进电脑。
His ship made a blur of the Universe.飞船进行了随机胡乱运动。