The idea of spending a year away from home is something thatappeals to nearly everyone.几乎每个人都有想要出门放空一年的想法。For a teenage student, the prospect of providing for yourself,miles away from home, can be daunting. But with an increasingnumber of gap year companies providing travel and trips abroad to suit any need, it is becomingeasier to tailor a dream trip.
1. Take a bus or a train somewhere new. Flying can be so cheap these days that folks sometimes forget about the bus or train. But sometimes the journey is half the fun, and you'll see new parts of the country you'd never see from the air.
2. You can also find gap year companies that cover everything frominternships abroad to paidwork and volunteering. Such companies offer ideas and inspiration to kickstart yourdream.
But gap years don't have to be all about travel. You can have a beneficial year out of educationand stay right where you are. 然而间隔年并不仅仅意味着花一年时间全部用来旅行。你可以就呆在本地学习一年,让自己从中获益。
3. Read a classic. Always hearing about a classic book one of your friends or family members loves? Been curious about a novel you never read in high school? Summer is the perfect chance to finally sit down and read it.
4. Get a head start on your fall classes. Alright, this one may sound
lame, but it can do wonders for your mental health to look over your syllabi and perhaps get a head start on the reading -- especially for a class you might be geeked out about.
Choosing to take a year out can help you gain valuable experience as well as give you theopportunity to save up some funds to help you with accommodation when you get to university,living costs, food – or even just extra cash for freshers week.
If you do discover that you want to see the world but still go back into education or work inSeptember, you're in luck – this summer holiday is an extra long one for school leavers, so there'sstill plenty of time to book your ticket.