Stop saying things like...
1. "Why are you still single?"
Are you asking me to tell you a deep, hidden flaw that drives men away when they get toknow me well enough? Are you asking me to retrace my steps through past relationships andfind the mistake I made that thwarted a walk down the aisle? Or are you asking me thisquestion because you think I've never asked it of myself?
2. "He's missing out."
This sentence has never made me feel better. Not even for a single second. I always want tosay, "I don't care if he's missing out. I'm missing out right now."
For now, I'm the one who no longer has a plus-one for the wedding next month or a date tothe symphony or a vacation buddy or a dinner partner or someone to have intimateconversations with.
3. "Your biological clock must be ticking."
For the love of everything holy. I am neither a clock nor a time bomb. Anyhow,why is itany of your business?
4. "You're too picky."
This usually comes from people who don't know me well at all, have no idea what I'mlooking for in a potential marriage partner and have never met anyone I've dated.
The fact that two people are both single do not make them perfect for each other. There arelots of other variables that factor into the equation.
5. "You've gotta get out there more."
I have attended college, church, conferences, blind dates, speed-dating events and singlesmixers. I've signed up for several online dating sites. I went on more first dates last year thanmost people will go on in a lifetime.
Please don't imply (or explicitly state) that the reason I'm single is because I'm not tryinghard enough.