以前在拳击比赛中,如果一方想挑战另一方,就把自己的帽子扔进拳击台里,这里的ring 指“拳击台”。现在这个成语的意思是说某人欣然迎战,接受挑战。
You know they’re looking for volunteers for a mission to Mars. I think I’m going to throw my hat into the ring.
old hat 陈腐过时的
DVDs are so old hat. I only buy movies online now and download them directly.
I'll eat my hat 绝不可能
I'll eat my hat 我会吃了我的帽子,这个表达的实际意思是说一件事情绝对不可能发生。
If Arsenal win the Champions League, I'll eat my hat!
as mad as a hatter 疯狂地,大发雷霆
mad as a hatter的起源和古英格兰制帽子的工匠有关。在制作毡帽的过程中,狸皮和兔皮需要用含汞的硝酸盐进行处理从而便于加工。制帽工匠呼吸过程中不可避免的吸入水银并导致水银中毒,从而使神经系统受到伤害,伴随口齿不清,蹒跚的步履,肌肉不断抽搐等症状。神经错乱也表现为这些症状,所以mad as a hatter就有了描述某人"疯狂"的用法。
He has become as mad as a hatter.
at the drop of a hat 脾气一触即发
这个说法可能是来自以前的决斗。在决斗的时候,裁判员一般都是举着帽子,然后突然把它往地下一扔,作为决斗双方可以开始开枪的信号。但是,at the drop of a hat现在已经和开枪没有关系了,它的意思已经变成指一个脾气一触即发的人。
Tom Atkins is usually a good-hearted friendly guy. But he has one problem -- a hot temper. Say something he doesn't agree with, and he'll start a loud argument at the drop of a hat.
hat in hand 毕恭毕敬地,恳求地
在当前,hat in hand的含义很简单:在逼不得已的情况下去求人帮忙,然而又感到难以开口、很难堪。
With our new baby and my wife sick, my paycheck just isn't enough for my family to live on. With business so bad, I hate to do it, but I have to go to my boss hat in hand and beg for more money.
to wear two hats at a time 身兼两职
They're so short handed at my cousin Joe's office that he has to wear two hats. 我表兄乔伊的公司人手很少,他不得不同时担任两个职务。
to pass the hat 募捐
以前,美国教堂在礼拜结束前总是用一顶帽子在教徒当中一个个地传递过去,希望人们为教堂捐钱。现在的教堂已经不再用帽子了,而是用一个铜制或银制的盘子来代替了。但是,to pass the hat却超越了宗教的色彩,应用到日常生活中去了,意思就是让大家捐钱为一个同事解决意外的灾难。
When Bill Brown's baby daughter was hurt in that auto accident last week, we passed the hat around the office and collected three hundred dollars to help pay the doctor's bill.
to take one's hat off 致敬、钦佩
I sure take my hat off to my boss. I don't know how in the world he did it, but somehow he pulled some tricks out of the hat and got us five million dollars to save the business.
My hat! 表示惊奇,意为:啊! 嗳唷!
My hat! — Isn’t that Mr Smith?
啊! 那不是史密斯先生吗?
My hat!还可以表示不相信,意为:你得了吧! 你胡说! 我不信!
A:I suppose you think you never snore.
B:I know I don’t.
A:My hat!