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    Genetically modified cells could eliminate the need for daily injections to treat type 1 diabetes, experts have revealed.


    The human cell line is genetically engineered to produce, store and release insulin in response to blood sugar levels in the human body.


    Scientists said the insulin-producing 'Melligen' cells show promise as a possible cure for type 1 diabetes.


    In type 1 diabetes, the immune system destroys the pancreatic cells responsible for making insulin, a hormone crucial to converting blood sugar into energy.


    This month, they secured US patent protection for the cell line from the US Patent and Trademark Office.


    Professor Ann Simpson, who led the team at the University of Technology, Sydney, said: 'My team and I are extremely pleased that the US patent for the Melligen cells has been granted.


    'This takes us a step closer to releasing diabetics from the need to inject insulin daily, and more importantly, protecting them from the debilitating complications of the disease, such as blindness, kidney failure and cardiovascular problems.'   “糖尿病患者要是能不用天天注射胰岛素就好了,而Melligen细胞让我们离这样的未来又近了一步,更重要的是,它还能保护患者,使其不因产生并发症而日渐虚弱,如失明、肾衰竭及心血管疾病。”

    The researchers are now working with US clinical biotech firm PharmaCyte Biotech to develop the research into new treatments.

    研究人员目前正与美国临床生物科技公司PharmaCyte Biotech合作,将该项研究开发成新型疗法。   PharmaCyte specialises in the development of targeted treatments for cancer and diabetes using its signature live cell encapsulation technology.


    This technology, known as Cell-in-a-Box, is a key process in the commercialisation of the Melligen cell as a revolutionary treatment.


    'This is a culmination of many years' work by our group and we look forward to working with PharmaCyte's Diabetes Consortium to utilise the Cell-in–a-Box technology to encapsulate the cells for preclinical trials aimed at curing diabetes,' said Professor Simpson.


    'We anticipate that the capsule technology will protect the Melligen cells from the body's immune response that normally destroys foreign tissue, allowing the Melligen cells to be transplanted into humans.'


    PharmaCyte's chief executive officer, Kenneth Waggoner, said: 'We at PharmaCyte consider ourselves to be very fortunate in having secured the exclusive world-wide licence to use the Melligen cells to develop a treatment for diabetes.


    'For the millions of people worldwide who suffer from a disease of epidemic proportions, our treatment could relieve them of the onerous daily requirements for insulin administration and dietary restrictions and offer a life free from the very serious and even life-threatening complications associated with diabetes.'


    With the World Health Organization attributing more than 1.5 million deaths to diabetes in 2012 and more than 422 million adults suffering from the disease in 2014, the development has the potential to impact millions of lives.


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