Four Simple Tips for Improving Your Table Manners at Fancy Restaurants
Whether you’re dining out at a nice restaurant, enjoying a wedding reception, or trying to look your best at a work event, proper etiquette is important. These tips are easy to remember and will keep you looking classy.
Simon Kim, the owner of Piora restaurant in New York City, lays out some easy ways you can practice proper dining etiquette. Here are some of the key points:
1. Don’t jump into the best seat: When the host is seating you, don’t scramble for the seat that looks more comfortable or has the best view. Let the guest you invited, or your date, have the best seat.
1. 不要一屁股坐在最好的座位上:当主人邀请你入座的时候,不要抢先坐在看起来比较舒服或者视野最好的位置上。让你邀请的客人或者约会的对象,坐在最好的位置上。
2. Put your napkin in your lap first: As soon as you sit down, put your napkin in your lap. Think of it as pulling up the covers as soon as you get into bed.
2. 首先将餐巾放在膝盖上:只要你坐在了座位上,那就拿起餐巾放在膝盖上。记住这一点其实就像是在你上床睡觉的时候,盖上被子这么简单。
3. Don’t toss napkins on the table: If you need to get up, place your napkin on your seat, not bunched up on the table (unless you’ve paid and you’re ready to leave).
3. 不要将餐巾扔在桌子上:如果你需要站起来,将餐巾放在座位上,不要随意扔在桌子上(除非你已经买单准备离开)。
4. Use the “b an d” rule to get your bearings: Make a circle with your index finger and thumb on each hand and straighten out the rest of your fingers. The “b” shape of your left hand tells you where your bread plate is, and the “d” shape of your right hand shows you which drink is yours.
4. 用“b和d”规则来获知食物位置:将你两只手的食指和大拇指勾成圈,伸直其他的手指头。左手的“b”形状告诉你面包盘的位置,右手“d”形状告诉你饮料的位置。