Beijing has been pushing for a provision that allows trading partners to use a special formula to calculate punitive tariffs for non-market economies in anti-dumping cases to expire with Sunday’s 15th anniversary of its WTO membership.
But that expiry is now in dispute. A move once viewed as automatic has become increasingly contentious after cheap Chinese steel flooded on to world markets and sparked a wave of politically sensitive anti-dumping cases. As a result, China is being forced to challenge new dumping cases brought against it in the US and other jurisdictions in a process that could take years and prove a significant irritant in Beijing’s trade relations with the world.
In a sign of the commercial stakes, the US on Friday imposed punitive anti-dumping tariffs on Chinese-made washing machines, imports into the US of which were worth more than $1.1bn last year. It also announced the launch of a new anti-dumping investigation into plywood imports from China, which were also worth more than $1bn last year.
Those US cases and the fight over Beijing’s market economy status point to the battles over trade already being fought with China even as Donald Trump, the incoming president, promises to get tough with Beijing over trade and other issues.
美国发起的反倾销案,以及围绕中国“市场经济”地位展开的斗争,都是与中国正在打的贸易战的例子。而就在此时,美国侯任总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)发誓要在贸易和其他问题上对中国采取强硬态度。
"One of the most important relations we must improve . . . is our relationship with China," Mr Trump said last week. "China is responsible for almost half of America's trade deficit [and] they haven't played by the rules."
China's Commerce Ministry has vowed to take "necessary measures" against any WTO member that refuses to regard it as a market economy in dumping cases. Beijing’s WTO accession agreement says that “in any event” a clause allowing other nations to use third countries to calculate prices would expire after 15 years. Sunday was the 15th anniversary of its accession.
"This is a question of protecting our rights and maintaining the rules," said Xue Rongjiu, vice-president of the WTO Institute, a think-tank affiliated with the ministry of commerce. “China isn't the China of yesteryear. The reaction will be firm."
The US and others argue that China has failed to live up to many of its WTO obligations and remains far from a market economy. In the EU, US, UK and elsewhere, the closure of steel plants after a flood of cheap Chinese steel, plus a slowing global economy, caused a collapse in global steel prices that has also driven a political backlash. Mr Trump and others have seized on the economic impact.
“They have acted like a non-market economy in so many respects with their state-owned companies, with subsidies, with dumping. I mean there are more dumping cases brought against China than against all the other countries combined,” said Sandy Levin, the top Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee.
“考虑到他们的国有企业、补贴和倾销,他们在很多方面都表现得像是一个非市场经济体。我的意思是,对中国发起的反倾销案比对其他所有国家发起的反倾销案之和还要多,”众议院筹款委员会(House Ways and Means Committee)最资深的民主党人桑迪•莱文(Sandy Levin)说。
The debacle has prompted calls for change in the EU in particular. Brussels is in the process of considering a fundamental shift in how it conducts anti-dumping and other trade remedy cases to allow it to impose far higher punitive tariffs than it does now.
Chad Bown, a former White House economist now at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, said countries such as Brazil and India have also become much more aggressive in bringing anti-dumping cases against China.
曾任白宫经济学家、如今在彼得森国际经济研究所(PIIE)任职的查德•鲍恩(Chad Bown)表示,巴西和印度等国也在对华发起反倾销案方面变得比以前积极得多。
“This is an issue for China and everybody in the world, not just the US and Europe,” Mr Bown said.
The commercial fear is that China may not wait for a challenge to the refusal to grant market economy status to work through the WTO system, a process that could take years. Instead, it could respond with a wave of retaliatory anti-dumping tariffs of its own that would hurt exporters in other countries.
The debate, however, also comes amid bigger systemic concerns surrounding the WTO and trade.
Mr Trump won his election on a protectionist platform and he is unlikely to usher in any change in approach on China’s market economy bid. But both his vow to pull the US out of big Pacific Rim trade negotiations and the scepticism he has expressed about the WTO mean many already see China filling a more important leadership role in global trade talks.
Some question how constructive that Chinese role is likely to be. Beijing’s focus on the market economy debate and other pet issues has also alienated other WTO members, who blamed China for this month’s failure to reach an agreement on the trade in environmental goods. “If that’s Chinese leadership then we are not going to be doing much in the next five years,” said one senior trade official in Geneva.
The Chinese side, for its part, is frustrated with developed countries’ apparent double-standards on the market economy access and other issues important for Chinese exporters.